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Classroom behaviour can be one of the most challenging aspects of teaching and understanding

how to manage it is key to creating a positive and productive learning environment.

Here are some tips for creating a classroom that encourages positive behaviour:

Build strong relationships: The foundation of effective classroom management is building

strong relationships with your students. Take the time to get to know them individually,
understand their backgrounds, interests and concerns. When students feel that you genuinely care
about them, they are more likely to behave well and engage in the learning process. Establishing
trust and rapport can go a long way in reducing low level disruption.

Set clear expectations: Establish clear and consistent classroom expectations from day one.
Make sure your students understand the rules and consequences for their behaviour. Clearly
posted classroom rules and routines can help maintain a structured and predictable environment,
which can prevent many behaviour issues from arising in the first place.

Be a positive role model: Children learn by example, so it's essential to model the behaviour
you expect from your students. Be respectful, patient and kind in your interactions with them.
Show them how to handle conflicts and challenges in a mature and responsible manner. When
you model positive behaviour, your students are more likely to follow suit.

Use effective communication: Effective communication is crucial for understanding and

addressing behaviour issues. Encourage open dialogue with your students, allowing them to
express their feelings and concerns. Active listening is a powerful tool in understanding the
underlying reasons behind certain behaviours. Sometimes, a misbehaving student may be dealing
with personal issues, and a supportive conversation can make a significant difference.
Differentiate instruction: Recognize that students have different learning styles and needs.
Tailor your instruction to accommodate these differences. When students are engaged and feel
challenged at an appropriate level, they are less likely to exhibit disruptive behaviour out of
boredom or frustration. So:

 Use the power of AI to create differentiated homework in seconds!

 Use ALL the Cambridge tools available to you in the planning and delivery of your
 Create worksheets that are fun and engaging and which are designed to make students
think and to do & never just to listen, receive and copy!!

Implement social emotional learning: Social emotional learning (SEL) is a critical component
of a student's overall development. SEL programs teach students to recognize and manage their
emotions, develop empathy and build healthy relationships. Incorporating SEL into your
curriculum can help students better understand and regulate their behaviour, making it an integral
part of any classroom. This is why Sheikh’s psychology training and Michael’s CAT4
introduction is so important, especially when it is backed up by further training from the team,
including the counsellors, across the academic year. In fact, continuously seek opportunities
for professional development. Attend workshops, conferences and training sessions on classroom
management and behaviour. Learning new strategies and techniques can be incredibly beneficial
for dealing with challenging behaviours and improving your overall teaching skills.

Collaborate with colleagues: Your fellow teachers can be a valuable resource when it comes to
understanding and managing behaviour in the classroom. Share experiences, insights and
strategies with your colleagues to gain fresh perspectives and solutions.

Stay patient and flexible: Finally, it's essential to remain patient and flexible. Recognize that
there will be good days and bad days and not every strategy will work with every student. Adapt
your approach as needed and be patient with your students as they navigate the ups and downs of
their educational journey.

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