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Subject: Learning and Task Accomplishments Report - [Shayan Pirani] - [05-02-2024]

Dear Sir,

I am pleased to provide a concise summary of my learning and tasks accomplished today:

Learning Activities:

1. Video Tutorials:
- Watched two insightful videos on Jest and React Native:
- First Video
- Second Video

2. Documentation Study:
- Read and practiced Jest documentation from the official website:
-Jest Documentation

Task Execution:

3. Lead Assigned Tasks:

- Set up a fresh React Native project.
- Researched Jest and its integration with React Native by watching a Hindi tutorial on YouTube.
- Initiated reading the official Jest documentation.

4. Problem Solving:
- Addressed a task provided by the lead:
- Implemented a function `format Address` for formatting address details.
- Created a test file `formatAddress.test.js` to validate the function.


Today's activities focused on gaining a deeper understanding of Jest through video tutorials, practical
documentation study, and hands-on tasks. The completion of assigned tasks demonstrates my
commitment to applying newly acquired knowledge.

I am eager to discuss any feedback or additional guidance you may have.

Best regards,

Shayan Pirani

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