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Weapon Type Condition Slots Uses Damage Cost

Melee Combat 1 1 - 1d4 10


[Common][Weapon Category]
Shivs, hand-crafted spears, pipe-clubs.
If minimum damage is rolled for this weapon, it immediately
loses 1 condition.

Weapon Type Condition Slots Uses Damage Cost

Compact 3 2 15 1d8 650


[Uncommon][Battery Powered Rifle]

If only power was as common as bullets now-a-days.
The Pulsar uses a side mounted powerpack to unleash electrical
bolts. To recharge the Pulsar, it must be plugged into a power
source where it regains 1d10 uses each round.


Weapon Type Condition Slots Uses Damage Cost

Marksman 3 3 4 1d12 800


[Rare][Bolt Action Rifle with AP rounds]

Nowhere to run, nowhere to hide.
The rounds shot by the Semblance are debilitating to armor. The
Semblance can critically hit on a 19 as well as a 20 if fired at
an inanimate object or item. If the Semblance scores a critical
hit, then the target's DR is lowered by 2 until the users next
Weapon Type Condition Slots Uses Damage Cost

Raid Rifle 3 3 10 1d10 500

Shotgun - - 1 2d4* -

[Uncommon][Rifle with underslung shotgun]

Buckshot, or bullet?
There’s a shotgun attached to the bottom of this rifle. You can
choose whichever one to fire when making an attack. Since the
shotgun is attached, it shares condition with the rifle and
shares slots.
*If this weapon has several damage dice, you can divide the dice
between several close targets.

Weapon Type Condition Slots Uses Damage Cost

Pistol 3 1 4 1d6 80

[Uncommon][Mechanical Handheld Laser Cutter]

Sometimes you make do with what you have.
This handheld laser cutter is used by ship cutters and
salvagers. Given enough time, it can be used to cut through
metal surfaces such as hulls or walls. The guiding lights make
this weapon easy to spot if turned on, and far from stealthy.

Weapon Type Condition Slots Uses Damage Cost

Raid Rifle 3 3 10 1d10 450

[Uncommon][Scrap Spear Thrower]

Stick and poke.
This rifle is loaded with spikes of scrap metal. If a critical
hit is rolled, then instead of an extra damage die rolled the
target is impaled and will take 1 damage at the start of each of
their turns until they take the spike out as an action or
someone helps remove it.

Weapon Type Condition Slots Uses Damage Cost

Shotgun 3 2 2 2d6* 800

[Rare][Double Barrel Shotgun]

Rip and Tear.
This double barrel shotgun packs a punch. Once a turn you can
reroll any 1s you rolled for damage with this gun. Both barrels
can be fired at once, immediately lowering this weapon's
condition by 1 but adding an extra damage die to the attack.
*If this weapon has several damage dice, you can divide the dice
between several close targets.

Weapon Type Condition Slots Uses Damage Cost

Melee 2 1 - 1d6 100


[Uncommon][Portable Chainsaw]
Violent acts breed innovation.
Though designed as a tool, this small chainsaw sword functions
more as a weapon now. This can be used to cut through wooden
objects, cloth, and cabling - though it is useless against
metal. Popular for its loud intimidation factor.
Weapon Type Condition Slots Uses Damage Cost

Revolver 3 1 6 1d6 175

[Rare][Virus Infected AI Pistol]

A virus corrupts this weapon and demands to be let out. An
analog port on the grip of this gun can be plugged into a
terminal, electronic, or other device - shutting it down for 1d6
hours. Afterwards the virus must recharge for 1d20 hours.

Weapon Type Condition Slots Uses Damage Cost

Grenade 1 1 - - 65

[Common][Neon-Paint Burster]
A real party starter.
This grenade sprays out a dust of bright, glowing neon powder.
Each target within a 10 meter diameter of this grenade exploding
are covered in bright powder, and are treated as having -2 to
their DR. This powder can be dusted off as an action or someone
else can dust it off another.
Armor Protects Against Slots DR Bonus Cost

Pit Armor Melee Weapons 2 +1 100

[Common][Pit Fighters Armor]

From the pinnacle… to the pit.
If a melee weapon attack misses you while wearing this armor,
roll a D8. On a 1, that melee weapon loses 1 condition.

Armor Protects Against Slots DR Bonus Cost

Vulture Small Arms & 2 +1 175


[Common][Scavengers Jumpsuit and Metal Plates]

And it has pockets!
This armor is built for protection and scavenging. Add +1 to
your item slots while wearing this.

Armor Protects Against Slots DR Bonus Cost

Scrappers Melee & Thrown 2 +2 300


[Uncommon][High Quality Scrappers Gear]

Tools for tearing away.
This vest and armour plating includes a wrist bracer filled with
tools for scrapping gear. When dismantling electronics and
weapons, it takes 1d4 hours to get 1 component instead of 1d6
Violent Delights: Gear for Death in Space is an independent production by
Benjamin Ziegler and is not affiliated with Stockholm Kartell. It is
published under the DEATH IN SPACE Third Party License.

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