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일반 편입 06-1 금오공대 기출문제

※ 밑줄 친 부분과 같은 뜻을 항을 골라 그 기호를 답지에 쓰시오.

1. Australia plans to rely to immigration to stop a decline in its population in the next
① ② ③ ④
30 years.

2. To communicate with its customers, a company has to know who are they.
① ② ③ ④

3. When use a map, you have to make sure that both you and the map are pointed in
① ② ③
the same direction.

4. The current exhibition from ancient Greek cultures have attracted a lot of visitors.
① ② ③ ④

5. In the event that the item which you requested it is out of stock, we will notify you
① ② ③

6. All workers must receive adequately training in their specific work tasks to protect
① ② ③ ④
their health.

7. Cellular phones are no longer allowed in the conference room because they are
to others.
① disturbed ② disturb
③ disturbance ④ disturbing

※ 밑줄 친 부분에 들어갈 가장 알맞은 기호를 답지에 쓰시오.

8. We will you at the front entrance.
① wait for ② wait until
③ be waiting ④ wait from
9. One of the most arguments for biking and walking is their ability to
reduce road congestion.
① persuasive ② persuade
③ persuasion ④ persuaded

10. All the people were interviewed believe that doing what you want is
more important than making a ton of money.
① which ② who
③ whom ④ whose

11. is made from cellulose is a little known fact.

① Rayon ② Being rayon
③ That rayon ④ What rayon

12. That family five people.

① consists with ② consists from
③ is ④ consists of

※ A에 대한 물음에 가장 알맞은 응답을 골라 그 기호를 답지에 쓰시오.

13. A : She cut her finger! What should we do?
B :
① There are six students in the class.
② I'd like a drink of water.
③ It's not too deep. Cover it with a small bandage.
④ Buy her a new computer.

14. A : I'm so happy! I got an A in English.

B :
① He is in the classroom right now.
② Congratulations!
③ I'm sorry to hear that.
④ My English professor's name is Mr. Lewis.

15. A : Do you like watching comedies?

B :
① No, I prefer action movies.
② It's not a comedy.
③ It's very funny.
④ He is a famous comedian.
16. A : Do you have to go soon?
B :
① Thank you, I do. ② Yes, you do.
③ I left as soon as I could. ④ I'm afraid so.

17. A : Why did she cancel the trip?

B :
① She lives to fly. ② No, she didn't.
③ She has the flu. ④ She canceled the trip yesterday.

18. A : How do you start the washing machine?

B :
① Just wait, and I'll show you.
② I don't have a washing machine.
③ They're very expensive.
④ You have a nice washing machine.

※ 다음 글을 읽고 물음에 가장 적절한 답을 고르시오.

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[ ] Inter City Bank. Inc.
Wireless Road
Bangkok, Thailand.
August 10 1995
William Hart
Prapatan Furniture Co.
7 Talana st.
Ching Mai 3087

Near Mr. Hart

We are expanding our office in Ching Mai. Therefore, we will need new desk,
chairs, cabinet and lighting fixture. Please send us a catalog and a price list for
the above-mentioned items. Once I have had a chance to review this information.
I will contact you to arrange a meeting so that we can discuss my needs and
negotiate price.

Peter Lowfled

[ ] Gran opening
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1. 번역된 국어문장과 같은 뜻이 되게 ( ) 안에 알맞은 한 단어를 쓰시오.

Out of sight, out of ( mind ) (안 보면 마음이 멀어진다)

2. As soon as she heard the news, she burst into tears.

→ ( On ) hearing the news, she burst into tears.

3. look forward to (hear) → hearing

4. carefully → with care

5. (가) A : How do you go to school?

B : By bus.
(나) A : How 's your family?
B : They are all well, thank you.

※ 일부 문제만 복원되었으니 참조하시기 바라며 수험생 여러분 중 빠진 부분의 문제를

메일이나 학원으로 보내시면 문제 및 정답을 복원하여 올려드리겠습니다.

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