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Title of the Activity: THUMB IT!

Most Essential Learning Competency: Identify the various elements, techniques, and literary devices in
specific forms of poetry.

K to 12 BEC CG: (HUMSS_CW/MP11/12c-f-6-7)

Directions: Put thumbs up before the sentence if you like it because it is

factual or true, thumbs down if it is not.

•1. Prose is more

•6. A lyric is a form of
condensed than
verse, often a narrative set to music.

2. Poetry is a language 7. Anapaest is an unstressed syllable followed by a

arranged in lines.

3. Poetry is written in condensed language,

stylized syntax, and 8. End rhymes don’t
figures of speech. have a scheme.

4. Poetry includes the kind of detail and

explanation found in prose. 9. Spenserian is a seven
line stanza, also called septet.

5. Some elements are 10. A caesura is essential in establishing a predi

exclusive to a specific
type of poetry.
Title of the Activity: What am I?

Most Essential Learning Competency: Identify the various elements, techniques, and literary devices in
specific forms of poetry.

K to 12 BEC CG: (HUMSS_CW/MP11/12c-f-6-7)

Directions: Identify what is described in each number by writing your answer on the space
provided inside the dialog box.

10. consists of two successive 9.

contains quatrains and an additional
1. the emotional response of the reader to a work line

8. used by the poets to bring out the musical

emphasize ideas, to create mood, and to re

3. reflects the feelings of the writer

7. vivid pictures or concepts in the mind
of the writer

5. comparable to the paragraph in 6. the word people use to talk about the
a prose
the reader
Title of the Activity: MIX AND MATCH

Most Essential Learning Competency: Identify the various elements, techniques, and literary devices in
specific forms of poetry. Others numbers are done for you.

K to 12 BEC CG: (HUMSS_CW/MP11/12c-f-6-7)

Directions: Match Column A with Column B to complete the meaning of the given elements,
techniques and literary devices of poetry. Write your answer before the number.
Column Column

11. This is used by the poets to bring out

the musical quality of language, to emphasize a. Meter
ideas, to create mood, and to reinforce subject
matter. b. Conventional Poetry
12. It refers to the repetition of a regular
c. Foot
rhythmic unit in a line of poetry.
h 13. It is a strong pause within a line, and d. Tanaga
is often found alongside enjambment.
c 14. It refers to the unit of meter. e. Sonnet
k 15. It is a stressed syllable followed by
the two unstressed syllable f. Theme
16. This form of conventional poem
consists of fourteen lines that traditionally g. Acrostic
follows a strict rhyme scheme and specific
structure. h. Caesura
17. It is a type of poem that contains
regular patterns of rhyme and meter. i. Iamb
18. It is a type of Filipino poem consisting
of four lines with seven syllables each with the j. Rhythm
same rhyme at the end of each line.
k. Dactyl
19. It is a type of poem in which the first
letter, syllable or word of each line, paragraph
or other recurring feature in the text spells out a
word or a message.
Title of the Activity: GUESS THE LITERARY DEVICE!

Most Essential Learning Competency: Identify the various elements, techniques, and literary devices in
specific forms of poetry.

K to 12 BEC CG: (HUMSS_CW/MP11/12c-f-6-7)

Directions: Identify the poetic devices used in the following sentences, by choosing from the given
word/words below. Other numbers are done for you. Write your answer in the space provided before the

1. He saw the cost and hauled off.

2. Rolling through the field in the dead of winter (enjambment)

3. Love is a red, red rose.

4. I left my punch card on the lunch yard.

5. The grass grew green in the graveyard.

6. You could paddle through the spittle in the bottle.

7. I was awoken by the pleasing scent of the bacon as it wafted down the hallway.

8. I know it is wet and the sun is not sunny but we can have a lots of good fun that is funny.
9. The leaves danced in the wind.

10. Children! Where have you gone?

11. The storm was a raging bull.

12. The sound of water falling in time drip drip drip.

13. Acorns mourned the return of autumn. (pathetic fallacy)

14. What a lift of the gun BANG!

15. You blind mouths! How can you be so dull? (transferred epithet)

 Assonance Enjambment Repetition

Rhyme Alliteration Consonance
Imagery Rhythm Personification
Apostrophe Metaphor Onomatopoeia
Pathetic Fallacy Onomatopoeia
Transferred Epithet
To be written at the back sheets of your notebook.
Title of the Activity: Let’s try AROSTIC!

Most Essential Learning Competency: Identify the various elements, techniques, and literary devices in
specific forms of poetry.

K to 12 BEC CG: (HUMSS_CW/MP11/12c-f-6-7)

Directions: Compose a free verse poem for the word A. POETRY B. your FIRST NAME both
integrating your personal qualities.


Title of the Activity: CONVENTIONAL FORM!

Most Essential Learning Competency: Identify the various elements, techniques, and literary devices in
specific forms of poetry.

K to 12 BEC CG: (HUMSS_CW/MP11/12c-f-6-7)

Directions: Determine the form of the following conventional poems.

1. If your feet were as many As

hundreds of centipede’s
None should have been left behind When
you left for your exile.

2. An ocean voyage
As waves break over the bow The
sea welcomes me

3. Despair not, my beloved.

Tonight, light bids you adieu.
Tom‟row, t‟will smile at you.

4. Coming from the woods A

bull has a lilac spring
Dangling from a horn

5. When I was christened

They held me up
and poured some water out
of a cup.

The trouble was it

fell on me, and I
and water don’t

A lot of christeners
stood and listened:
I let them know

that I was christened

6. Winter is cold It
is winder Never hot
There are children playing
Especially freezing
Really cold

7. “A noiseless patient spider,

I mark’d where on a little promontory it stood isolated, Mark’d

how to explore the vacant vast surrounding,
It launch’d forth filament, filament, filament, out of itself, Ever
unreeling them, ever tirelessly speeding them.

8. How do I love thee? Let me count the ways. I love

thee to the depth and breadth and height My soul can
reach, when feeling out of sight For the ends of being
and ideal grace.
I love thee to the level of every day's Most quiet
need, by sun and candlelight. I love thee freely,
as men strive for right;
I love thee purely, as they turn from Praise. I love
with a passion put to use
In my old griefs, and with my childhood's faith. I love
thee with a love I seemed to lose
With my lost saints, I love thee with the breath, Smiles,
tears, of all my life! and, if God choose, I shall but love
thee better after death.
9. I’m ready to take on a taut strand, but
I’d rather take the slack one,
for I could go far that way

10. A touch of cold in the Autumn night – I

walked abroad,
And saw the ruddy moon lean over a hedge Like a
red-faced farmer …

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