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Department Of Education

Unidos National High School

S.Y. 2020-2021
Name: Grade 7- Diamond

Module 5 – Direct and Reported Speech

Objective: Use direct and reported speech appropriately in varied contexts, (EN7G-III-e-3).

Direction: Analyze the given sentences. Write, in the box, DIRECT if the sentence is a direct speech and
REPORTED if the sentence is a reported speech. On the space provided, change the direct speech to
reported speech and vice versa.

1. I am residing at Nabas with my grandmother.

2. Lance said, “I can’t play the guitar.”
3. She said that English was an easy subject.
4. He said that his brother had been sick yesterday.
5. My mother said, “I might be early for dinner tonight.”

Module 6.1 - Phrases

Objective: Use phrases, clauses and sentences appropriately and meaningfully (Part.1). EN7G-II-a-1

Direction: Make complete sentences using the following phrases. Write them on the space provided.

1. on Facebook

2. at the school library

3. because of fake news

4. the frontliners

5. the Flu clinic


Module 6.2 – Clause

ENGLISH 7 | Prepared by: Ms. Mariel O. Bangcaya
Teacher I
Objective: Use phrases, clause and sentences appropriately and meaningfully (Part.2). EN7G-ll-a-1
Direction: Study the items below. Choose letter of the best answer to make a meaningful sentence. Complete the
sentence by writing your answer on the space provided.

1. Many people are unemployed today ____________________________________________.

a. since they are too lazy
b. because of the pandemic
c. inside their houses
d. to escape

2. _____________________________________________________ , stay at home.

a. Since you are a teenager
b. Today’s generation is called generation Z
c. Someone new was selected by the government
d. If you want to protect yourself from the virus

3. If you don't get enough sleep, _________________________________________________.

a. you won’t be able to function well
b. that’s the kind of idea I want you to understand
c. until you can’t take it anymore
d. everybody is sick

4. _____________________________________________________ and Troy is worried about her.

a. She picked up the flowers
b. She won't go see a doctor
c. She misses her Mother
d. She won’t answer her module

5. __________________________________________, the price of some things won't go down as much.

a. At the mall
b. In the future
c. Above all
d. Well

Module 6.3 – Clause 2

Objective: Use phrases, clauses and sentences appropriately and meaningfully (Part 3). EN7G-ll-a-1

Direction: Make complete sentences using the following clauses. Write them on the space provided.

1. I want to buy a new phone

2. because she was using her phone

3. which she gave me last year

4. but it is raining

5. she didn’t complete all the activities


ENGLISH 7 | Prepared by: Ms. Mariel O. Bangcaya

Teacher I

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