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Plot-8, Sector-23, Rohini, New Delhi-110085

Session 2022 - 2023

Name: ……………………… S.No: W-15
Roll No. ____ WORKSHEET Class: X___
Date: . .2022 Metals and non-metals Subject: Chemistry
LT: I can apply the concept of extraction of metals in a given situating on the basis of the reactivity of the

• All the ores are minerals but all minerals are not ores.
Types of ores Examples


1. Concentration of ores (Enrichment of ores) :

• The methods used for extraction depends on the physical and chemical properties of the ore and ________.

(Processes used for separation are based on the physical and chemical properties of the _____ and _________.)

2. Conversion of concentrated ores into metal :

Metals can be grouped into the following three categories:
(The extraction of the metal from its concentrated ore is essentially a ________________ process.)
a) Extracting metals high in the activity series:

The metals high in the activity series are highly reactive. They cannot be obtained from their compounds by
heating with carbon because carbon cannot reduce the oxides of sodium, magnesium etc to the respective
metals as they have more affinity for oxygen than carbon. These metals are obtained by electrolysis of their
molten (fused ) chlorides and oxide.

Electrolysis (electrolytic reduction) : 2NaCl (l)  2Na(s) + Cl2 (g)

Write the reactions taking place at the cathode and the anode:

At cathode:

At anode :

b) Extracting metals in the middle of the activity series:

The metals in the middle of the activity series like lead, iron, zinc are moderately reactive. These are present
in the form of sulphide and carbonate ores. The extraction of metal from its oxide ore is easier than from it's
sulphide and carbonate ores as they can be directly reduced. The processes involved in their extraction from
the sulphide and carbonate ores are as follows:

 Calcination: _________________________________________________________________________




 Roasting: ___________________________________________________________________________




 Heating metal oxides with reducing agents:

The oxide ores obtained in the above process are further converted into metals with the help of reducing
agents like carbon and aluminium.

(a) Reduction using C : ZnO (s) + C (s) 

(b) Reduction using Al : 3MnO2 (s) + 4Al (s)  + Heat

Fe2O3 (s) + 2Al (s)  + Heat [Thermit reaction]

The above reactions are of the following types:

c. Extracting metals low in the activity series:
Metals low in the activity series are very unreactive. The initial step involves the conversion of the sulphide
ore to the oxide form and then their oxides can be converted to metals by simple heating.

3. Refining of the impure metal : The process of purifying impure metal by means of electrolysis is

known as ________________.

The anode is made up of _______________________.

The cathode is made up of _______________________.

Electrolyte used : _______________________

The reactions taking place at both the electrodes are:

At cathode: (Reduction)

At anode: (Oxidation)
Q. Write the process of extraction of the following metals from their ores along with all the chemical
reactions that take place during the process in your notebook.
(a) Hg
(b) Pb

Q1. What is the most challenging/ confusing part of the concept of extraction of metals?




Q2. Rate yourself (tick) on the following criteria based on your attempt in the above question based on the
extraction of metals.

Criteria Able to do it Able to do it Able to do Able to do

Always most of the times sometimes rarely

Write the three steps for extraction

of metals

Identify the group of reactivity of


Identify the processes needed for the

specific group of reactivity

Identify the components of the

process of refining of metal

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