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Date: Monday, November 7, 2022

Subject: Uninterrupted Teaching and Learning in Twin Cities

Dear Parent/Guardian,
We at The Millennium Education Group are committed to assure the uninterrupted learning and academic
continuity across our schools. Being one of the best private educational institutions, the safety and well-
being of our learners is our utmost priority.
Keeping in view the prevailing political instability and as per the Government`s notification, Face to Face
classes shall remain closed in all The Millennium Education and Future World Schools and Colleges located
in the twin cities on Tuesday, 8th November 2022. Online Classes shall resume on Tuesday, 8th November
2022 and academic continuity shall be ensured through Microsoft Teams and facilitated by our unique and
pioneering digital Learning Management System MATRIX based classrooms as per the following schedule;
The Millennium Early Years (Reception, Play Group, Junior Year and Advanced Year)
Online School Timings: 10:00 a.m. – 12:00 noon \

The Millennium Primary Years (Grade 1-3)

Online School Timings: 9:00 a.m. - 12:30 p.m.

The Millennium Primary Years (Grade 4-5)

Online School Timings: 8:00 a.m. - 12:00 noon

The Millennium Middle Years (Grade 6-8)

Online School Timings: 8:00 a.m. - 12:00 noon

The Millennium Upper Middle and College Years (IGCSE and A Level)
Face to Face School timings shall be followed for Online Classes

Please ensure your child is punctual and attends Online Classes via MS Teams. For more details, please
contact your school administration.
Warm regards,

Erum Atif
Erum Atif
Director | Teaching and Learning
The Millennium Education Group Pakistan

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