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HOPE Contest

2. Registered teams of 3 members should have created a 3-minute video

utilizing Flipgrid, based on the thought-provoking question below. Be sure
to present your school's name and full team members’ names at the
beginning of the video.

The video should include your team’s response based on the

following question:

 What should be considered for responsible pet care by keeping them climate
safe and how does this information bring value to the community? ?
o Video’s should include factual information on the topic that the
students collected from at least 3 different sources. Be sure to reference the sources
in the video.

o Be as informative and as creative as possible. 😊This should be a video

that captures the community’s attention and provides them with as
much information on this very important topic.
o Make sure that the students can be heard clearly throughout the video.

3. Upload your video under your team’s grade band (Elementary, Middle
School, or High School) Flipgrid topic by 3:00 PM, Friday, February 09,

4. Stay tuned! The winning teams will have their video showcased at the
2024 Miami-Dade County Fair & Exposition from March 14, 2024- April
07, 2024 as well as have their video showcased on
Teams will also be invited to an in-person Awards Ceremony. (More
information on the awards ceremony will be shared soon).

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