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The main goal of this activity is you can understand:

- What is analytical exposition?

- The communicative purpose of analytical exposition.
- The generic structure (parts) of analytical exposition.
- The language features of anlytical exposition.

Learning activity 1

Now, read the following two examples of analytical exposition text. Then fill in
the tables.

Text 1

The Importance of Breakfast

Some people prefer to skip breakfast or eat breakfast and use the morning time for
other activities, such daily pattern is not good for us. Breakfast has some beneficial
effects for us.

Firstly, having breakfast helps us prevent overeating. People who had breakfast in
the morning will keep their metabolism stable and prevent them from consuming
excessive calories for the entire day.

Secondly, breakfast may prevent ulcer pain. It also prevents the recurrence of
ulcers for those who suffer from it. Breakfast will keep the stomach filled with food
so that it can neutralize stomach acid.

Thirdly, breakfast will improve brain function. Our brain requires glucose from food
to work best. Studies have also shown how having breakfast can improve memory
and concentration levels, lower stress levels, and improve mood which leads us to
be happier.

Lastly, breakfast will reduce stomach fat. Breakfast may prevent us from excessive
snacking on junk food such as candy, soda, and chips; thereby it will reduce the
amount of belly fat that leads to weight gain.

In conclusion, breakfast is important to keep us healthy and energized to start the


Fill in this table based on the text 1.

The main content of

paragraph 1 by looking
at the last sentence

The main content of

paragraph 2 by looking
at the first sentence

The main content of

paragraph 3 by looking
at the first sentence

The main content of

paragraph 4 by looking
at the first sentence

The main content of

paragraph 5 by looking
at the first sentence

The main content of

paragraph 6 by looking
at the first sentence

The correlation
between paragraph 1
and 2 – 5

The function of last


Text 2

Fast Food

Fast food nowadays is considered a normal eating venture. People are not just
eating out on special occasions or weekends anymore. It means that all the time
they mostly eat fast foods. However, is fast food good for health?

First of all, fast food has its popularity in the 1940's. Within a few years, fast food
operations popped up everywhere. With the compelling rise in fast food
restaurants since the 1940's, oddly its started the rise in obesity and cancer during
that same time period.

Then, fast food is highly processed with a wide array of additives. To ensure fast
food's low cost, the fast products are made with highly processed ingredients to
give it shelf life, to hold consistency and to enhance flavor. Fast food is altered
from its original healthy from.

In addition, it is not the calories in fast food which damage health and waistline. It
is the chemical additives such as aspartame and MSG. Studies show that the
chemical additives lead to weight and disease issues.

So, there is absolutely nothing nutritional about fast food. Fast food simply feeds
hunger and craving.

Fill in this table based on the text 2.

The main content of

paragraph 1 by looking at
the last sentence

The main content of

paragraph 2 bylooking at
the first sentence

The main content of

paragraph 3 by looking at
the first sentence

The main content of

paragraph 4 by looking at
the first sentence

The main content of

paragraph 5 by looking at
the first sentence

The correlation between

paragraph 1 and 2 – 4

The function of last


Make a conclusion about the theory of analytical exposition text. Answer the
following questions based on what you have learned from the texts above.
Don’t look at the text book or the internet.
1. What is analytical exposition?
2. What is the communicative purpose of analytical exposition?
3. What is the generic structure / parts of analytical exposition?
4. What are the language features of analytical exposition? (what tense is
commonly used)

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