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examples of elements:

1. Hydrogen (H): The lightest and most abundant element in the universe.
2. Oxygen (O): Essential for respiration and combustion.
3. Carbon (C): The basis of organic chemistry and found in all living
4. Nitrogen (N): Makes up a significant portion of Earth's atmosphere.
5. Helium (He): Used in balloons and as a coolant in scientific
6. Iron (Fe): Essential for hemoglobin in blood and found in Earth's core.
7. Gold (Au): Valued for its rarity and use in jewelry and electronics.
8. Sodium (Na): Commonly found in table salt (sodium chloride).
9. Chlorine (Cl): Used in disinfectants and swimming pools.
10. Calcium (Ca): Important for bone health and muscle function.
Remember, elements are the fundamental building blocks of matter, each
characterized by a unique chemical symbol. 🌟🔬

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