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Environmental Earth Sciences (2022) 81:381


Assessment of the regional subsidence in the lacustrine zone

of Mexico City using a geostatistical model
M. C. Madrigal1 · E. Botero1 · C. Díaz‑Ávalos2

Received: 5 October 2021 / Accepted: 15 June 2022 / Published online: 18 July 2022
© The Author(s), under exclusive licence to Springer-Verlag GmbH Germany, part of Springer Nature 2022

In the last 100 years, the overexploitation of the groundwater resources underlying the lacustrine deposits of Mexico City
has trigged regional subsidence that manifests itself through the sinking of the ground surface, damaging infrastructure and
public services. In this work, geostatistical tools are used to analyze and assess the evolution of this phenomenon in the city,
by considering space–time data from surface benchmarks located in the lacustrine zone. The database is composed of 206
spatial features and 12-time points, for a total of 24 years of monitoring between 1983 and 2007. Here a full grid space–time
layout (STF) of the R spacetime package was used, and since this phenomenon is not a stationary process as it presents a
trend over time, the spatiotemporal variogram was determined from the stochastic residual function of the process. Marginal
and pooled variograms were also determined as initial values to fit the variograms models using the R gstat package. Results
show that the separable variogram model was the one that best represented the spatial and temporal correlation of the phe-
nomenon in the area of study. Using this geostatistical model, ground elevations and subsidence rates were predicted in the
benchmarks locations for the period 2010–2030. The validation process consisted of comparing direct measurements made
in 2016 and the ones obtained from the model for the same year. For the year 2030, the maximum cumulative subsidence
value was 13 m, and the highest mean rate was 25.06 cm/year near the Mexico City International Airport.

Keywords Geostatistics · Space–time models · Kriging · Regional subsidence · R

Introduction Santoyo 2005; Ovando et al. 2007; Ossa et al. 2019). Over
time, chemical degradation of these materials formed clays
The subsoil of the Valley of Mexico is divided into three and clayey silts that are characterized by their high-water
geotechnical zones which are the Hill zone (Zone I), the content, compressibility, and low shear strength (Bard et al.
Transition zone (Zone II), and the Lake zone (Zone III). The 1988; Ovando et al. 2003, 2007, 2013; Ossa et al. 2019).
Hill zone is mainly composed of a surface layer of lava flows The soil profile of the lacustrine area within Mexico City is
or volcanic tuffs (Shapiro et al. 2001; Arroyo et al. 2013). composed of a dried clay surface crust and alluvial deposits,
On the other hand, the Transition zone presents alluvial followed by a stratum of very soft clay called the Upper Clay
sandy and silty layers interbedded with occasional clay lay- Formation (UCF) with insertions of sandy silt lenses, silty
ers (Shapiro et al. 2001; Arroyo et al. 2013). However, most sands, volcanic glass, and fossils. Underneath this stratum,
of Mexico City is settled in the Lake zone in which large there is a stratum made up of extremely compact sandy silts
amounts of volcanic ash and other pyroclastic materials were at a depth of approximately 40 m, which rests on top of a soft
deposited (Marsal 1969; Mesri et al. 1975; Romo et al. 1988; layer of clay called the Lower Clay Formation (LCF) which,
on average, is 10 m thick (Romo et al. 1988; Ovando et al.
2007, 2013; Ossa et al. 2019). At a depth of approximately
* E. Botero 50 m, an upper granular aquifer is made up of Quaternary
alluvial deposits, volcaniclastic and pyroclastic rocks, and
Instituto de Ingeniería, Universidad Nacional Autónoma de Plio-Quaternary basaltic-andesitic rocks are found, which
México (UNAM), Mexico City, Mexico for practical purposes, provide drinking water for most of
Instituto de Investigaciones en Matemáticas Aplicadas y the population (Hernández-Espriu et al. 2014). Ground-
en Sistemas, Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México water depth ranges between 60 and 170 m, while saturated
(UNAM), Mexico City, Mexico


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381 Page 2 of 16 Environmental Earth Sciences (2022) 81:381

thickness might exceed 800 m in some areas (Hernández- reach up to several meters, causing damage to gas stations,
Espriu et al. 2014). Extraction wells are screened within underground storage tanks, and oil pipelines (Hernández-
the upper-most 300–400 m of this unit (Herrera et al. 1989, Espriu et al. 2014). On the other hand, the drainage system
Hernández-Espriu et al. 2014). is strongly affected by subsidence because it modifies the
The exploitation of the aquifer underlying the clay depos- gradient, and in some cases, it can cause the inversion of
its and formed by two units, one granular and one of the frac- its slope (Lesser and Cortés 1998). In addition, this phe-
tured volcanic rocks, began in the mid-nineteenth century nomenon modifies the static and dynamic properties of the
to supply water to the city's population (González-Morán ground, causing a change in the response of the soil deposit
et al. 1999, Ovando et al. 2003; Santoyo et al. 2005; Ovando during a seismic event. Indirect consequences also include
et al. 2007). In 1940, abstraction was 4 ­m3/s and by 1990, it a decrease in water resources and an increase in flood risk
reached 35 ­m3/s (González-Morán et al. 1999). Currently, and water contamination, all endangering human lives and
water consumption in the basin amounts to 61.6 ­m3/s, out resulting in heavy financial burdens for local government
of which 66% are supplied by wells. Most of the extractions administrations (Cabral-Cano et al. 2008; Ortiz-Zamora and
take place from a regional complex of Quaternary–Ter- Ortega-Guerrero 2010; Chaussard et al. 2014). Because of
tiary alluvial, pyroclastic, and fractured aquifers (Hernán- this and given that subsidence in Mexico City is one of the
dez-Espriu et al. 2014). However, the intense exploitation most representative cases of this type in the world, different
of the groundwater resources from which an average of studies have been carried out to assess the evolution of this
203 × ­106 ­m3 of water is extracted each year, of which only phenomenon and mitigate its effects.
156 × ­106 ­m3 is naturally recharged (Arroyo et al. 2013), In 1976, the General Directorate of Construction and
has triggered a regional consolidation of lacustrine deposits Hydraulic Operation (DGCOH, in Spanish) of the Fed-
that is manifested by the lowering of the land surface as eral District government began the installation of surface
voids in the soil are reduced and forces between soil parti- benchmarks (topographic references whose elevation and
cles increase. The first author to establish the relationship location coordinates are known) to understand the behavior
between population growth, the amount of water extracted of regional subsidence over time, provide solutions to the
from the aquifer, and subsidence rates in Mexico City was problems of hydraulic systems in the Valley of Mexico and
reported by Carrillo (1948), and later, Marsal and Mazari assist in the design of future projects (SIMOH 2015). As a
(1959) and Ovando et al. (2013). result of this work, the evolution of the benchmarks in the
From 1900 to 1920 the rate of subsidence in downtown period 1984–2002 and a map with the cumulative subsid-
Mexico City was 3 cm/year, then it increased to 13 cm/ ence of the entire area of Mexico City are presented in the
year in the 1940s and reached 26 cm/year in the early Integrated Water Resources Management Program (SAC-
1950s (Tamez et al. 1995, 1997; Ovando et al. 2007). Then, MEX 2005). Lesser and Cortés (1998) prepared a historical
between 1956 and 1967 the rate of subsidence decreased analysis and simulated subsidence along the 17 main drain-
to 5 cm/year because extraction of water from the wells in ages of Mexico City, including the Grand Canal and the
downtown Mexico City was banned (Ovando et al. 2003, Churubusco River, among others, using a linear statistical
2007; Aguilera 2013). However, in the late 1970s and early method, a logarithmic regression, and the application of a
1980s, new wells were put in operation in the surround- mathematical model developed by Cruickshank et al. (1979).
ing area of the city and the sinking rate increased again to In this study, the annual mean rate of subsidence was deter-
10 cm/year in downtown Mexico City and at some sites near mined, obtaining maximum values of 30 cm/year within the
the new extraction wells, it even exceeds 30 cm/year (Mazari limits of Mexico City and Netzahualcoyotl City; from 20 to
1996; Ovando et al. 2003, 2007; Aguilera 2013). In the last 25 cm/year in the Mexico City International Airport; around
100 years, this phenomenon has led to having cumulative 10 cm/year in downtown Mexico City; between 2 and 5 cm/
ground subsidence of more than 8 m in some areas of the year in the Azcapotzalco area, and approximately 15 cm/year
lacustrine zone of the Valley of Mexico compared to a refer- in Xochimilco and Canal Chalco area.
ence point outside the lake zone (Ovando et al. 2003, 2013; Recent researchers such as Cabral-Cano et al. (2008,
Arroyo et al. 2013). 2011) and Osmanoǧlu et al. (2011) focused on spatio-tem-
The importance of analyzing the behavior of regional poral variations of subsidence rates based on space-geodetic
subsidence in the lacustrine zone of Mexico City lies in techniques such as Radar Interferometry (InSAR), Persistent
the fact that it can affect the functionality and safety of the Scatter Interferometry (PSI) and global positioning system
city's public services and infrastructure when a significant (GPS) analysis (Hernández-Espriu et al. 2014).
accumulation of settlements occurs. For instance, the eastern While some studies focused on measuring the ground
part of the city has experienced the reactivation of faults subsidence for several sites in Mexico City, others were
and fractures because groundwater depletion and differential developed to analyze the effects of this phenomenon on the
land subsidence generate horizontal tensile stresses that can static and dynamic properties of lacustrine deposits and their


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Environmental Earth Sciences (2022) 81:381 Page 3 of 16 381

seismic response during a seismic event. Jaime (1988) iden-

tified that the water content, strength, compressibility, and
dynamic properties of the soil underlying Mexico City are
time-dependent because of water extraction (Arroyo et al.
2013). The works of Ovando et al. (2003, 2007, 2013) were
based on the model of Yin and Graham (1994, 1996) to pro-
pose expressions to determine the deformations generated
during the one-dimensional consolidation process in the soil
mass. On the other hand, Avilés and Pérez-Rocha (2010)
proposed an empirical model that extrapolates historical
data of the elevations of the metropolitan area of Mexico
City obtained from benchmarks, to evaluate and predict the
evolution of the natural period of soil vibration T ­ s and the
depth of Deep Deposits between the years 2005 and 2055.
In addition, Arroyo et al. (2013) presented field evidence
about the effect of the subsidence phenomenon on the natu- Fig. 1  Full grid layout ( modified from Pebesma 2012)
ral period of soil vibration ­Ts and developed an empirical
model to predict the value of this parameter at different sites
in Mexico City for the years 2010 and 2050. tj , j = 1, … , m attributes for a total of zk stored observations,
Hence, it can be evidenced that there is not a specific with k = 1, … ., nm , which represent all possible locations
theoretical or empirical method to analyze the subsidence in the spatiotemporal grid of the phenomenon of interest
phenomenon in the lacustrine area of Mexico City, since it (Fig. 1).
is a complex process in which there is an interaction between
hydraulic, geotechnical, geological, and hydrogeological fac- Spatio‑temporal models
tors. The purpose of this work is to assess the behavior in
space and time of the surface benchmarks located in the Consider a spatio-temporal random field Z(s, t) defined in a
Lake zone of Mexico City and to analyze the evolution of spatial domain D{and ( a temporal
) ( domain
)} T, for which there
the regional subsidence phenomenon from a statistical point is a sample z = {(z s1 , t)1 , … (, z sn ,)tn of observations } at
of view using a space–time model. known locations s1 , t1 , … , sn , tn 𝜖S × T ⊆ D × [0, ∞) .
(Gräler et al. 2016). To perform estimations and predic-
Space–time data analysis methods tions of the variable Z at unobserved locations, the ran-
dom field Z is commonly assumed to be stationary and
Geostatistics is a set of statistical techniques used for the spatially isotropic, so it can be characterized through the
analysis of stochastic processes whose domain D is continu- mean μ and a covariance function Cst . Under this assump-
ous in a subset of ℝd . If we denote the random variable of tion, the space–time covariance depends only on the sepa-
interest by Z and s as an arbitrary point in D then the sto- rating distances across space h ∈ ℝ2 ≥ 0 and time u ∈ ℝ+ ,
chastic process of interest is denoted as {Z(s) ∶ s𝜖D}, and this is, C(h, u) = Cov(Z(s, t), Z(̃s, ̃t)), where h = ‖s − s̃‖ and
represents the set of possible observations of Z(s), which u = ‖t − ̃t‖ are the spatial and temporal distances of a pair
form a random field (Cressie 1993). One of the usual tasks in of points (s, t),(̃s, ̃t)𝜖S × T . The spatio-temporal variograms
geostatistical data analysis is the prediction of Z at unvisited 𝛾st (h, u) = Cst (0, 0) − Cst (s, t) are often used to characterize a
locations s0 . In general, the geostatistical analysis consists phenomenon Z, since unlike the covariance, is not necessary
of the following four stages: exploratory analysis, structural to estimate the mean of Z to compute 𝛾st (h, u) (Gräler et al.,
analysis, spatial modeling, and prediction using krige. 2016). The variogram models implemented in the R gstat
The set of methodologies used to analyze space–time data package make it possible to relate objects to spatiotemporal
is based on well-established geostatistical techniques, where characteristics and to estimate these in space and time.
time is considered as an additional spatial dimension. Care A stochastic process Z(s, t) has a fully separable covari-
must be taken for space–time predictions as the time dimen- ance function if for every pair of points (s, u) ∈ D;(t, v) ∈ ℝ+
sion behaves differently than the dimensions in ℝd.
In the spacetime package of the R statistical program (R
Cov[Z(s, t), Z(u, v)] ≡ Cov(s, u)Cov(t, v) (1)
Core Team 1993; RStudio Team 2015), four grid formats If the space and the time components are stationary,
for spatiotemporal data are included, but in this work, the
full grid space–time layout (STF) is used. This grid repre- Cov(s, u)Cov(t, v) = CS (||s − u||)CT (|t − v|) (2)
sents a combination of spatial si , i = 1, … , n and temporal


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Under the stationarity assumption, the separable vari- sillst = k∙sills ∙ sillt + sills + sillt . (6)
ogram is obtained as
Bilonick (1988) proposed the sum-metric model (Eq. 7),
𝛾(s, u; t, v) = C(s, s; t, t) + C(u, u: v, v) − C(s, u;t, v) (3) an extension of the separable variogram model, using zonal
and geometric anisotropy to resolve the differences between
There are several separable variogram model. The sepa- spatial and temporal variability (Snepvangers et al. 2003).
rable variogram model of Eq. 4 has a great computational (√ )
advantage when each spatial object has an observation at 𝛾sm (h, u) = 𝛾s (h) + 𝛾t (u) + 𝛾joint h2 + (k ∙ u)2 (7)
each temporal instance, i.e., when the data are organized
in a full grid layout (Pebesma 2012). On the other hand,
where, 𝛾s (h), 𝛾t (u) and 𝛾joint are the spatial, temporal, and
it has the simplest form for spatio-temporal models, where
joint variograms, respectively, and k is the anisotropy.
the dependence on the spatial coordinates is separated from
the dependence on the temporal coordinates (De Iaco et al.
Spatio‑temporal analysis of the regional
𝛾sep (h, u) = sill ∙ 𝛾 s (h) + 𝛾 t (u) − 𝛾 s (h)𝛾 t (u)
(4) subsidence in Mexico City

This model extends to the product-sum variogram model Description of the database
(Eq. 5) developed by De Cesare et al. (2001) and De Iaco
et al. (2001) where, unlike the previous one, they considered The General Directorate of Hydraulic Construction and
non-separable variograms to represent the spatiotemporal Operation (DGCOH) of the Federal District government,
variability of the data. today Mexico City Water Bureau (SACMEX, in Spanish),
( ) ( ) began in 1976 with the installation of surface benchmarks
𝛾ps (h, u) = k ∙ sillt + 1 𝛾s (h) + k ∙ sills + 1 𝛾t (u) − k𝛾s (h)𝛾t (u) to understand the evolution of subsidence and to provide
(5) solutions to the problems of hydraulic systems in the Valley
Here, 𝛾s (h) and 𝛾t (u) are the spatial and temporal vario- of Mexico (SIMOH 2015).
grams respectively, and k is a positive parameter that defines The monitoring system consists of 1931 surface bench-
the joint sill (Eq. 6),sillst , in terms of the spatial sills and marks distributed in the Hill zone (Zone I), the Transition
temporal sillt. zone (Zone II), and the Lake zone (Zone III), leveled during

Fig. 2  Distribution of superficial benchmarks in the Valley of Mexico installed by the General Directorate of Hydraulic Construction and Opera-
tion (DGCOH) of the Federal District government, today Mexico City Water Bureau (SACMEX, in Spanish)


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Environmental Earth Sciences (2022) 81:381 Page 5 of 16 381

1983–2016 with a reading every two years, approximately once these benchmarks were selected, those that showed an
(Fig. 2). However, it is important to mention that these data erratic behavior during the monitoring time, i.e., that instead
have missing ground elevation records. The benchmarks of showing a decrease in the elevation records due to the
have as a reference point the Atzacoalco benchmark, which sinking ground surface, they showed an increase, were elimi-
is located at an elevation of 2245.008 m above sea level nated. Some factors related to this unreliable behavior are
(masl) fixed on the rocky body of the Sierra de Guadalupe, associated with uncalibrated equipment, errors in the meas-
outside the lacustrine zone (SIMOH 2015) (Fig. 2). urements, long periods between leveling surveys, and uncer-
To perform the statistical analysis and develop a spa- tainty about the stratum where the benchmark was installed.
tial–temporal model, the information provided was reviewed At the end of this data review, 206 spatial features
and the database was built considering the measurements of remained (Fig. 2), each with thirteen-time points (1983,
the following superficial references: (1) benchmarks located 1985, 1987, 1989, 1992, 1994, 1996, 1998, 2000, 2002,
in the Lake zone because it is where the regional subsidence 2005, 2007, 2016) for a total of 33 years of monitoring.
phenomenon manifests itself, and (2) also those that have The minimum distance between them is 112.25 m and the
1983 as the initial year of monitoring and presented at most maximum distance is 2,131.32 m. It should be noted that
two missing records in non-consecutive years. These missing the time points of the year 2016 were not considered in the
readings were obtained from a linear interpolation consider- space–time analysis, since they were used to validate the
ing measurements trend. This process was performed to have ground elevations determined with the geostatistical model.
a full space–time grid layout (STF) of observations, where Figure 3 shows ground elevation measurements in masl
each spatial point si , i = 1, … , n, has a measurement in each for each monitored year at the points where the 206 bench-
one of the monitoring years tj , j = 1, … , m (Fig. 1). Finally, marks are located in Zone III. In this figure the readings are

Fig. 3  Ground elevation measurements (masl) between 1983 and 2007 where the analyzed benchmarks are located


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Fig. 4  Subsidence rate of each

superficial benchmark during

presented in a scale of colors to show, spatially, the sinking performing a kriging interpolation using a 100 × 100 m grid
of the ground as the years go by. Green points correspond (Fig. 5). In this figure red zones correspond to areas where
to the highest elevations, and the red ones, to the lowest subsidence rates are higher.
ones. In addition, the mean rate of subsidence in centimeters Currently, besides the conventional leveling of surface
per year (cm/year) was determined for each benchmark and benchmarks, the use of satellite images has also allowed
the Jenks Natural Breaks classification method (Jenks and analyzing the sinking of Mexico City providing a better
Caspall 1971) was used to organize them into 6 classes:(1) spatial resolution and a general overview of the phenom-
1.1–5.9 cm/year, (2) 5.9–11.1 cm/year, (3) 11.1–16.7 cm/ enon. Researchers such as Cabral-Cano et al. (2008, 2011)
year, (4) 16.7–23.1 cm/year, (5) 23.1–28.8 cm/year and (4) Osmanoǧlu et al. (2011) and Hernández-Espriu et al. (2014)
28.8–35.1 cm/year (Fig. 4). This method reduces the vari- have used this data to study the variations in subsidence
ance within classes and maximizes it between classes. rates and land deformation. Overall, the subsidence rate
Figure 4 shows that the highest mean rates (red points) are spatial pattern and the location of the maximum rate values
recorded in the benchmarks located near Mexico City Inter- in the eastern of Mexico City closely to the boundaries of
national Airport. On the other hand, the lowest rates (black the ex-Texcoco Lake, presented in the subsidence rate maps
points) are recorded in the surrounding area of the lacustrine of these studies, agree with the one shown in Fig. 5 for the
zone. Between 1983 and 2007, the lowest and highest mean 1983–2007 period.
rates were 1.1 and 35.1 cm/year, respectively. In the bench- Figure 6 gives information about the evolution of ground
mark P(S04E07)01 where the highest subsidence rate was elevation measurements during 24 years of monitoring
recorded, 8.41 m cumulative subsidence occurred. This ref- within the subsidence rate classes (Fig. 4). In this figure,
erence point is located in the Iztapalapa locality of Mexico each line represents the readings recorded in each topo-
City. Finally, subsidence rate contour lines were obtained by graphic reference in the twelve-time points (1983, 1985,


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Environmental Earth Sciences (2022) 81:381 Page 7 of 16 381

Fig. 5  Mean subsidence rate

map for the period 1983–2007

1987, 1989, 1992, 1994, 1996, 1998, 2000, 2002, 2005 The spatiotemporal process Z is composed of two func-
2007). It is important to underline that only a ground eleva- tions (Eq. 8), a deterministic one that represents the mean
tion measurement was recorded in each considered year. In behavior of the phenomenon ( m ) and a stochastic residual
addition, this figure gives information about the behavior of (𝜖 ) one.
subsidence rates in each class and the difference between ( ) ( )
them. On the other hand, this figure shows that the regional Z si , ti = m si , ti + 𝜖(si , ti ) (8)
subsidence phenomenon is a non-stationary process as it
Since the regional subsidence phenomenon is not a sta-
presents a trend over time.
tionary process as it presents
( a trend
) over time, the spati-
otemporal variogram 𝛾 si , sj , ti , tj was determined from the
Structural analysis
stochastic residual function 𝜖 of the process as follows:
To determine the behavior of an attribute of interest ( ) [
1 ( ( ) ( ))2 ]
z = {z(s, t)|s𝜖S, t𝜖T} defined in a geographic domain S( ⊂ ℝ2) 𝛾 si , sj , ti , tj = E 𝜖 si , ti − 𝜖 sj , tj (9)
and a time interval T ⊂ ℝ, at a spatiotemporal point s0 , t0
where z was not measured, Under the assumptions of stationarity, an estimate of the
( ) the observations of the phenom-
enon Z at points si i are taken into account. To predict
, t spatiotemporal variogram can( be obtained
) by calculating the
( )
z s0 , t0 it is assumed that z is a spatiotemporal realization empirical semi-variogram ̂𝛾 hS , hT from the observations
of the process Z, so it is required to characterize, both spa- as it is shown in Eq. 10.
tially and(temporally,
) the variability of the phenomenon to
predict Z s0 , t0 .


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Fig. 6  Evolution of ground elevations between 1983 and 2007 in the lacustrine zone

N (hS ,hT ) [ was assumed that any two temporal consecutive observations
( ) 1 ∑ ( ( ))2 ]
𝛾 hS , hT = ( ) 𝜖(s, t) − 𝜖 s + hS , t + hT have the same temporal distance.
2N hS , hT i=1 In addition, to observe the differences between the semi-
(10) variances in the spatial and temporal domains S and T,
where, hS and hT are( the distances
) in space S and time marginal semi-variograms were also obtained (Fig. 8). In
T, respectively, and N hS , hT correspond to the number of general, low semivariance values are observed at a short dis-
pairs. tance because points that are closer together are more alike
A 2D plot and a 3D wire plot of the empirical spatiotem- and as pairs of locations become farther apart, they are more
poral semi-variogram is shown in Fig. 7. This semi-vario- dissimilar and semivariance values increase. A comparison
gram was determined based on ground-level readings from of the marginal semi-variograms shows that the spatial vari-
each considered benchmark. In this figure, the semivariance ability is larger than the temporal one. Furthermore, it can be
values vary between 0 (purple color) and 9 (yellow color), observed that the spatial semi-variogram reaches an eventual
approximately. It is important to notice that in this case, it sill whereas the temporal one, does not. This is an indication


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Environmental Earth Sciences (2022) 81:381 Page 9 of 16 381

Fig. 7  Empirical spatiotemporal semi-variogram

( ) ( )
Fig. 8  Empirical marginal temporal (left) T: 𝛾 0, hT and spatial (right) S: 𝛾 hS , 0 semi-variograms

( )
Finally, the pooled variogram 𝛾 h̃ where the spatial cor-
relation of the residual ϵ is considered constant over time
was also determined as follows:
12 N (hS ) �
� � 1 � � � � ��2 �
𝛾 h̃ = ∑12 � � 𝜖(s, t) − 𝜖 s + h S , t
2 i=1 N hS i=1 j=1

( ) i = 1, … , 12 correspond to the monitoring years and

N hS are the number of pairs of points that are separated
by a distance h̃ in year t. The solid line in Fig. 9 is the fitted
model for the pooled variogram: a Gaussian model with a
nugget of 1.25, a range of 5725.92 m, and a sill of 5.77.

Fitting variogram models

Fig. 9  Pooled variogram

The parameters of the functions fitted to the marginals and

of non-stationarity in the time domain, as a consequence of pooled data semi-variograms were considered as initial
the continuous subsidence over time. values to fit the separable, product-sum, and sum-metric


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Fig. 10  Wireframe plots of empirical spatiotemporal semi-variogram of the regional subsidence in Mexico City lacustrine area between the
period 1983–2007(upper left corner) and fitted space–time variograms: separable, product-sum and sum-metric

Table 1  Root mean square Model RMSD To assess the goodness of the fit of the models and the
deviation empirical semi-variogram, the root-mean-square-deviation
Separable 0.0645 (RMSD) was determined between the surfaces (Table 1).
Product-sum 0.0663 Table 1 shows that the separable model characterizes
Sum-metric 0.0819 adequately the behavior of the data by having the lowest
value of the RMSD. The solid lines in Fig. 11 are the Gauss-
ian functions fitted to the marginal experimental semi-vario-
variogram models using the R gstat package (Eq. (4), (5) grams obtained from the separable model. This figure shows
and (7)). Figure 10 shows the empirical spatiotemporal semi- that this model represents adequately the variation in space
variogram of the phenomenon and the fitted models. In this and time of the phenomenon.
figure, surfaces colors represent the semivariance values After fitting a theoretical model to the empirical semi-
variation between 0 (purple) to 9 (yellow), approximately. variogram, predictions of the phenomenon in space and time
On the other hand, this figure shows that apparently, the are made by kriging.
separable and product-sum surfaces are alike, as the latter
is an extension of the previous one.


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( ) ( )
Fig. 11  Empirical marginal temporal (left) T: 𝛾 0, hT and spatial (right) S: 𝛾 hS , 0 semi-variograms, and fitted variograms

Fig. 12  Ground elevation values (masl) between the period 2010–2030 at the points where the benchmarks are located

Predictions between 1983 and 2007, the same classes obtained from the
Jenks Natural Breaks method were used to organize them
To estimate the evolution of the regional subsidence phe- (Fig. 4). Figure 13 shows that the highest subsidence rates
nomenon in Mexico City, standard kriging was performed predicted during this period are between 23.1 and 28.8 cm/
up to the year 2030, considering the benchmark locations as year which corresponds to the cyan points located close to
estimation points. The results obtained are shown in Fig. 12 the Mexico City International Airport. The highest mean
where the red points correspond to the lowest ground eleva- rate was 25.06 cm/year, which was recorded in benchmark
tions predicted for each year. For the year 2030, maximum B(N01E06)02 where the maximum cumulative subsidence
cumulative subsidence of 13.16 m was predicted in bench- for the year 2030 is presented.
mark B(N01E06)02 near the Mexico City International To obtain subsidence rate contours lines a standard krig-
Airport. ing interpolation was performed on a 100 m × 100 m grid
Once the ground elevation values were determined for considering a Gaussian variogram model with nugget 10,
each of the benchmarks for the period 2010–2030, the sill 60, and range 6000 m (Fig. 14). Figure 15 shows a mean
mean subsidence rates were calculated in centimeters per subsidence rate map between 2007 and 2030 where red
year. To compare these values with the ones determined zones correspond to areas where subsidence rates are higher,


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381 Page 12 of 16 Environmental Earth Sciences (2022) 81:381

Fig. 13  Subsidence rate of each

superficial benchmark during

Comparing the subsidence rates determined between

1983 and 2007 with the ones predicted from the geostatisti-
cal model between 2007 and 2030, it can be observed that
they slow by approximately 30% and that is in agreement
with results obtained by other authors (Avilés and Pérez-
Rocha 2010), the largest changes in subsidence rate values
are associated with the thickness of the clay deposits. How-
ever, it is important to notice that this model simplifies a
complex process where the rate of groundwater extraction,
volumetric compressibility, and hydrogeological factors
between others, are involved, and that is not considered.
This model represents the spatial and temporal correlation
of ground benchmark readings located in the lacustrine zone
of Mexico City over 24 years of monitoring.
Fig. 14  Semi-variogram of the predicted mean subsidence rate in the
period 2007–2030 Validation of the predictions

The validation process consisted of comparing the direct

and the blue ones, where they are lower. Finally, Fig. 16 measurements made in the year 2016 in the benchmarks with
illustrates the behavior of the predicted ground elevation val- the ground elevations obtained from the model for the same
ues between 2007 and 2030 within subsidence rate classes. year. This process was made to verify that the predicted


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Environmental Earth Sciences (2022) 81:381 Page 13 of 16 381

Fig. 15  Mean subsidence rate

map in the period 2007–2030

values from the space–time model represent physically the Discussion and conclusions
behavior of regional subsidence in Mexico City.
Equation 12 was used to determine the error, ε, between As there is not a specific theoretical or empirical method
the registered ground elevations and those predicted by the to analyze the regional subsidence in the lacustrine area of
space–time model. Mexico City, a geostatistical method was developed to esti-
mate the spatial and temporal evolution of this phenomenon
𝜀 = measured value − predicted value (12)
between 2010 and 2030 by considering topographic refer-
Figure 17 shows the box-plot of the errors in meters ence information recorded between 1983 and 2007. How-
where it can be observed that they have little variability ever, it is important to notice that the model presented in
(𝜎 2 = 0.21), a mean equal to 0.08 m, and a few outliers. this paper simplifies a complex phenomenon where geologi-
In addition, Fig. 18 shows the spatial distribution of these cal, hydrogeological, and geotechnical factors are involved,
errors in absolute values. This figure shows that at 99% of which were not included. Furthermore, limited spatial infor-
the sites the differences between the measured and predicted mation was considered because a full grid layout was used,
value are less than 1.00 m. This implies that in general accu- as a first approximation, to determine the spatial and tem-
rate ground elevation values and subsidence rates can be poral correlation of the phenomenon in the area of study.
obtained from the proposed space–time model during the This grid represents a combination of spatial and temporal
period 2010–2030 for the lacustrine zone of Mexico City. attributes, where every spatial feature has a time observation
point (i.e., benchmarks with missing level readings in any
monitored year was not considered). An improvement of the
model could be made by considering a sparse grid layout to
include more spatial information.


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381 Page 14 of 16 Environmental Earth Sciences (2022) 81:381

Fig. 16  Evolution of the ground elevations during the period 2007–2030 at the points where the benchmarks are located

The benchmarks classification by subsidence rate classes

was made to enhance the spatial variability of the subsidence
phenomenon in the lacustrine zone, and to visualize their
different trends over time.
The subsidence rate map between 1983 and 2007 obtained
from the interpretation of leveling data have an overall cor-
respondence in magnitude and spatial distribution of low and
high values with InSAR, PSI and SqueeSAR maps obtained
from earlier studies.
Based on the RMSD value, the separable model was
the one that best represented the spatial and temporal cor-
relation of the observations of the phenomenon in the area
of study, so it was considered to perform spatio-temporal
kriging to predict the ground level values during the period
Fig. 17  Box-plot of the errors in meters


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Environmental Earth Sciences (2022) 81:381 Page 15 of 16 381

Fig. 18  Distribution of the absolute errors in meters

2010–2030. It is important to notice that this model assumes considering the ground measurements obtained from this
that the temporal behavior of the process is the same for all space–time model and several assumptions.
spatial points, i.e., this model does not allow changes in the
spatial pattern over time.
Although geotechnical factors such as the variability of Funding The paper has not funding for the preparation.
soil properties, stress conditions, and stress histories in clay
masses were not included in the geostatistical model, the Declarations
largest changes in subsidence values are associated with
Conflict of interest We declare that the authors have no conflict of in-
the thickness of the clay deposits in the lacustrine zone of terest.
Mexico City.
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