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Session 1
1. Who introduced the use if citrate-phosphate-deztrose as preservative for blood storage
A. Dr. Charles Drew
B. Karl landsteiner
C. Gibson
D. Put it and mollison
2. The director of the first American red cross blank in 1941
A. Lewisohn
B. Edward lindemann
C. Rous
D. Charles drew
3. Introduced the use of sodium phosphate as an anticoagulant
A. Hustin
B. Braxton Hicks
C. Lewisohn
D. Rous and Turner
4. What type of preservative for blood products was introduced by Rous and Turner?
A. Citrate
B. Citrate dextrose
C. Citrate phosphate dextrose
D. Acit citrate dextrose
5. The pope that us said to be the first person to be transmitted with human blood.
A. Pope Camp John
B. Pope innocent the VII
C. Pope John VII
D. Pope Pius VII
6. Who introduced the formula of acid citrate dextrose as a preservative for blood products?
A. Gibson
B. Rous and turner
C. Louitit and Mollison
D. Lewisohn
7. Introduced the use of sodium citrate as an anticoagulant solution for transfusion
A. Hustin
B. Braxton hicks
C. Lewisohn
D. Rous and turner
8. Developed techniques in blood transfusions and blood preservation led to the establishment of
widespread systems of blood banks
A. Lewisohn
B. Edward lindemann
C. Rous
D. Charles Drew
9. Discovered the ABO blood group system
A. Dr. Charles Drew
B. Karl landsteiner
C. Gibson
D. Loutit and mollison
10. The first to succeeded in carrying a vein-to-vein transfusion of blood by using multiple syringes
and special Cannula for puncturing the vein through the skin
A. Lewisohn
B. Edward lindemann
C. Rous
D. Charles Drew
Answers: 1.c, 2.d, 3.b, 4.b, 5.b, 6.c, 7.a, 8.d, 9.b, 10.b
Session 2
1. The majority of platelets transfused in the U.S today are:
A. Pre-storage pooled platelet
B. Whole-blood derived platelet prepared by buffy coat method
C. Apheresis
D. Whole blood derived from platelet by platelet rich plasma
2. Which of the following anticoagulant preservatives provides a storage time of 35days at 10C to
60C for units of whole blood and prepared RBC if an additive solution is not added?
a. CP2D
b. CPDA-1
3. All of the following decrease during RBC storage lesion, except
A. Lactic acid
B. Glucose
C. 2,3 DPG
4. How long is the storage period of red blood cell with an additive solution such as optisol?
A. 21 days
B. 35 days
C. 42 days
D. 50 days
5. It is primarily used for autologous units and the storage of rare blood types
A. RBC rejuvenation
B. RBC delglycerolization
C. RBS substitute
D. RBC freezing
6. Storage temperature of platelets concentrates
A. 2°C to 6°C with continuous agitation up to 5 days
B. 2°C t8 6° without agitation up to 5 days
C. 20°C to 24°C with continuous agitation up to 5 days.
D. 20°C to 24°C without agitation up to 5 days
7. During platelet storage lesion, the following decreases except
A. pH
C. Both A and B
D. Neither
8. They are chemically inert, are excellent gas solvents, and carry O2, CO2 by dissolving them
A. Perfluorocarbons
B. Hemoglobin based oxygen carriers
C. Rejuvesol
D. Optisil
9. the only fda approved rejuvenation solution
a. nutricel
b. rejuvesol
c. acd
d. optisol
10. The addition of various chemicals along with the approved anticoagulant preservatives CPDz was
incorporated in an attempt to stimulate glycolysis so that ATP levels were better maintained. These
chemicals are citrate monobasic sodium phosphate, dextrose and adenine. What is the function of
monobasic sodium phosphate?
A. Chelates calcium
B. Maintains Ph During storage
C. Subsrate for ATP production
D. For production of ATP
Answers: 1.c, 2.b, 3.a, 4.c, 5.d, 6.c, 7.d, 8.a, 9.b, 10.b
1. Transcription can be defined as
A. Removal of external sequences to form a mature RNA molecule
B. Introduction of DNA into cultural cells
C. Reading of mRNA by the ribosome
D. Synthesis of RNA using DNA as a template
2. Which of the following is not involved in the acquired or adaptive immune response?
A. Production of antibody or complement
B. Induction of immunologic memory
C. Accelerated immune response upon subsequent exposure to antigen
D. Phagocytosis
3. Which of the following is true about primary lymphoid organs?
A. Site of maturation of T and B cells
B. Site of cell function for mature T and B cells
C. It is mucosa associated tissue
D. Lymph nodes as part of primary lymphoid organ
4. DNA is replicated:
A. Semiconservatively and accomplished using DNA polymerase
B. In a random manner from RNA
C. By copying protein sequence from RNA
D. By first copying RNA from protein
5. Part of the first line of defense, except
A. Skin
C. Secretions
D. Mucous membranes
ANSWERS: 1.D, 2.D, 3.A, 4.A, 5.B
Session 4

1. What is the immunodominant sugar present on a precursor substance for A and B antigens?
A. L-fucose
B. N-acethyl-D-galactosamine
C. D- lactose
D. L- fucosyltransfera

2. What blood type is/are the possible offspring of type AB and B mating?
A. Type A
B. Type A,B,AB
C. Type A,B,AB,O
D. Cannot be determined

3. what is the major immunoglobulin class of ABO antibodies?

A. Ig G
B. Ig M
C. Ig A
D. ig D

4. What is the precursor chain of the ABH antigen on red cells?

A. Type 1
B. Type 2
C. Type 3
D type 4
5. Landsteiner law states that?
A. Antigens on red cells determine the blood group.
B. The corresponding antibody is never find in the individual serum.
C. The opposite anti body is always present on individual serillum.
D. All of them;

6. What is the amorph genE ABO Blood group.

A. A
C. O
D. A

7. Why does backwards typing is not preferred in the newborn patients?

A. No available reagent used when using newborn blood sample.
B. Antibodies of newborn containes the maternal antibodies.
C. Antibodies are too for detection.
D. Both B and c

8. What is/ are The reagent used in red cell typing?

A. Known a cells
B. Anti D antisera
C. Known B cells
D. Anti-B antisera

9. What ABO type that lacks antigen on red cells

A. Type O
B. Type AB
C. Type B
D. Type A

10. If an individual has B antigen in the red cell , there will be an expected naturally occurring anti-B in
A. True
B. False

Answer: 1. A, 2.B, 3. B, 4. B, 5. D, 6. C, 7. D, 8. D, 9. A, 10. B

Session 6

1. Rh antibiotics are promarily of which immunoglobulin class?

A. IgA
B. IgM
C. IgG
D. IgD

2. Rh antibodies have been associated with which of the following clinical conditions
A. Erythroblastosis fetalis
B. Thrombocytopenia
C. Hemophilia A
D. Stomatocytosis

3. A White female's red blood cells gave the following reactions upon phenotyping:D+, C+, E-, c+, e+,
which of the following is the most probable Rh phenotype?
A. R1R0
B. R1r
C. R1R2
D. R0r

4. The most immunogenic Rh antigen:

D. e

5. Which of the following nomenclature does not have a genetic basis?

A. weiner blood factor.
B. Fisher-race
C. Alpha numeric terminology
D. None of the above

Answer: 1.c, 2.a, 3.a, 4.c, 5.c,

1. which of the following causes delayed hemolytic transfusion reaction and is difficult to detect?
A. MNS antibodies
B. Kidd antibodies
C. Duffy antibodies
D Lutheran antibodies

2. Which of the following MNS antigen is less early degraded by enzymes

A. M
B. S
C. U
D. N

3. A blood group antigen who is known to be resistant to malaria (plasmodium vivax species)
A. Jk(a+b-)
B. Fy(a-b-)
C. M antigen
D. Lu(a+b-)

4. Which of the following antigen is rich in infant red cells?

A. I
B. P
C. i
D. p

5. Which substances would be found in the saliva of a group B secretor who has Lele genes
A. H, B, Leb
B. h, lea
C. H, B, lea
D. H, b lea, leb

6. In what way do Lewis antigens change during pregnancy

A. Lea and leb both increases
B. Only lea increases
C. Lea and leb both decrease
D. Only leb increase

7. Which of the following is associated with a patient with Lupus erythematosus following tranfusion
of unit of blood carrying the corresponding low prevalence antigen?
A. Lua and Lub
B. Jka and jkb
C. Fya and fyb
D. I and i

8. What is the ISBT number of Kell blood group system?

A. 008
B. 003
C. 027
D. 006

9. It is associated with cold-reactice igG auto antibody in patient with PCH

A. Anti-pk
C. Anti-tja
D. Anti-P

10. This antibody is associated with alcoholic cirrhosis and infections mononucleosis
A. Anti-k
B. Anti-Fyb
C. Anti-jkb
D. Anti-i

Answers: 1.b, 2.b, 3.b, 4.c, 5.d, 6.c, 7.a, 8.d, 9.d, 10.d
Session 8
1. What blood type group system is named to the first antibody maker in Venezuelan family during
the investigation of HDNF?
A. Xg
B. Cromer
C. Diego
D. Yt
2. Which of the following is correctly matched with their ISBT number?
A. Raph-025
B. John Milton Hagen+ 024
C. Gill- 029
D. Indian- 026
3. What antigen is associated with the complement regulatory protein, the decay accelerating factor?
a. Knops antigen
b. Chido/Rodger antigen
c. Gerbich antigen
d. Cromer antigen
4. The reduction of glycophorin C and D of the Gerbich system is associated with what condition
A. Graves's disease
B. Rheumatoid arthritis
C. Resistance to malaria
D. Hereditary elliptocytosis
5. It was discovered in the serum of the multiple transfused man
a. Xg
b. Yt
c. Chido/roger
d. Dombrock
Answers: 1.c, 2.a, 3.d, 4.d, 5.a

1. After addition of IgG-coated RBCs (check cells) to a negative AHG reaction during an antibody
screen, a negative results is observed. Which of the following is a correct interpretation?
A. Reactive AHG reagent was added
B. The antibody screen needs to be repeated
C. The saline washing was adequate
D. The antibody screen is negative

2. Which of the following factors can affect AHG test, yet is uncontrollable in the laboratory
A. Antibody affinity
B. Temperature
C. Gravitational force in the centriguge
D. Incubation time

3. If you had the authority to decide which primary AHG methodology to utilize at your laboratory,
which method would you choose based on the knowledge that the majority of the staff are generalist?

A. Polybrene
C. Solid phase or gel
D. Enzyme-linked

4. A 25-year-old group of mother has just given birth to a group A girl. Since the mother has IgG
anti-A. In her plasma, it is likely that the baby is experiencing some in vivo red cell destruction.
Which of the following methods and test would be most effective at detecting the anti-A on the
baby's RBCs?
A. DAT using gel
B. IAT using common tube technique
C. DAT using common tube technique
D. IAT using gel

5. Which of the following is a clinically significant antibody whose detection has been reported in
some instances to be dependent on anticomplement activity in polyspecific AHG?
A. anti-jka
B. Anti-P1
C. Anti- H
D. Anti- lea

Answers: 1.b, 2.a, 3.c, 4.a, 5.a

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