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jj’s ring

Posted originally on the Archive of Our Own at

Rating: General Audiences

Archive Warning: No Archive Warnings Apply
Category: F/M
Fandom: Outer Banks (TV)
Relationships: Kiara "Kie" Carrera/JJ Maybank, Kiara "Kie" Carrera & JJ Maybank
Characters: Kiara "Kie" Carrera, JJ Maybank, Sarah Cameron, John B. Routledge,
Pope Heyward, Cleo (Outer Banks)
Additional Tags: Pogues (Outer Banks), Flashbacks, Rings, One Shot, Short One Shot,
Pogue on Pogue Macking (Outer Banks), Poguelandia | The Desert
Island (Outer Banks), Kiara "Kie" Carrera Loves JJ Maybank, JJ
Maybank Loves Kiara "Kie" Carrera, Kiara "Kie" Carrera/JJ Maybank In
Love, Kiara "Kie" Carrera Has Feelings For JJ Maybank, JJ Maybank
Has Feelings For Kiara "Kie" Carrera, Sarah Cameron & Kiara "Kie"
Carrera Friendship, POV Kiara "Kie" Carrera, Soft Kiara "Kie"
Carrera/JJ Maybank, pogues tease kie about jj, pogues are rooting for
jiara, Protective JJ Maybank, kie admits her feelings, unofficial jiara
Language: English
Stats: Published: 2024-02-09 Words: 2,610 Chapters: 1/1
jj’s ring
by soulcrs


when sarah takes notice to something dangling around kiara’s neck she can’t help but be
curious, so when john b recognises it they force her to tell them the story all before teasing
her about just how in love she is.


jj gives kie his ring and the pogues beg to hear the story.

See the end of the work for notes
"hey kie, where did you get the ring on your necklace"

it was a sunday afternoon and the pogues were gathered in the chateau watching one of popes
science movies after a long day of surfing. cleo and jj had already fell asleep, jj laying in
kiaras lap as cleo lay with her head on sarah's.

kiara was relaxed, everything around her was perfect, these are the moments she enjoyed
most about pogue life. however as soon as the question left sarah's mouth everyone could see
her visibly tense up. her hand left jjs hair as she used it while talking.

"what ring, i have no idea what you mean" she offered a very non convincing smile as she
attempted to tuck the necklace into the oversized t-shirt everyone assumed to be jj's.

"wait a minute i recognise that" john b spoke up looking intensely at the silver that hung from
her neck.

it was the smirk that appeared on john bs face that let her know she'd been caught.

"so kiara, when did jj give you his ring"

the brunettes face immediately went a bright shade of red as she hid in jjs hair. sarah of
course started getting overly excited as she's been waiting years for this.

"he just gave it to me" she shrugged, so obviously telling a lie.

"don't even try with that" sarah laughed at her terrible excuse.

"tell us the story" john b whined, backing up his girlfriend as pope also nodded.

kiara sighed before grunting out a "fine".


kiara had been grounded for at-least a week now when one night jj snuck her out, taking her
to rixons, claiming he hadn't saw her in years.

they had arrived back from their deserted island a month ago now and ever since all kiara's
parents have done is ground her. every chance they got they would seize the opportunity to
keep her in the house. this time around she was eight minutes late from the newly set eleven
pm curfew. even after explaining to her parents that they were stuck at a red light they didn't
budge. kiara never missed the small smile on her mothers face when her shoulders slumped.

she was sure by now they'd have to of noticed the sneaking in and out. whether it was sarah
or jj climbing her roof neither of them were very discreet, almost always tripping somewhere
on the way up. there'd been too many close calls for her parents to still be unaware, yet she
can't understand why that hasn't been the new reason for her next house arrest.

so when jj knocked on her window for the third time that week she was quick to accept his
offer, worrying it would all come to an end soon.

he helped her down, holding her hand in a tight grasp all the way to the passenger door of the
twinkie as he let go to open it for her, mumbling something about being a gentleman as he
did so.

when they arrived to the small cove it was deserted, neither of them were surprised, expecting
nothing less at two am. jj grabbed a blanket from the back as kiara walked ahead. both their
surfboards had been left at the chateau so surfing was off the table.

when the sea air hit her bare arms kie couldn't help but shiver, even mid summer in south
carolina was cold at night. she cursed herself for not bringing the sweater she'd abandoned
before climbing out of the window. her hands rubbed the sides of her arms as she stared at the
waves, the ocean instantly comforting her.

"hey kie, i uh brought you a sweatshirt" jj scratched the back of his neck as he extended the
hand holding his bright red sweatshirt, the one kiara had expressed many times to be her

she smiled in return excepting it as she spoke "thanks jay".

he then lay down the blanket, giving them both a place the sit. they were slightly sheltered
from the tree by the palm tree to their right. kie pulled her knees up to her chest, wrapping her
arms around them as her eyes still burned into the ocean.

jj instantly took notice of her tired and deflated state, his eyes tracing her face intensely,
trying everything to know what she's thinking about. eventually kie glances over to him,
catching his worried gaze and seeing all his questions instantly. she sighs before giving into
his blue eyes and furrowed eyebrows.

"i'm scared jayj" her head hung low as she traced shapes in the sand next to her.

"scared my parents are going to send me away from outer banks, away from the pogues,
away from you." she continued as a stray tear fell down her cheek, the thought of not having
her people there everyday was too painful.

his face instantly dropped, he couldn't let her go, he wouldn't. her head dropped to her hands
as more tears fell, her pain causing him to ache.

"hey kie no. i'm not going to let anyone take you, you're not going anywhere" he began trying
to reassure her, his hand rubbing her back in a circular motion.

he lifted her head to look at him, a small laugh escaping at his optimism. she soon shook her
head though.
"you can't protect me from my parents jj, i'll have to see them eventually" she shifted closer
to him, his hand falling to wrap around her waist.

"yes i can, if they're going to try send you away you're not going back" jj's words are firm, his
mind set on kiara staying in obx.

"what are you suggesting, i come bunk with you at the chateau" kiara lets out a sarcastic snort
at the thought of her parents allowing that, she's lucky if she even gets one sleepover a week.

he doesn't budge though, when jj sets his mind to something, there's no turning back.

"yeah, that's exactly what i'm suggesting" he nods at her, confused by how lightly she is
taking the situation.

"you can't be serious" kiara pulls back slightly to get a good look at him, a glint of admiration
fills her eyes when she sees how deadly serious he is. he smirks at her in return, also sending
a wink.

"my parents would definitely send me away if i asked them that" her expression saddened,
the experience of living with jj seemingly so out of reach.

"why do they get a say. you're eighteen in what, three months. all we gotta do is just lay low
till then" jj explains his plan to the brunette before babbling on about how emancipation is
also an option.

as kie listens to him she can't help but admire how much he truly cares for her. all of his
elaborate plans showing that off more than ever.

needing him to stop rambling on she does what she believes is best in that moment. she leans
in, taking him by surprise as she kisses him, it's soft and sweet yet so deep and meaningful,
it's more than either of them could've ever imagined.

jj never wants it to end, he continually pulls kie back in, not ready to return to reality where
her lips aren't on his.

when they do pull away their foreheads lean against one another, small smiles and rosy
cheeks staring back at each other.

"come live with me kie" he begs, his hands finding hers.

the way he words it catches her off guard, it no longer just sounds like an escape from her

she looks down momentarily before meeting his eyes once again.

"they'd come looking for me jayj, if they found me there'd be no more running. i'd definitely
be sent away" she makes another excuse, her hands play with his rings, sliding them up and
down his fingers.
"they won't find you kie, i mean it. i'm not going to let them take you, no matter what" jj
sighs, wishing she would just give in already however he expects nothing less from kie
knowing just how stubborn she is.

she doesn't reply, she instead looks down at his hands, sliding off a ring and trying it on
herself, even whilst it's far too big she still loves it. kiara smiles up at him, bringing her hand
up to show the ring. jj can't help but let out a slight chuckle.

that's when an idea pops into his head. he reaches behind her and unclips the chain which
holds a turtle charm he'd bought her many years prior. she scrunches up her eyebrows at him,
confused by his sudden action.

he pays no attention and continues on, plucking the ring from her small finger before lacing
the necklace through it. leaving his favourite ring hanging on her necklace.

she grins, her teeth out at his actions. she then lifts her hair up, allowing him to return the
necklace to its original position around her neck. he twists it around and places the ring at the
front, leaving it to dangle over his hoodie.

"it suits you" he compliments, earning himself a huge grin from kie.

she reaches up to touch it, holding it in her palm as she continues to beam at him.

"whenever you feel worried or unsafe you can reach for the ring. it'll remind you that i will
never let anything bad happen. it also acts as a signal whenever i'm around" he explains,
smiling back at her, he wants her to always know he'll keep her safe.

kie's eyes rim with tears at the sweetness jj shares with her, she was sure if anyone else saw
this moment they'd be in awe. she can't stop smiling at him as his blue eyes stare back at her
with nothing but love.

"thank you jayj" she gushes at him, tackling him in a tight hug.

jj chuckles back at her as he pulls her closer in his embrace. the two fall back, leaving kie
cuddling into jj's chest as they both look up at the stars.

"please come stay at the chateau" jj begs her, his hand slowly drawing shapes on her waist.

kie stays silent for a moment as she thinks everything over. three months of hiding sounds
horrible but when she reminds herself there is not a moment she'll be alone it sounds much
better. she had been barely talking to her parents as it is, their only conversations consisting
of yelling. maybe it isn't such a bad idea.

"fine, i'm in" she sighs even if she has the biggest grin on her face.

"you better not hog the blanket though" she remarks, letting jj know she expects to share his

"kie you know you're the biggest blanket stealer" he huffs back, pretending to be offended by
her comment.
she laughs at him and the two settle back now, neither of them planning to move anytime
soon. eventually kie begins rambling on about the different stars as jj just admires her, taking
in every word.

end of flashback.

by the time kie finishes her story her cheeks are a bright shade of red and her smile is the
widest the pogues have seen. sarah has tears in her eyes as john b and pope stare at her in
awe. she's a little shocked by their reactions but understands nonetheless.

"he loves you" john b deadpans as the other two pogues nod in agreement.

"shut up. you know that's not true" she denies it, her hand back in jj's hair twirling his golden
blonde strands.

sarah rolls her eyes as the other two boys try to stifle a laugh, both failing, miserably. kie
draws them all a look, mostly worried about them disturbing the blonde who is still snoring

"kiara, you just gushed about him for the last twenty minutes, you obviously love him too"
sarah smirked at her, sending a wink along with her words.

"i did not 'gush'" kie responds, her face only getting redder by the second.

"you kissed" pope exclaims, unable to understand how neither of them can see how perfect
they are together.

at pope's loud tone jj stirs, kie looks at him in fear, worried he'd heard her story.

"so?" kie asks, knowing exactly what they mean and just how much it meant to her.

"don't even try us with the whole 'it meant nothing' speech" john b remarks, seeming as
though he can see right through the girl in front of him.

kie stutters for a short moment before giving up, defeated her shoulders slump as she holds
up both hands.

"fine, it meant something" she mumbled, watching as sarah tried to contain herself from

"i knew it!" the blonde girl squealed and pointed, unable to keep herself silent.

with the sudden out cry both jj and cleo jumped up, cleo sending daggers and jj looking
around confused. the blonde girl scooted closer to john b as he wrapped his arms around her,
she gave the pair and awkward smile before winking at kie.
"what the hell are you guys talking about" cleo groaned, dragging her hands over her face as
she flopped backwards onto a pillow.

"nothing" kie was quick to answer, making them both so much more suspicious.

"kie was just telling us how inlove she is" john b smirked, exposing her slightly as he made
sure to send jj a wink.

when all eyes turned to the brunette she was curled under a blanket so no one could see her

"john b, i'm going to fucking kill you" she grunted whilst poking her middle finger out from
under the blanket.

"i'm so scared" he snorted, laughing at the girl.

he realised as soon as he'd spoke that he'd messed up. kie didn't like when the boys
underestimated her or acted as though she couldn't fight just as well as them. so before he
even knew it, kie tackled john b, taking him to the ground instantly as sarah jumped out of his

"fucking hell kie" he huffed once she'd rolled off of him.

"that hurt" john b whined as he touched the back of his head, looking to see if it was
bleeding. sarah couldn't help but laugh at how overdramatic he is.

"good" kiara replied before taking her spot next to jj once again, the blonde quickly high-
fived her before wrapping his arm around her shoulders.

"that's your own fault man" cleo chuckled, her eyes closed as she attempted to sleep once

"so kie who's this mystery boy" jj questioned earning yet another groan from kie as she
flopped backwards.

her hands covered her face which continued to somehow become even redder every second, jj
looked back at her with his eyebrows furrowed, kie always told jj about the boys that liked
her, she claimed he was the only one to really listen.

"don't be such a dimwit jj" sarah sighed as she cuddled up to john b's chest, them now also
settling down to sleep.

jj seemed offended and completely confused, he looked to pope for answers however all he
got in return was a shrug. so confused and slightly upset jj lay down, also deciding to get in
some more beauty sleep, it was four am after all.

when he lay down kie didn't waste time rolling into him, she brought the comforter over them
both and lay her head in the crook of jj's neck. as soon as jj wrapped his arm around her
waist, pulling her in tighter goosebumps erupted on kie's body, it was then he got his answer.
End Notes

this is my first time writing on ao3, i hope you enjoyed it just as much as i did. i live for
unofficial jiara.

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