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I have always wanted to visit MMVH because the feedback that came from those who have visited

before was all positive. However, it is with great concern that I am writing this letter explaining the
concerns that were raised by my team members on some of the bad things that unfolded during our
stay in your hotel.

To begin with, it would be great if you provided customers with good customer care. Upon our arrival,
no one attended to us because others were checking out of the hotel at the time we arrived. As a hotel
there is need to have enough staff to attend to every customer on time because customers are mostly
tired and need to rest in the rooms they booked.

Apart from good customer care, there is also need to clean the rooms thoroughly because as a hotel,
cleanliness is a priority since different people come in and out of the rooms. Unclean rooms can put the
customers at the risk of being infected with skin diseases and even coughs. Some people also suffer
from asthma problems and allergies hence, they are sensitive. Clean rooms will give the customers a
peaceful sleep and feel at home.

In addition, there is need to give customer's the food that they have ordered. Based on our experience,
we payed for a full course meal but at dinner we were not served the same full course meal. This was
not what we expected because we wanted something else.

To set the ball rolling, the weather in mulanje requires that the water in the bathroom be warm.
However, we were served cold bathing water and it was not easy to bath in such a weather. I would
advice the staff to check the supply of warm water and make maintainance where there is need to on
time to avoid inconvenience.

Furthermore, we experienced frequent blackouts which affected most of our work because most of it
needed electricity supply. As a result, the timeline of finishing most of the work had to be delayed by
some days since there was no electricity.

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