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1. In for a penny, in for a pound

Meaning: To put all of one’s effort into something
Sentence: After the team’s defeat last season, they decided that, “in for
a penny, in for a pound,” they have to win the title this season.
2. By the skin of your teeth
Meaning: To just barely get by or make it
Sentence: We managed to complete the project on time by the skin of
our teeth.
3. Fair and square
Meaning: Done according to the rules
Sentence: We picked the lottery numbers at random and won fairly
and squarely.
4. Having an Ace up the sleeve
Meaning: A surprise advantage that other individuals are unaware of
Sentence: The governor’s popularity among the youth voters gives her
an ace up her sleeve for the ongoing elections.
5. Down for the count
Meaning: Tired; giving up
Sentence: My pet dog is down for the count after playing the whole day
with the frisbee.

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