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My Attachment Style

Class Code: 16-512

Name: Angelica Joy M. Mendoza

Note: Remember this is a Reflection Paper and not just a mere reaction to the question. Hope
you are will be able to openly look into yourself and everything your share will be confidential.

Reflection Questions:

1. Describe your relationship with your parents growing up.

My relationship with my parents while growing up was distant with each other
since both of my parents are focused on their work so that us siblings will be able
to have good education and be able to provide with our needs. Though, as the
youngest sibling in our family, I was left in the care of my grandparents since as a
child I was a sickly person and the doctor told me to recuperate in the rural than
the urban since having a healthy environment was a must for me at that time
thus, I became quite distant with my family and my personality is like of a
characteristic of an introvert; quiet, reserved, observant and witty since I easily
catch-up things when something is amiss in our family.
2. What kind of attachment style do you think that you have?
I think my attachment style would be dismissive or avoidant since most of its
criteria befalls on my character especially the cool, controlled, stoic and non-
emotional. Also, I am not good in talking about my emotions since it felt kind of
foreign and it felt like I don’t want myself to be seen as a weak person and prefer
myself alone sometimes since it is kind of my sanctuary to say so.
3. Being aware of attachment style how does it help you understand yourself?
It helped me understand by accepting my flaws as a person who lacked attention
to my parents because of my upbringing and environment that I’d live at that
time. Even though sometimes, I am used to this kind of feeling of being distant to
my family but I always try to open up little by little and take courage one step at
a time since I am not really used in opening myself up to the people who are
close to me that maybe I thought of that what if they will misunderstood my
intention or something like that since I am not used in talking much myself.

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