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I’ll Always Come For You

Posted originally on the Archive of Our Own at

Rating: General Audiences

Archive Warning: Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings
Category: F/M
Fandom: Outer Banks (TV)
Relationships: Kiara "Kie" Carrera/JJ Maybank, Kiara "Kie" Carrera & JJ Maybank
Characters: Kiara "Kie" Carrera, JJ Maybank, Rafe Cameron, Carlos Singh, Sarah
Cameron, John B. Routledge, Pope Heyward
Additional Tags: Kiara "Kie" Carrera Loves JJ Maybank, JJ Maybank Loves Kiara "Kie"
Carrera, Kiara "Kie" Carrera/JJ Maybank In Love, JJ Maybank Has
Feelings For Kiara "Kie" Carrera
Language: English
Stats: Published: 2023-12-31 Words: 2,100 Chapters: 1/1
I’ll Always Come For You
by jsmits25


Season 3, Episode 2 rewrite

“Tell me Mr. Cameron, what do you think it will take to get Ms. Carrera to tell us where the
diary is?"

Rafe smirks devilishly and says, "It's not a matter of what... it's a matter of who."
"Tell me Mr. Cameron, what do you think it will take to get Ms. Carrera to tell us where the
diary is?"

Rafe smirks devilishly and says, "It's not a matter of what... it's a matter of who."


When JJ clicks on the call button for King Fish he's determined to get her back but when
Singh answers and he hears the man say her name, “Ms. Carrera", he's suddenly paralyzed,
unable to form words to speak. John B. seeing this grabs the phone from him and answers,
"This is John B. Routledge...

"Hello Mr. Routledge, it's nice to informally make your acquaintance however I'd like to
speak with a Mr. Maybank."

Everyone's eyes fall on the blonde boy from The Cut as he looks at the phone in John B's
hands as it's held out towards him. He shakily takes it in his hand and breathes in and out
before answering, “This is he."

"Mr. Maybank, I'd like to offer you an invitation of sorts. A hostage swap if you will, you for
Ms. Carrera."

"Done." JJ doesn't think twice about his answer.

"What are you doing?!"

He ignores all of the whisper yells from the Pogues and waits for Singh.

"Exit the front of the building, my men will bring you here. Your friends are free to leave."
Singh finishes and abruptly ends the call before anymore conversation can be had.

"JJ, I don't like this. You don't even know if he's even going to let Kie go. Instead of one
hostage, you may very well be the second and then what?!" Pope tries to reason.

"I don't care Pope! If he doesn't keep his word at least I'll be there with her, keep her safe
while you guys figure something out. I can't stand this. I need to see her, I need to know she's

"We all want to know if she's okay, JJ." Sarah chimes in as she shakes her head and looks at
John B. with worry. He had told her enough stories to know that JJ's act now, think later
persona rarely had positive impact.

"I'm doing this with or without your approval so just... let me go." This is the closest he's
gonna get to her right now and that alone is enough for him as he gives a salute and heads
towards the front exit.

Singh's men were a little rougher with him than he'd expected for having agreed to go with
them voluntarily. He remains calm though, paying close attention to his surroundings the
closer they get to Singh's estate. The lay of the land would be an important resource if he can
somehow bust them out. Of course he hopes that Singh meant what he said, once JJ was
there, he'd let Kiara go.

After being forcefully shoved into what JJ can only describe as a palace built for a king, his
arms and legs are restrained to a chair in the common room and left to wait. He waited hours
in that chair as guards and other employees of Singh’s flocked around the house. What was
he waiting for? All JJ could think was that perhaps Singh had kept his word and that he was
working on Kiara’s release. And if that was the case then he had no problem sitting, strapped
to a chair with only his thoughts to keep him company.

A few short minutes later however Singh steps into the room, fixing himself a drink before
acknowledging the young man. "You must really care for her, to take her place, not knowing
what it is that I want."

"Where is she? Just let her go. That was the deal. Me for her, remember?" JJ expresses, not in
the mood for idle chit chat.

"Yes, that is what I said but, according to Mr. Cameron he doesn't know where the diary is
which means Ms. Carrera and yourself do."

JJ roles his eyes, "Right… Ward. Should've known you were working with him."

It's then that Singh motions for the Cameron heir to enter the room, much to JJ's surprise
making him fight against his restraints.

"Nice to see you again, JJ." Rafe says with a smirk.

"Fuck you! What the hell are you doing here?"

"Oh you know, just spending the night with Kie." Rafe replies smugly choosing to let JJ
decide for himself what that may or may not insinuate. Getting under his skin was something
Rafe took great pleasure in over the years. His comment about Kiara at Midsummer's being
just one example.

If one look could burn someone, Rafe would've been a pile of ashes in seconds. His hatred
for this Cameron went beyond the norm, unlike his feelings for the boys sister who
surprisingly managed to become one of his chosen family.

Having enough of the adolescent banter between the two Singh interjects, "Mr. Cameron,
you're free to leave."

Rafe leaves the room after flashing one last smirk towards JJ, yet exiting quickly not needing
to be told twice while Singh makes the silent request to one of his men to bring the Carrera
girl downstairs.

When he hears her voice on the other side of the wall he feels deflated. She’s not suppose to
still be here but at the same time he feels like he can breathe again, impatiently waiting for
her beautiful face to round the corner. He knows she's not gonna be happy about his decision
to take her place but she rarely was on board with any of his decisions over the years.

"JJ? What...." Her eyes leave his and approach Singh's looking for an explanation.

"Yes, Ms. Carrera.... Mr. Maybank has agreed to a hostage swap but unfortunately for the
both of you... that was never the plan."

All JJ can do is sigh. Of course Pope was right. He was never going to let Kiara go but now
what? What is the actual plan? Now he's becoming anxious and worried. He's tied up to a
chair with no way to help her if necessary.

"I'm going to ask you one last time Ms. Carrera. Where is the diary?"

"I told you already, I don't know about any diary."

With disappointment on his features over her answer, Singh walks towards JJ, coming up on
his right side he pulls a pistol and places the barrel to the boys temple.

"No! Please! Okay, okay... I know where the diary is. Please don't hurt him." It pours out of
her so fast even Singh is surprised. It really was a matter of who. Who he could use to get her
to comply with his request.

"You see... now we're getting somewhere Ms. Carrera. We leave in the morning. I suggest
you get some sleep.” Singh then motions for the guards to take the two upstairs as he puts his
pistol away and leaves the room.


Kiara was surprised that Singh would even allow herself and JJ to be locked in the same
room together but thankful nonetheless. When the guard left and locked the door the two of
them were pulled to one another like a paper clip to a magnet. The embrace so emotionally
charged it lasted far longer than any hug the two had ever shared before.

“I’m so glad you’re safe.” He breathes into her ear, wrapping his arms around her tightly.
Feeling the rise and fall of her chest against his helped calm his nerves even if they still
weren’t completely out of harms way. In this moment all he cared about was that she was still
alive and that he was with her.

“What were you thinking?” She whispers through an unsteady breath and it’s then that he
realizes that she’s been quietly crying into his shoulder. When he tries to pull away to look at
her she only wraps her arms around his neck tighter.

“I had to get to you, Kiara. Didn’t matter how.”

“But nothing. I’ll always come for you.” He interrupts as he removes his arms from her waist
and grabs her arms to untangle them from his neck. He needs, no… he wants to see her face.
She’s hesitant but eventually gives in and the two are now standing face to face, brown eyes
meeting ocean blue.

As she wipes tears from her face he suddenly remembers something and grabs her shoulders,
“Kiara, did Rafe touch you?”

“How did you know he was…”

“Did he touch you?” He interrupts again. He needs to know. If Rafe did anything to her he
swore to himself he would make him pay.

“No.” She says shaking her head.

JJ removes his right hand from her shoulder, placing it over his chest as he breathes in a sigh
of relief. Kiara lets a little smile pass over her lips at the sight. She wonders if he’s feeling for
her what she’s feeling for him. She is happy to be back in his presence but also a little upset
at him for putting himself in danger, for her.

“He could’ve shot you, Jayj. What are we gonna… What if he… How are we…” She’s
panicking now, the high of seeing him, feeling him against her, holding her, now fading with
the realization that they are still in a very bad situation.

“Hey, hey… I’m gonna figure it out, okay. Just… breathe, Kie. I need you to breathe.” He
instructs as he reaches for her arms at her sides and pulls her back into him. When one of his
hands comes up from behind and his fingers lace into her hair she feels a shiver run down her
spine but also a calmness begins to settle within her. She wasn’t sure what it was, why he was
the only one over the years that could calm her down with just a touch.

“Why don’t you lay down and try and rest.” He says before noticing the full bath just off the
bedroom behind her. “I think I’ll take a quick shower. God knows I need one.”

“Not gonna lie, it did feel good.” She says as she makes her way to sit on the bed.

“If anyone comes in here, promise you’ll come get me?” He doesn’t want to let her out of his
sight but he knows he smells, bad.

“I promise.”


He works quickly to clean himself, dry off and redress. Combing through his hair with his
hand and wishing he had clean clothes to put on but he’ll take what he can get at this point.

When he opens the bathroom door, he stops to admire her. She was sleeping, facing the
bathroom. He wonders if she lied there staring at the bathroom door waiting for him to return
before sleep took her. She looks beautiful like always, curls lying down her back and don’t
even get him started on the sexy satin pajamas. He misses the feel of them on his hands from
when he embraced her earlier.
He decides to lay down next to her. As he lays there on his back, arms up, hands behind his
head, he begins to think. What was the game plan? What was he going to do to get them out
of here? He knows the Pogues won’t leave them behind. Hopefully they’re working on a
plan, maybe even ready to execute said plan because right now he’s got nothing and he can’t
fail her.

He’s pulled from his thoughts when she rolls over in her sleep, draping her arm over his waist
subconsciously or so he thought until that beautiful voice he feared he might never hear again
filled the room, “I’m cold, J.”


“Mhmm.” She nods as she pulls herself closer into his side.

“I think I can fix that.” He tells her as he unfolds his hands from under his head, bringing his
right arm down to wrap around her backside, then grabbing the blanket with his left hand to
cover them. It took a few seconds before he got enough nerve to sneak his left hand under the
blanket, wrapping his hand around her forearm.

“You good?” He asks as his chin finds the top of her head.

“With you… always.” She replies and he can tell that she’s smiling without even seeing her
face. He knows he should stay awake and come up with a plan but he’s so tired and lying
here with her, all he wants to do is revel in this. They both know there’s a shift of some kind
happening between them and where that goes only time will tell.
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