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Sem. Jonathan DP.

Racelis September 8, 2021

Philosophy IV Philosophy of Science

We Have Been Deceived

The reality is that whenever something is shown to
us through an advertisement, commercial, media or any
visible resources, we tend to accept and believe the
product because we acknowledge that it is proven
thoroughly and scientifically, little do we know that this
so-called “science” is not genuine, rather what’s behind
are just mere theories, approaches and hypothesis.
As the summary of the book tells us, this is just
pseudoscience. Everything that we have seen and been
living with is a fraud, it is not real. Some may say that it is
statistically proven or approved by an
authorized/certified/registered individual, it may or not
be true. We have to identify the legit from the fake,
because not everything we perceive can lead us to our
end, our purpose.
The thing is that there is always behind this science
that we are talking about. Who knows? Maybe it is just a
strategy for someone’s personal advantage over others,
maybe authorities are just observing if this science of
them are just alright with us? Or maybe this is just
something that we really have to adopt with.

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