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I am not a nurse
You are not My doctor
He is not intelligent
She is not an athlete
It is not pretty
We are not extroverts
They are not very expressive

Contracciones con “not”

• I´m • I´m NOT
• You´re • You´re NOT
• He´s • He´s NOT
• She´s • She´s NOT
• It´s • It´s NOT
• We´re • We´re NOT
• They´re • They´re NOT


Be weak - 27 Be bloated - 30 Be dizzy - 28

Be exhausted - 32 Be congested - 31 Be anxious - 29


I have Two apples
You have beautiful eyes
He has many dogs
She has Many kids
It has stress
We have classes tomorrow
They have clean clothes
I don´t have classes
You don´t have beautiful eyes
He doesn´t have A dog
She doesn´t have cats
It doesn´t have stress
We don´t have A car
They don´t have socks



I don´t go to hospital
You don´t play Videogames
He doesn´t call His mom
She doesn´t laugh At the joke
It doesn´t have A work
We don´t play basketball
They don´t eat meat

Con he, she y it casi siempre lleva una -s al final del verbo.

Algunos verbos exigen -es, y algunos cambian mínimamente la forma en la que lo escribimos


The brain ____is____ (be) the central controller for the human body. The brain __is__ (be) a part of
the nervous system. It __sends____ (send) electrical impulses to the body. The brain ____keeps___
(keep) the heart pumping blood, and _gives___ (give) muscles voluntary control. The brain
__receive___ (receive) sensory information like sight, touch, taste, hearing, and smell.


The heart ___is____ (be) a part of the cardiovascular system responsible for bringing blood to the
body. The blood ____carries___ (carry) oxygen and white blood cells. The heart ____receives____
(receive) deoxygenated blood from veins and pumps it to the lungs where red blood cells pick up
more oxygen for delivery.


The lungs __are___ (be) the major organ to provide with oxygen. The lungs ____contain______
(contain) tiny bronchiole alveoli, which is the site for absorption of oxygen and elimination of carbon
dioxide. The oxygenated blood __go___ (go) to the heart.
Stomach and Intestines

The stomach _is_ (be) the major organ that holds food and sends it to the intestines for digestion
and absorption. The pancreas and the gallbladder __are___ (provide) enzymes to the stomach. The
digestive system ____is_____(be) also responsible for most water absorption in the large intestines.


The kidneys __are____ (be) a part of the endocrine system. These organs provide the filtration
system necessary for metabolic waste. For instance, nitrogen _are_ (be) a waste product from
protein catabolism.



The pancreas is (be) a long, narrow organ located at the back of the abdomen, below the stomach.
The right part of the organ, called the head, is the widest, and is (be) located in the curve of the
duodenum, which is (be) the first division of the small intestine.


The spleen is (be) the organ that is part of the lymphatic system. The spleen produces
lymphocytes, filters blood, stores blood cells, and destroys old blood cells. It is (be) located on the
left side of the abdomen, near the stomach. They are (be)part of the anatomy of the lymphatic


The liver is (be) a dark reddish-brown, triangle-shaped organ that weighs about 3 pounds. It has
multiple functions. The liver ____receives____ (receive) blood supply from two sources:
Oxygenated blood flows to the liver through the hepatic artery.



Expresa habilidad o posibilidad y en español los traducimos como “poder”. Ejemplos:

Can you help me? = ¿Me puedes ayudar?


Es la forma pasada de “can”, pero también se usa para expresar posibilidad. Además sirve para
preguntar con un tono de formalidad (particularmente hacer solicitudes a quien nos escucha).

You could use my chair = Podrías usar mi silla


Este modal verb se utiliza para expresar posibilidad y probabilidad. Ejemplos:

She may pass the test = Ella podría aprobar el examen


Might es usado para dar sugerencias y también se usa para peticiones u ofrecimientos.

My sister might come home for my birthday = Mi hermana tal vez pueda venir a casa para mi


Es más conocido por expresar el futuro en inglés, pero también se usa para expresar una decisión
hecha en el momento en que se habla o la intención de hacer algo. Ejemplo:

He will call me back = Me va a volver a hablar


Se usa para realizar peticiones con amabilidad y también sirve para señalar acciones constantes en
el pasado.

He would visit his sister every weekend = Visitaba a su hermana cada fin.


En algunas ocasiones puede significar suposiciones, pero lo más común es que se refiera a
necesidades o compromisos.

You must not litter = Está prohibido tirar basura en la calle.


En los últimos tiempos ha caído en desuso en Estados Unidos dentro de la lengua informal, pero en
Reino Unido sigue siendo común. Además su significado es el mismo que will. Ejemplos:

You shall not go to the party = No vas a ir a la fiesta.


Este verbo que se traduce al español como “deber” tiene la idea de una obligación o
recomendación. Ejemplos:

We should not be in this meeting= Nosotros no deberíamos estar en esta reunión

Ought to

En realidad no es tan usado gracias a que es sinónimo de should, pero vale la pena repasar algunos

She ought to go with her sister = Ella debería ir con su hermana


Manera de comunicación por la que dos o más personas intercambian información.

Puede llevarse a cabo por comunicación oral o escrita. Se entiende por texto una composición
ordenada de signos inscritos en un sistema de escritura, cuya lectura permite recobrar un sentido
específico referido por el emisor.

contiene una serie de mensajes cifrados que el lector debe poder recuperar, y que puede ser de
diversa índole, conforme a los cometidos expresivos de quien lo redactó

Lo conforma el emisor, canal, mensaje, código y receptor

1.- __ALLERGISTS_______________________

treat focus identify

They a) focus on care of the immune system in children and adults. They b) identify and c) treat
problems with the immune system. Examples include:

• Allergy testing and treatment

• Diagnosing and treating asthma

2.- ___CARDIOLOGIST_________________

manage take care interprete

They a) __take care______ of the heart and cardiovascular system. They also b) ___manage_______
heart problems like high blood pressure, heart disease, and abnormal heart rhythms. They can c)
___interprete_____ results of heart tests, and echocardiograms.

3.- _____ENDOCRINOLOGIST_______________

include help check

They a) __check________ problems related to hormones in the body. Some examples of
hormones b) __include________ insulin, glucagon, cortisol, and thyroid hormones. These
doctors c) __help____ identify and treat hormone imbalances.
4.- _______GASTROENTEROLOGIST_____________

affect diagnose perform

They a) __diagnose_______ and treat problems of the gastrointestinal system which b)
__affect_______ organs like esophagus, stomach, intestines, and pancreas. They also c)
_perform____ invasive procedures like endoscopy or colonoscopy.

5.- ____NEFROLOGIST________________

include focus on manage

These doctors a) _focus on_____ diagnosing and treating problems related to kidney function.
Examples of kidney problems b) _include___ chronic kidney disease and kidney failure. These
doctors also c) _mange dialysis
6.- _____NEUROLOGIST_______________

specialize care for check

These doctors a) __check_____ medical problems of the nervous system. They b)
___specialize_____ in diagnosing and treating diseases of the brain, spinal cord, and nerves.

7.- ____PSYCHIATRIST________________

specialize focus on treat

These medical specialists a) _focus on_____ mental health. They diagnose and treat mental illness
and emotional and behavioral disorders. Some doctors b) __treat____ adults, while others c)
__specialize____ in treating children or teenagers. They use psychotherapy, medications, and
occasionally procedures like electroconvulsive therapy (ECT).

8.- _____PULMONOLOGIST_______________

perform work on help

They a) ___work on________ lung diseases. These doctors also b) perform_____ medical
procedures to c) __help____ diagnose and treat lung problems.

9.- ____RHEUMATOLOGIST________________

identify affect
These specialists a) _identify____ and treat conditions which b)_afect__connective tissues in the
body, like joints, bones, muscles, tendons, and ligaments

10.- ______UROLOGIST______________

treat diagnose include

They a) ___diagnose and b) ___treat_______ medical and surgical problems of the urinary tract,
which c) ___include_______ issues affecting areas like kidney, ureter, or bladder. They also care for
issues affecting male genital organs, including the prostate.







uterus Fallopian tube


Ligament of ovary

cérvix perimetrium endometrium




El texto expositivo es aquel que aborda de manera objetiva un asunto o tema determinado, con la
finalidad de dar a conocer e informar una serie de hechos, datos o conceptos específicos. el texto
expositivo también es explicativo, pues busca aclarar y detallar toda la información relacionada con
los datos que proporciona. De allí que podamos encontrar textos expositivos en discursos de carácter
informativo, educativo, científico, jurídico o humanístico.

La estructura de los textos expositivos es simple, y se compone de tres partes sucesivas:

• Introducción. En la que se le brinda al lector el contexto necesario para conocer el tema en

cuestión, saber cómo será tratado, en qué términos, etc.
• Desarrollo. Que constituye el cuerpo del texto, en donde se lleva a cabo la exposición de la
información de manera clara y organizada.
• Conclusión. Donde se resumen los aspectos fundamentales del tema y se recapitula o hace
una breve síntesis de lo dicho.

La intención única de los textos expositivos es la de agotar el tema, es decir, transmitir al lector una
información. Comúnmente, los textos expositivos se circunscriben al tema que abordan, sin ir más
allá del mismo y sin echar mano generalmente a contenidos emotivos. Pueden entenderse como un
despliegue de información únicamente, que bien puede ser de dos tipos, dependiendo de su público

Tipos de exposición

Textos divulgativos. Se trata de los textos expositivos que están dirigidos a un público amplio, sin
requerimientos previos especializados, y por lo tanto abordan temas de interés general, usualmente
desde una perspectiva simple, accesible y democrática.

Se debe ajustar al perfil de un lector común y, por lo tanto, a una fácil comprensión.

1. Manuales
2. Exámenes
3. Enciclopedias

Textos especializados. Por el contrario, están destinados a un público reducido y especializado, por
lo que se manejan en un lenguaje técnico, difícil o exigente con el lector, que únicamente manejan
los entendidos, lo cual supone una necesidad de conocimientos previos de parte del lector.

Investigación científica

- Revistas especializadas
- Leyes
- Informes

Objetivo principal: que el lector, entienda la información; esa información se expresa a través de una
terminología propia y específica.


Características de un texto expositivo

Los textos expositivos se caracterizan por:

1. Tener como único fin el de transmitir una información específica, sea común o especializada.
2. Aspirar a la objetividad, o sea, no involucrar puntos de vista ni argumentos de ningún tipo,
ya que no buscan convencer, sino informar.
3. Puede emplear figuras retóricas y otros mecanismos para presentar de manera más eficiente
su información, siempre y cuando eso no empañe su claridad y precisión.
4. Suelen emplear gramaticalmente un presente intemporal y el modo indicativo del español.


Rasgos lingüísticos: el enfoque objetivo requiere un uso de la lengua preciso

Sintaxis: predominan las subordinadas adjetivas especificativas y explicativas.


1. En una exposición científica- Léxico denotativo, sin ambigüedades, porque el fin de esta
modalidad es enseñar con claridad y precisión.
2. En textos de divulgación científica- Léxico connotativo

1. ntibiotics = Antibióticos.
2. Band-aids = Curitas.
3. Tablet = Comprimidos.
4. Injection = Inyección.
5. Sedative = Sedantes.
6. Painkillers = Analgésicos.
7. Prescription drugs = Medicamentos con receta.
8. Sedative = Calmante.
9. Bacteria – Bacterias
10. Band-aids – Curitas
11. Bandage – Vendaje
12. Barium – Bario
13. Basophil – Basófilo
14. Battered – Abollado
15. Behavior – Comportamiento
16. Benign – Benigno
17. Bile – Bilis
18. Biology – Biología
19. Biopsy – Biopsia
20. Bird Flu – Gripe aviar
21. Bite – Morder
22. Bleeding – Sangrado
23. Blindness – Ceguera
24. Blister – Ampolla
25. Blood – Sangre
26. Blood test – Prueba de sangre
27. Body – Cuerpo
28. Bones – Huesos
29. Bowel – Intestino
30. Brainstem – Tronco encefálico
31. Breast – Mama
32. Breathing Apparatus – Equipo de respiración autónoma
33. Bronchitis – Bronquitis
34. Bruise – Moretón
35. Burn – Quemar
36. First Aid – Primeros auxilios
37. Flu – Gripe
38. Fluids – Fluidos
39. Food Poisoning – Intoxicación por alimentos
40. Fracture – Fractura







Diabetes Prevention: 7 Steps to Take
So how do I know if you are on the road to becoming a diabetic? The first step is to
get a checkup with your doctor to get a lab test that will determine your blood sugar
and Hemoglobin A1C levels. These tests can help you know if you need to take
aggressive prevention measures to prevent diabetes. If you are told that your blood
sugar is even a "little high," that is a big deal.
To prevent diabetes, you should take the following steps:
• Start or maintain exercise for AT LEAST 30 minutes per day
• Stop the sugar - NO sugary drinks
• Lose 10% of your weight
• Cut back on the simple carbohydrates
• Eat foods that are high in Vitamin D
• Eat leafy greens, nuts, and whole grains
• Get plenty of sleep
Some people make the argument that it is more about genetics, which are out of a
person's control. This argument is misleading, especially since new research shows
that your lifestyle choices "turn on" the genes that influence disease. So, take action
now! Diabetes is preventable if you commit to living a healthy life.
English Practice Class 6


Bladder Conditions


The bladder collects and expels urine from the body. The urine moves from the
kidneys and down to the bladder. The bladder’s flexible walls stretch and contract
to hold urine until it is expelled through the urethra.



Many of the symptoms can be caused by a condition called Overactive Bladder.

Do you __have______ an urge to go to the loo or are unable to hold on and reach
the toilet in time? You may have Urgency or Urge Incontinence

Do you find you need to _____go_____ to the loo very often and more than 8 times
a day? This may be Frequency

Do you often need to _____get up____ during the night? You may have Nocturia

Do you ___wet_______ the bed at night? You may have Nocturnal Enuresis

Do you ____leak _____ when you laugh, cough (toser), sneeze or exercise?
You may have Stress Urinary Incontinence, called SUI for bladder weakness.
If you ___present____ one or more of the above symptoms, you may have the
following Bladder conditions:

• Pyelonephritis: a type of urinary tract infection in the form of a painful kidney

infection. It usually happens when bacteria travels up from your bladder into
one or both of your kidneys.

• Urethritis: it is inflammation of the urethra which may be caused by an


• Urinary tract infections (UTI’s): are a common and usually mild infection
that can affect the bladder, urethra, ureters and kidneys. UTI’s can occur at
all ages, although women are particularly at risk and over 50% will experience
at least 5 times in their lives.

• Nocturia: it can be quite normal to wake once or twice during the night to
pass water. If you have to do so more often than that it can become both
annoying and tiring. The need to pass water during the night is called

causes develops spreads

Bladder cancer is an abnormal tissue, or tumor, 1.- spreads in the bladder. In some
cases, the tumor 2.- develops into the surrounding muscles. Bladder cancer 3.-
causes symptoms such as blood in your urine, which is usually painless.
Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease



Chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD) is the name for a collection of lung
diseases including chronic bronchitis, emphysema and chronic obstructive airways
People with COPD have difficulties breathing, primarily due to the narrowing of their
The main cause of Chronic obstructive pulmonary disease is smoking. People starts
COPD when they smoke. This is because smoking irritates and inflames the lungs.
The inflammation affects to permanent changes in the lung. These changes causes
the symptoms of difficulty to breath, cough and phlegm associated with COPD.
COPD is one of the most common respiratory diseases in the UK. It usually only
dismiss to affect people over the age of 35. There are more than 3 million people
living with the disease in the UK. Many people who develop symptoms of COPD do
not get medical help because they often do not get their symptoms as a ‘smoker’s
cough’. COPD develop more men than women.


Ache Ached Tener dolor Suffer a dull, continuous pain: My head

(dolor) began to ache and I felt dizzy.

Administer Administered Administrar Apply or give a treatment or drug as a

(administrar) remedy: The doctor administers a drug to
the patient.

Admit Admitted Admitir Register a patient in a hospital for

medical treatment: The patient was
admitted to the hospital this morning.

Aggravate Aggravated Agravaron/ Make worse, especially something that is

intensificaron already damaged: Long distance running
just aggravated his knee injury.

Analyze Analyzed Analizar Examine in detail: The laboratory

(analizar) analyzed the patient’s blood sample.

Breathe Breathed Respirar Inhale and exhale air: When I go up the

(respirar) stairs I often have difficulty breathing.

Bruise Bruised Moretón Injure without breaking the skin,

especially with some discolouration:
Jimmy fell off his bike and badly bruised
his leg.

Catheterized Catheterized Cateterizado Insert a catheter into a part of the body:

The elderly patient was catheterised for
three weeks.
Choke Choked Sofocar When you cannot breathe because
something is blocking your throat or
there is a lack of air: The child almost
choked to death after swallowing a bone.

Complain Complained Quejarse Express feelings of pain or discomfort:

The patient was a 57-year-old man who
complained of central chest pain.

Cough Coughed Toser Suddenly and noisily expel air from the
lungs through the mouth: The patient
starts coughing violently for about 30

Cure Cured Curar Make a patient healthy: unfortunately,

some forms of cancer cannot be cured.

Deliver Delivered Entregar Assist in giving birth: The midwife

(entregar) delivered the twins early in the morning.

Deteriorate Deteriorate Dañado Become worse: The patient’s health

deteriorated to the point that a
wheelchair was needed for any type of

Diagnose Diagnosed Diagnosticar Find out what physical or mental

(diagnostico) problem someone has by examining
them: I diagnosed that the patient had a
heart condition.

Die Died Morir Stop living: According to doctors, several

(morir) patients died as a result of organ failure.

Discard Discarded Descartar Throw away something after you have

used it: The surgeon discarded his
disposable gloves after the surgery.
Discharge Discharged Descargar Officially allow a patient to leave the
hospital after being admitted: The 27-
year-old male was discharged from
hospital yesterday afternoon in a stable

Ease Eased Aliviar Alleviate pain or symptoms: She had an

injection to ease the pain in her leg.

Examine Examined Examinar Check or test the condition or health of a

(examinar) patient: The pediatrician examined the
child’s rash.

Explore Explored Explorar/ Examine an interior part or body cavity

(explorar) examinar for diagnostic purposes, especially by
surgery: An upper endoscopy allows the
doctor to explore the cause of such
symptoms such as difficulty in swallowing
and abdominal pain.

Faint Fainted Desmayarse Lose consciousness: Mrs Smith fainted

when she saw the blood.

Fracture Fractured Fracturarse Break or crack, especially a bone: The

player fractured his arm in two places.

Harm Harmed Brazo Injure physically or mentally: cigarette

smoking harms nearly every organ of
your body.

Heal Healed Curar When the skin becomes healthy again

after an injury: The wound should heal
faster if you take off the bandage.

Infect Infected Infectar Transmit a disease: The sick child has

(infección) infected practically the whole class.
Inflame Inflamed Inflamar Cause the skin to go hot or go red:
(inflamar) Certain chemicals can sometimes inflame
the skin.

Inject Injected Inyectar Put a drug into your body through the
skin, using a needle and a syringe: The
nurse injected the medication into the
patient’s chest and he was taken to the

Irritate Irritate Irritar Make inflamed or sore: Certain beauty

(irritar) products can irritate the skin.

Itch Itched Picazón If your skin itches you have a strong

desire to scratch it: It is not uncommon
for people’s skin to itch after having
taken a shower.

Numb Numbed Adormecer Make an area of the body numb for a

surgical procedure: The local anesthetic
will numb the skin before the procedure.

Nurse Nursed Enfermera Serve as a nurse for someone: They

nursed the patient during her illness.

Operate Operated Operar Perform surgery: The surgeons decided

to operate on the baby as it was a matter
of life and death.

Perform Performed Realizar Do an experiment or test: We performed

an MRI scan and everything looked

Prescribe Prescribed Prescribir If a doctor prescribes a drug or

treatment, they say you should have it:
The doctor prescribed a course of
Present Presented Presentó Show symptoms or signs during a
medical examination: Our patient
presented with chest pain on exertion.

Probe Probed Sonda Explore a part of the body using a special

tool (a probe): The surgeon then probed
the wound with a scalpel.

Radiate Radiated Irradiarse / Extend or spread: The pain may radiate

extenderse to the neck or even the jaw.

Recover Recovered Recuperar Regain normal health after an illness or

injury: The elderly patient has fully
recovered after the operation.

Refer Referred Remitió/ mandar Send a patient to a specialist: The GP

referred the patient to a specialist.

Relieve Relieved Aliviar To alleviate pain or symptoms: This drug

should help to relieve the pain.

Replace Replaced Reemplazar When a dysfunctional joint is substituted

for an orthopedic prosthesis: Elderly
patients often need to have a hip

Respond Responded Responder Begin to get better because of the

treatment: The cancer is not responding
to the drugs.

Shiver Shivered Temblar Shake or tremble, especially because of

being cold or fever: I was shivering
because of the fever.

Sneeze Sneezed Estornudo Forcibly expel air out of your nose in a

sudden uncontrolled way: All this dust is
making me sneeze.
Soothe Shoothed Calmar/ aliviar Relieve the pain or discomfort: This
lotion will soothe the rash.

Specialize Specialized Especializarce Study or treat one particular type of

patient: He specializes in children with
stomach problems.

Sprain Spained Esguince Injure a joint by a sudden twisting: The

runner fell and sprained his ankle.

Sterilise Sterilized Esterilizar Make free from germs: Needles used for
injections must be sterilized.

Strain Strained Torcer Injure a muscle by making it work too

hard: She strained her back when she
tried to lift the table.

Suffer Suffered Sufrir Have an illness for a long period of time:

Jill has suffered from migraines for years

Swallow Swallowed Tragar Pass food or drink through the mouth

and throat into the stomach: When you
have a sore throat it may hurt to swallow.

Sweat Sweated Sudar Perspire: The patient sweated profusely

after taking a shower.

Test Tested Prueba Check for the presence of infection or

disease: The doctor tested the patient’s

Treat Treated Tratar Use medicine or medical methods to

(tratar) cure a patient or an illness: the injured
passengers were treated for minor
injuries after the accident.
Vaccinate Vaccinated Vacunar Use a vaccine to give a patient
(vacunas) immunization against a specific disease:
Sarah was vaccinated against smallpox as
a child.

Weigh Weighed Pesar Determine the weight of something or

someone: The nurse weighed the new-
born baby on the scales.

Worsen Worsened Empeorar Make or become worse: The patient’s

condition worsened despite the

The History of Medicine

Chinese Medicine

The earliest Chinese medicine, in common with most other ancient civilizations, assumed
(assume) gods or demons caused (cause) disease and illness. The correct remedies for illness
involved (involve) ritual exorcisms and appeals to the Gods.

A more naturalistic explanation of illness developed (develope) with the belief in Yin and
Yang. The Yin and Yang principles controled (control) everything and helped (help) in the
functioning of the human body. Yin was feminine, soft, cold, moist, receptive, dark, and
associated (associate) with water, while Yang was masculine, dry, hot, creative, bright, and
associated (associate) with fire.

Human health depended (depend) on a balance between Yin and Yang. Further factors
affecting disease were wind, rain, twilight and brightness of day so there was a total of six
diseaseinfluencing the balance of Qi, which was a vital spirit similar to breath or air, which
existed (exist) throughout the human body.

Chinese belived (believe) there were five “firm” organs that acted (act) as receiving organs
and there were five opposite “hollow” organs who served (serve) the purpose of evacuation.
The firm organs were the heart, spleen, lungs, liver and kidneys. Chinese considered
(consider) the heart was to be the place of wisdom and judgement while the liver and the
lungs were with the soul. The male’s right kidney was seen as the source of sperm and its
connection with the passage of urine was not understood. The hollow organs were the
bladder, gallbladder, colon, small intestine and the stomach.

Acupuncture aimed (aim) to restore the balance of Yin and Yang, and involved (involve)
inserting needles into particular parts of the body. There were 388 areas of the body into
which the needles could be inserted (insert) at the correct time, based (base) upon the
weather, the time of day and the phases of the moon. The needles were left in anything
from five to fifteen minutes. Acupuncture does appear to be effective for pain relief as the
needles seem to make the body produce endorphins, the body’s own natural painkillers.
Claims have been made that acupuncture can cure many diseases including muscle, bone,
respiratory and digestive disorders. A further Chinese treatment was Moxa which involved
(involve) inflicting a slight burn on the skin. It treated (treat) a vast range of complaints such
as diarrhoea, abdominal pains, anaemia, vertigo, nose bleeding, gout, toothaches and
Indian Medicine
Indian medicine began (begin*) with the belief that Gods or demons caused (cause) illness
and was (be*) a punishment for bad behavior. Over time however other beliefs arise arise*
such as that which considered (consider) good health required (require) a balance being
kept between the elements of air, bile and mucous.
India developed (develop) surgery to a higher standard than any of the other ancient
civilizations. This was (be*) because the prohibition on human dissection which existed
(exist) in Europe, China and the Arab world did not exist in India. This enabled (enable) the
Indian physicians to obtain a good knowledge of human bones, muscles, blood vessels and
India is a land of many diseases and Indian doctors were (be*) familiar with 1,120 different
diseases. They guessed (guess) the connection between malaria and mosquitoes, noticed
(notice) that the plague maked (make) the death of large numbers of rats and that flies could
(can) infect food causing intestinal disease. They were (be*) also aware that cleanliness
could help in the prevention of disease.
Greco-Roman Medicine
Greek medicine derived its earliest beliefs and practices from Egypt and West Asia. Greek
medicine later spread around the Mediterranean during Roman times and was to form the
basis of the medical knowledge of Medieval Europe. Our knowledge of Greek medicine
mainly comes from the Hippocratic writings and from Galen writing in the second century
The high point of Greco-Roman medical knowledge came with Galen in the second century
CE. Galen’s two main areas of study were anatomy and physiology. As human dissection was
illegal his anatomical studies were based on dissections of animals, particularly the Barbary
ape. He did however have the assistance of his study of gladiator’s wounds, a human
skeleton he had seen in Alexandria and of human bodies exhumed by natural events, such
as floods. Galen believed in Aristotle’s idea that everything had (have) a purpose led (lead)
him to assume every bone, muscle and organ had a particular function and he set out to
describe each bone, muscle and organ and their particular function. He described the
human skeleton and muscular system with some accuracy.
Galen’s pathology, his concept of illness, brought together Hippocrates theory of the four
humors and Aristotle’s idea of the four elements, air, fire, earth and water. Blood was
considered to be warm and moist, yellow bile warm and dry, black bile cold and dry and
phlegm cold and moist. Blood is associated with the heart, yellow bile with the liver, black
bile with the spleen and phlegm with the brain. The following table shows how Galen
brought (bring) the two ideas together.

Humor Element Organ Qualities

Phlegm Water Brain Cold & Wet

Blood Air Heart Hot & Wet

Yellow bile Fire Liver Hot & Dry

Black bile Earth Spleen Dry & Cold

WE were


ed /t/ /d/ /ed/

No vibra
/p/ Vibra /t/
/s/ /d/

word Meaning word meaning

Turn into transformar Damage Dañar

break dow Destruir Soft suave
Earliest Primeros Cold frío
Illnes Enfermedad Moist húmedo
Appeals en relación con Wind viento
Bloodstream torrente Guess Inferir
Reading Practice Trichomoniasis
Answer the following questions about the text:

1. ¿Qué es lo que se anuncia?

Los fenómenos inmunológicos que ocurren en órganos y tejidos específicos del cuerpo.
2. Nombre de la compañía editorial
John Wiley & Sons, Inc.
3. Frecuencia con la que se publica.
Contenidos actuales
4. Costo de la suscripción en EUA.
Institutional→ $115 US
Individual→ $88 US
5. ¿A qué cinco grupos de especialistas está dirigida?

• Inmunólogos
• Endocrinólogos
• Patólogos clínicos
• Dermatólogos
• Oftalmólogos

6. What is this journal focused on?

Focus on inmune phenomena
7. Where do this phenomena occur?
In specific regions, organs and tissues of the body
8. What are its articles and reports on?
The latest developments in the study of inmunological reactivities throughout the body -in
the skin and appendages, eye, brain, lungs, genitourinary tract, endocrine glands and
muscosal surfaces.
9. Who is the editor of this journal?
J. Wayne Streilein, University of Miami
10. How can you pay for an individual subscription?
Must be pre-paid with a personal check or credit card
English Practice (Present Continuous)

1.- E Test blood sugar 2.- B Test blood pressure 3.- D Vaccinate

4.- C Read X-Rays 5.- F Look for medicine 6.- A Listen heartbeat


SIMPLE PAST 2→ Hysterectomy

Reorganizing sentences
Diabetes and Obesity Readings
a type of morphological particle which, when joined to a word (or lexical root), adds to or
alters its meaning, giving it a meaning of its own. Like suffixes and infixes, prefixes are a
type of affix, i.e. a particle involved in the formation of words and vocabulary.
The procedure of adding prefixes to a word, known as prefixation, is relatively common
among the world's languages. It allows the creation of new terms (neologisms) or divergent
meanings in a quick and expeditious manner. The prefix always precedes the lexical root.
Los sufijos forman parte de los llamados afijos: partículas que operan al añadirse dentro de
la secuencia de una palabra, ya sea por delante (prefijos), en el medio (infijos) o al final
(sufijos). Cada uno de ellos tiene particularidades y reglas de uso, y a menudo orígenes
etimológicos muy distintos.
Cognates are words that share similar meaning, spelling and pronunciation in two
languages. 30% to 40% of all English words have a cognate word in Spanish.

False cognates
There are also words that look very similar to English, but whose meaning is very
different from what we initially think it is. This group of words is known as "false
cognates" (faux amies in French). An example of this is the word "exit". In principle,
we might think that it means "success", but it actually means "exit". This type of word
does not help much in the comprehension of written texts, as it deviates somewhat
from the real meaning.

Cognados verdaderos
An example of a true cognate is the word "doctor", which maintains the same
written form in English and shares the same meaning. Such words are known as
'true cognates'. Here are some examples:
• Important: importante.
• Necessary: necesario.
• Example: ejemplo.
• Translate: traducir.
• Interesting: interesante.
• Comstruction: construcción.
• Difficult: difícil.







Practica 8
1.- What is the primary purpose of blood tests mentioned in the text?
a) To measure organ sizes
b) To check for certain diseases and conditions
c) To assess bone density

2.- Which blood test is commonly done as part of a routine checkup?

a) Blood clotting tests
b) Complete blood count (CBC)
c) Lipoprotein panel
3.- What conditions or diseases may be indicated by low hematocrit levels?
a) Heart failure and high blood pressure
b) Anemia and platelet disorders
c) Dehydration and anemia
4.- What is the significance of hemoglobin levels in blood tests?
a) Measure of blood cholesterol
b) Measure of how much space red blood cells take up in the blood
c) Iron-rich protein in red blood cells that carries oxygen
5.- How are blood enzyme tests used to check for a heart attack, and which enzymes are
a) Measure cholesterol levels; troponin and creatine kinase (CK) tests
b) Measure muscle damage; troponin and CK-MB tests
c) Measure blood clotting factors; CK and CK-MB tests
6.- What does the basic metabolic panel (BMP) measure, and which organs does it
provide information about?
a) Measures blood clotting factors; provides information about the liver, kidneys, and
b) Measures naturally occurring chemicals in the blood; provides information about
the heart, kidneys, and liver
c) Measures bone density; provides information about the lungs and spleen

7.- What is the function of platelets, and how can abnormal levels affect the body?
a) Carry oxygen from the lungs; abnormal levels cause high blood pressure
b) Blood cell fragments that help clotting; abnormal levels may indicate clotting or
bleeding disorders
c) Control chemical reactions in the body; abnormal levels indicate heart attack
1. Why might some tests in the basic metabolic panel require fasting before the test?
your bloodstream absorbs sugar, protein and other nutrients from food and drink. This can
affect the results of certain blood tests.
2. How do bone marrow tests contribute to understanding blood cell counts and
certain types of cancers?
he results of bone marrow aspiration and/or biopsy help doctors find out about these
conditions: Cancers in the blood, including leukaemia, lymphoma or multiple myeloma. A
fever of unknown origin. Stem cell disorders.
3. What precautions should be taken before undergoing bone marrow tests, and for
what purposes are these tests used?
Normally, no special preparation is needed. If you will receive a sedative during the bone
marrow test, your doctor will ask you to stop eating and drinking for a period of time before
you undergo the procedure.
The bone marrow test checks to see if your bone marrow is working properly and
producing normal amounts of blood cells.

5 questions
I. what is a blood chemistry?
It is a series of blood tests that analyse various elements in the blood serum, although
these can extend to 27 or 30, the basic test consists of 6 elements
II. why is a lipoprotein panel used?
The lipoprotein (a) assay measures the level of lipoprotein (a) in the blood. A high level of
lipoprotein(a) can mean that you are at high risk of heart disease and stroke.
III. What is most commonly detected in these blood tests?
• Anemia.
• cholesterol in the blood
• bleeding disorders
• Blood clotting disorders.
• platelet disorders
• sickle cell disease
• Thalassaemias

IV. mentions 2 ways to do a bone marrow test

• Aspiration collects a small amount of bone marrow fluid through a larger
• Biopsy tests are often done at the same time as the aspiration test. A biopsy
test collects a small amount of bone marrow tissue through a larger needle
V. types of lipoprotein panel tests
• Total cholesterol
• LDL ("bad") cholesterol, which is the main source of cholesterol buildup and
blockages in the arteries
• HDL ("good") cholesterol, which helps decrease cholesterol blockages in the
• Triglycerides, which are a type of fat in your blood

Liquid connective tissue containing red blood cells, plasma, platelets and white
blood cells.
• Four types of blood
• Whole blood count
• Carried in veins and arteries

pruebas sanguíneas y tipo de sangre común O+

Is a group of tests that measures diferent raturally ocurring chemicals in the blood
• Blood Enzime test
• Check heart attacks misculate olemage.
• Lipoproitein panel
• Check levels colesterol
• Blood clotting test
• Diagnose coagulant rreaclitions
• Bone marrow test
• Eficaty for leucemia
Practica 9
The Influence of Small Intestinal Bacterial Overgrowth in Vocabulary
Digestive and Extra-Intestinal Disorders
Inflammatory bowel disease, specifically Crohn's disease and
ulcerative colitis, are a group of chronic inflammatory disorders of the
overgrowth of
gastrointestinal tract. A meta-analysis of eleven studies showed a the small
9.51-fold increased risk of SIBO. In subjects with CD, a fibro- intestine
stenosing condition and previous bowel surgery, in particular ileocecal
valve resection, further increased the risk of SIBO. microbiota
Small intestinal bacterial overgrowth is a condition characterised by irritable bowel
an increased concentration of colonic-type bacteria in the small
intestine. The most common clinical manifestations are watery
diarrhoea, bloating, abdominal pain and distension. In addition, síndrome
malnutrition and deficiency of vitamins (B12, D, A and E) as well as
minerals (iron and calcium) may be present. inflammatory
bowel disease


Questions rheumatology
1. can intestinal infections trigger dermatological diseases?
There are many studies suggesting a connection between skin skin diseases
conditions and the gastrointestinal microbiome, the so-called "skin-gut
2. what is gut bacterial overgrowth?
is a condition characterised by an increased concentration of colonic-
type bacteria in the small intestine.

3. manifestations of these intestinal diseases

are watery diarrhoea, bloating, abdominal pain and bloating. In
addition, malnutrition and vitamin deficiency are possible.
Apis Mellifica Homeopathic Remedy Vocabulary
Homeopathy is a complete system of natural medical care.
Homeopathic medicines are completely natural. Homeopathic
treatment has been used for more than 200 years all over the world. inflammation.
In this treatment, each person (patient) is treated completely as a
unique individual. Swollenness
Homeopathic treatment believes that each person has different and
almost unique symptoms. The homeopathic physician then chooses allergic
the medicine depending on the condition of that patient's symptoms. reaction
The homeopathic remedy Apis Mellifica is used for conditions that
appear on the surface of the body.
insect bite
APIS treatment is similar to bee sting treatment. It is helpful for insect
bites, allergic reactions and bee stings. This can develop into swelling, symptom
redness, burning, itching and rash, etc.

The main symptom is the pink colour of the body area. The skin is
damaged. If you rub your finger on that place, you will find rough


1) common uses of apis mellifica?

• Urticaria and Allergies

• Rapid Swelling (Can be Pink, Transparent of Waxy swelling)
• Burning and Itching

2) what is homeopathy?

Homeopathy is a complete natural health care system.

3) what is apis family?

Microbiota in viral infection and disease in Vocabulary
humans and farm animals
bacteria, advances in sequencing techniques have led to the
expansion of knowledge about the viral aspect of the microbiome,
called the virome. The virome consists of all prokaryotic and
eukaryotic viruses found in humans and animals.
Virologists can explore how the microbiota suppresses or enhances infection
virus infectivity, host susceptibility and how to harness this information
for targeted antiviral therapies. This new field of microbiome-virus-
host interaction research is made possible by tremendous advances humans
in nucleotide sequencing approaches, metagenomic analysis and
data mining, and bioinformatics analytical software.
The influence of the microbiota on susceptibility to viral infections and
disease outcome is undisputed, although it varies between viruses. pigs

Questions pigs

that disrupt viral infections? ruminants


Do these viral diseases have an impact on?

in human and animal vaccines

what is the virome composed of?

of all prokaryotic and eukaryotic viruses.
Feria de Ciencias Sociomédicas

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