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5 December 2023

Dear Parents and Guardians,

Assalamu Alaikum Wa Rahmatu-Allahi Wa Barakatuh.

New Math Resource for Students: Mathspace

As part of our ongoing commitment to provide the best educational resources for our students, we have
reviewed our math resources in light of the updated NSW curriculum for 2024. We are excited to introduce
Mathspace as our new textbook for our students in years 7 to 10.

In addition to print textbooks, Mathspace offers an adaptive learning environment that provides personalised
assistance to students. The platform includes video examples, interactive lessons, and hints to help students
learn alongside the textbooks with extra support.

Purchase Information
To ensure timely delivery to the school before the commencement of the new school year, parents must
purchase the Mathspace textbooks via the following link before 15 December 2023

It's crucial to use your child's school email on the purchase form to help us identify who has paid, and to
ensure you select the appropriate textbook for the upcoming academic year.

Our student emails are in the following format:

Student Name: John Doe
Expected year of graduation (year 12): 2025
EG of school email:

If you require clarification regarding student emails, please reach out to our enrolments team at anytime before 12 December 2023.

Textbooks will be distributed at school to all those who have completed the purchase at the start of the
academic year.

We believe that Mathspace will greatly benefit our students by providing additional support and a
personalised learning experience. We appreciate your prompt attention to the textbook purchase and look
forward to a successful implementation of Mathspace in our math curriculum.

Kind regards,
Unity Grammar – Senior School Math Faculty

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