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Name of the app: SULYAPP

Users of the App

Law Enforcement Agencies and Private Security Companies. These organizations

can use the application to monitor large areas and quickly identify potential criminal

activities, such as theft, vandalism, or violent behavior. By using SulyApp, law

enforcement can detect and prevent criminal activity before it escalates, improving

public safety and reducing crime rates.

Businesses and Property Owners. They can benefit from SulyApp by reducing the

risk of crime on their premises. By installing CCTVs and using SulyApp to monitor them,

businesses can deter potential criminals and quickly respond to any suspicious

activities. This can help businesses save money on security costs and insurance

premiums, as well as improve customer satisfaction and loyalty by providing a safer

Individuals and Communities. Can also benefit by providing a safer living

environment. For instance, homeowners can install CCTVs on their property and use

SulyApp to monitor any suspicious activities in their neighborhood. This can help

prevent crimes such as burglary and vandalism, and provide peace of mind for


Society. By reducing crime rates and promoting public safety. By deterring potential

criminals and quickly responding to criminal activities, SulyApp can help create a safer

and more secure society for everyone.

Overview of the App

SulyApp is an innovative application developed by five senior Computer Engineering

students from the Technological Institute of the Philippines (TIP) - Quezon City. This

application is designed to detect criminal activities through CCTV cameras using

artificial intelligence and machine learning algorithms.

The goal of SulyApp is to improve public safety and security by providing a tool that can

quickly detect potential criminal activities in real-time. The application works by

analyzing CCTV footage and identifying suspicious behavior or events using advanced


Overall, SulyApp has the potential to revolutionize the field of security and crime

prevention. Its innovative use of artificial intelligence and machine learning algorithms
can help detect and prevent criminal activity before it escalates, improving public safety

and reducing crime rates.

Features of the App

SulyApp is an innovative application that uses artificial intelligence and computer vision

technology to detect criminal activities through closed-circuit television (CCTV)

cameras. Some of the key features of SulyApp are as follows:

Real-time detection: SulyApp can detect criminal activities in real-time, allowing

authorities to respond quickly and prevent crimes from occurring or escalating.

Object recognition: The application uses advanced object recognition algorithms to

identify people, vehicles, and other objects in the CCTV footage.

Behavioural analysis: SulyApp can also analyse the behaviour of individuals and

groups, detecting suspicious or abnormal activities that may indicate criminal intent.

Alert system: When SulyApp detects a potential criminal activity, it sends an alert to

the appropriate authorities, including location details and other relevant information.

User-friendly interface: The application has a user-friendly interface that allows users

to view the CCTV footage and alerts easily.


GIZGUIDE. (n.d.). Pinoy Engineering students invented an app for detecting criminal

activities via CCTVs. GIZGUIDE | Your Gadget



SulyApp. (n.d.). SulyApp: AI-Powered Crime Detection. Retrieved from

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