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— Cyclical steps followed from intelligence planning to the dissemination of processed
information. It is a repetitive process used to produce intelligence from information.


 Planning and Supervision – that which is always continuous in all phases of the intelligence
 Directing – determine the intelligence requirements, priority intelligence requirement,
indicators, formulation of specific orders/request and selection of collecting agency
 Collection – a systematic extraction of information from different sources such as HUMINT,
 Processing – it is the recording, evaluation, integration and interpretation of collected
 Dissemination and Use – refers to properly relaying of intelligence thru personal contacts,
messages or formal intelligence documents, the timeliness observed in the disseminating
intelligence and the security of intelligence to authorized end user.


A. Determination of Intelligence Requirements
▪ Classification of Intelligence Requirements:
1. 1). Priority Intelligence Requirements (PIRs) or Essential Elements of Information (EEIs)
2. 2). Other Intelligence Requirements (OIRs)

▪ Priority Intelligence Requirements – Those intelligence requirements for which a commander

has an anticipated and stated priority in his task of planning and decision-making.
It is the highest Intelligence requirements and are the basis for intelligence operations and are
personally approved by the commander.
▪ Other Intelligence Requirements – Those items of information regarding the enemy and his
environment which need to be collected and processed in order to meet the intelligence
requirements of the commander.
▪ Specific Order Requests (SORs) – Product of requirement analysis that are required of
collection units or agencies in the form of
orders or requests.

B. Determination of Intelligence Priorities –Determination of Intelligence

indicators/determination of those enemy activities or characteristics of
the area of operations which could indicate the answers to the intelligence requirements and to
determine the specific items of information.
▪ Indicators – Generalized theoretical action that an enemy might be expected to take in
preparation for aggressive action that are things or events that transpired in the past or things
or events that are presently occurring.

C. Determination of intelligence specific orders or requirements/selection of collection agencies

to be employed, and issuance of necessary orders and requests for information.

D. Determine the collection agencies together with the time and place the information
is to be reported/supervising the execution
of orders and requests.

— Systematic exploitation of sources of information by collection agencies and the delivery of
the information obtained to the proper intelligence unit or agency.

▪ Police Information Collection Activities:

 Routing patrols
 Surveillance
 Criminal investigation
 Use of outsiders like informers and informants
 Interrogations
 Investigations
 Search and seizures
 Checkpoints
 Cordon and search
 Interview and elicitation

▪ Sources of Information – Any person, object or record used by an investigator in conducting


▪ Types of Sources of Information

a. Open Sources – Those that are obtained w/out resorting to special effort or clandestine ops.
b. Non-Open Sources – Those that are not obtained openly as described above.
▪ Kinds of Informer
 Common or ordinary
 Confidential

▪ Kinds of Informant
 Confidential
 Voluntary
 Involuntary
 Special
 Anonymous

▪ Steps involved in the processing of information
A. Recording – Reduction of information to writing or some other form of graphical
representation and the arranging of information into groups of related items.

▪ Means of recording information

 Intelligence Journal – Chronological log of significant intelligence activities covering a stated
period usually 24 hours.
 Intelligence Workbook – Aids in sorting, evaluation and interpreting of information in the
preparation of intelligence reports.
 Enemy Situation Map – A graphic representation of the current enemy situation.
 Order of Battle Records/Watch Lists
 Coordinate Register
 Identification Files – Files in the intelligence unit of personalities in crimes, location of illegal
or suspected illegal activities, vehicle registry used by hoodlums, criminals, dissidents, union
racketeers, list of and data on dubious organizations, telephone numbers of suspects,
criminal and other suspicious police characters.

Types of identification files are:

(1) Persons;
(2) Numbers; and
(3) Non-Persons.

B. Evaluation - Determination of the pertinence or significance of the information relative to

the operation, reliability of the sources or agency, and accuracy of the information.
Pertinence – Determination of the area of ops. and who needs it; if so, by whom and when.
Reliability – Determination of the sources of info. by which it was collected and evaluated.
Accuracy – Probable truth of the information.
Sources of information:
 Direct observation by the commander of a unit.
 Report by a penetration agent or resident agent.
 Report by an AFP trooper or
 PNP personnel in encounter or operation.
 Interrogation of a captured enemy agent or foreigner.
 Observation by a government or civilian employee or official.
 Observation by a member of a populace.
 Documentary

C. Interpretation Analysis – Determination of the significance of the information relative to the
information and the intelligence already known and drawing deductions about the probable
meaning of the evaluated information.

▪Activities involved in the Interpretation of Information:

1. Assessment – Sifting and sorting of evaluated information to isolate insignificant elements
with respect to the mission and operation of the unit.

2. Integration – Combination of elements isolated in analysis with other known information

to form a logical picture on hypothesis of enemy activities or influence of operational area
characteristics on the mission of the unit.

3. Deduction – Designed to answer the question, “What does this information mean in relation
to the enemy situation, weather and area of operation?”


a. Timeliness
b. Propriety

Methods of Dissemination:
a. Personal Contact – Conferences, briefings, person-to-person exchanges.
b. Messages – Couriers, secured electrical means.
c. Intelligence Documents

1) Intelligence Reports 8) Special Studies
2) Intelligence Summaries 9) Watch List and Target List
3) Imagery Interpretation Reports 10) PACREP for Intelligence
4) Document Analysis Reports 11) JAPIC PSR Report
5) Periodic Intelligence Reports 12) Intelligence Estimates
6) Debriefing Reports
7) Technical Intelligence Report

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