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Chapter 12: The Cell Cycle right answer feedback:

The person credited with first recognizing

(in the 1860s) that living cells cannot Correct. There would be 32
arise spontaneously, but arise only from chromosomes present in each of the
previously existing cells, is daughter cells.

Rudolf Virchow
"Cytokinesis" refers to
the division of the cytoplasm
The function of the mitotic cell cycle is to
produce daughter cells that
Chromatids are
are genetically identical to the parent cell
identical copies of each other if they are part of
(assuming no mutation has occurred)
the same duplicated chromosome

Which of the following is FALSE regarding

If a cell contains 60 chromatids at the
sister chromatids?
start of mitosis, how many chromosomes
Both of the sister chromatids end up in the
will be found in each daughter cell at the
same daughter cell after cytokinesis has
completion of the cell cycle?
The complex of DNA and protein that
A biochemist measured the amount of
makes up a eukaryotic chromosome is
DNA in cells growing in the laboratory
properly called
and found that the quantity of DNA in the
cells doubled
between the G1 and G2 phases
The region of a chromosome in which the
two double strands of replicated DNA are
A cell biologist carefully measured the
held together is called
quantity of DNA in grasshopper cells
a centromere
growing in cell culture. Cells examined
during the G2 phase of the cell cycle
The centromere is a region in which
sister chromatids are attached to one another contained 200 units of DNA. What would
in prophase be the amount of DNA at G1 of the cell
cycle in one of the grasshopper daughter
How many maternal chromosomes are cells?
present in a somatic human cell not 100 units
engaged in cell division?
23 During interphase, the genetic material
of a typical eukaryotic cell is
A cell entering the cell cycle with 32 dispersed in the nucleus as long strands of
chromosomes will produce two daughter
cells, each with
DNA replication occurs in the S phase of
none of the listed numbers of chromosomes
If a human somatic cell is just about to How many sister chromatids are present
divide, it has __________ chromatids. in the early telophase of mitosis?
Human somatic cells have 92 0v
chromatids just prior to cell division due
to the replication of the 46 chromosomes
that occurred during the S phase.

Down syndrome is characterized by cells

having three copies of chromosome 21.
As a cell in an individual with Down
syndrome prepares to enter mitosis, how
many chromatids would be present?
Cells from an individual with Down
syndrome would have 23 pairs of
chromosomes, plus an extra
chromosome for a total of 47. At S phase
those chromosomes replicate to produce
94 sister chromatids.

Which of the following does NOT occur

during mitosis?
replication of chromosomes

During what phase in the cell cycle would

you find the most DNA per cell?

In the telophase of mitosis, the mitotic

spindle breaks down and the chromatin
uncoils. This is essentially the opposite of
what happens in __________.

Which of the following phases of mitosis

is essentially the OPPOSITE of
prometaphase in terms of the nuclear

Assume that you are dealing with a

species in which the number of
chromosomes in each somatic cell is 14.

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