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10 Reasons People Will Follow A Leader | Big Is The New Small

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Posted by Scott Williams

February 28, 2011
Leaders | Leadership | Next-Level Leader

We have all worked for various types of leaders with various types of leadership gifts; however every
once and awhile we get to work for that leader whom we would follow anywhere. One of the ultimate compliments an employee can pay to
their leader is “I would work for you or follow you anywhere!” This doesn’t mean that it’s all about that leader, it simply means that particular
employee was bought into how that leader carried the organizational vision and how that leader impacted them personally.

I have personally made that statement to a leader that I have worked for and have been humbled by having individuals that I have worked

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10 Reasons People Will Follow A Leader | Big Is The New Small

alongside pay me that same compliment. I have a hypothesis on the reasons why someone would make such a bold statement.

10 Reasons People Will Follow A Leader Anywhere:

1. They have a mind of their own, not a “Yes Man or Yes Woman.”
2. They always maintain a high degree of integrity.
3. They don’t have temper tantrums; yell, scream, cuss…
4. They truly care about their employees personally, what’s happening in their lives outside of the organization.
5. They are committed to developing and making every team member better. They maximize the gifts of their employees, don’t micro-
manage and free-up their employees to soar. Under their tutelage employees are better leaders both personally and professionally.
6. They always let their employees know where they stand, no surprises.
7. They are willing to receive input and feedback from employees throughout the organizational chart.
8. They balance confidence and humility. Did I mention they are confident!
9. They can remain appropriately calm under pressure, under fire, under the gun…
10. They produce results and success; They’re Winners! Although they are successful they understand that their commitment to this
world is beyond their role, beyond their degree, beyond their success… Their mark will truly be identified as someone who genuinely
cared about people and made positive impacts in the lives of people.

It’s great to have leaders whose leadership impacts you positively enough that you would utter this phrase”I Will Follow That Leader

Have you worked for that leader? Have you been that leader? Share your thoughts on this list or add additional points to this list.

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11 Responses to “10 Reasons People Will Follow A Leader”

Modern Reject February 28, 2011 at 10:05 am #

I think this is a great list.

I especially like #5. Great leaders help others become great leaders.

I would also add, that great leaders give incentives to perform and reward excellence. God is a rewarder and great leaders can be also.


Scott Williams March 4, 2011 at 8:37 am #

Yes leaders move people from where they are to where they need to be.


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10 Reasons People Will Follow A Leader | Big Is The New Small

Nate February 28, 2011 at 1:43 pm #

I operate under one philosophy when it comes to my staff. “I will not ask you to do anything that I am not willing to do or have not
already done myself. If I have never done it you better believe I am right there with you trying to sort through and understand it.”

The greatest leaders over time were inspirational. They stood for something. They organized people behind a purpose. They saw
something in other people that they were not able to see themselves. Their mission was never about self glorification. What they stood
for was something bigger than themselves.

When I think about leaders I think about the story of King Arthur and the knights of the round table (at least the glorified feel good
version). Camelot was bigger than all of them. Most importantly I think about Jesus Christ. He demonstrated what a leader does for his
followers. The list above really does do a great job of showing some of the characteristics of a leader. However, the reason a person will
follow their leader into the pits of hell and back is because they are a beacon, a light, a direction, a connection to something that is bigger
than themselves. They are inspirational and they are transformational, they help to find purpose.

I follow Christ because he mad me believe, he helped me find purpose, he loved me so much that he gave his life so that I might live.
Leadership is not in title alone but in action and commitment.


Scott Williams March 4, 2011 at 8:37 am #

Great leaders stand for something


Jonathan Pearson February 28, 2011 at 4:43 pm #

Great list! I think #4 may be the most critical in a leader. Genuine care brings genuine loyalty in my book.


Scott Williams March 4, 2011 at 8:38 am #

I think most employees would agree with that one


janis meredith February 28, 2011 at 6:10 pm #

It scares me a little when a spiritual leader asks, “Will you follow me?” No, I will not. I will follow God. I’ve been in a situation when a
leader asked that and it came across as such a prideful statement. This leader was hypocritical and egotistical and. I know what you are
saying, I think. I guess I just have been burned and I really don’t want to follow any MAN. They surely disappoint too much.

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10 Reasons People Will Follow A Leader | Big Is The New Small


Scott Williams March 4, 2011 at 8:40 am #

I think you can follow what the man stands for… I agree, never a substitute!


jimmy hankins February 28, 2011 at 10:49 pm #

I tease and snark the LC leadership online whenever I can get away with it.(grin)

But I’ve yet to see one ask “Will you follow me?” They’re all about the “Will you follow Jesus?” question.


Bryan Thompson March 1, 2011 at 8:08 pm #

I have seen leaders NOT do the things you mentioned too. For instance, there are some out there who do scream and yell at those
underneath them, there are those who don’t maintain a high level of integrity, but what I find is that their leadership is generally short-
lived. Those that have followed them will likely fall apart. Good thoughts on true leadership, especially leadership that is God-based.


Dan Black March 2, 2011 at 12:10 pm #

I have served with that type of leader. I think this is one of the greatest rewards for a leader, to have your people say they will follow you
wherever you go. Also to be able to follow a leader like that does not happen everyday. Thank you for the post.


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