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Name: _________________________ Roll No.


Section: _____________________ Date: ________________________

Q1) Choose one of the topics you have been working on or a new topic according to your
interest. Use the thesis, evidence, opposing argument, and concessionary statement as the
basis for writing a full persuasive essay. Be sure to include an engaging introduction, clear
explanations of all the evidence you present, and a strong conclusion.

Checklist: Does my essay contain the following elements according to Toulmin Model?

✓ Claim
✓ Grounds
✓ Warrant 1
✓ Warrant 2
✓ Backing of Warrant 1
✓ Backing of Warrant 2
✓ Rebuttal
✓ Qualifier
✓ You may watch this video in case of any confusion
Evaluation criteria:

Introduction Opposing Strong ev- Style and A com- Refer- Total

and thesis and quali- idence in tone of pelling con- ences
fying ideas support language clusion +
(two differ- of claim In text Ci-
(overview, ent con- (recent (Formal, (reinstating tation
background, trolling and rele- cohesive, the main
main idea) ideas) vant) no er- idea and
rors) summing
4 4 4 2 3 3 20

✓ The word limit for your argument analysis essay is between 500 – 600 words (in-
cluding bibliography/reference list).
✓ Name your Word document as your complete name along with your section for e.g.
Naomi Justin – NN (do not upload images or JPEG files as they will not be accepted).
✓ The font should be Times New Roman 12 with 1.5 line spacing.
✓ In-text citation is a must along with the references at the end. Kindly visit this link to
know more about in-text citation and reference list:

✓ Do not copy and paste from the internet as plagiarized assignments would be graded
zero. Try to summarize, paraphrase or quote according to APA citation.
✓ The deadline to submit your assignment is 16th January, 2024. No assignment will
be accepted after the deadline.
✓ After completing your assignment, kindly upload it on Moodle under the heading
of Rhetorical Modes - Persuasion in a word document file (not PDF and JPEG)
and also submit the hard copy in the last class.

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