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Quant um Heal ing

Quautu m haltng is term that dseribe houw our

balufs and t tucus affect thu way that e erguience
Tllness and hual th in our Ufe
Quantum haling is research that cplores
how well
avoking fdd
fida off livel
hu Smallist
Can be influenced byby te
quantum hualers, the simpe act
ffect everq thing varlous holisttc
tools ike - Meditation
to over co me stress ael
bgurvcla Yag, reatirg exercise
Tu j0a of qan tum hualing is not to auoid or iqnone illnus9
bt ruther to dis corer what makes s ick and thun ake
steps to prevoit it.
Quantum hielers viecu halth as Aluic, adap tuble and ChangeabE
uhat we do andl think

Quantum Hecling - A
Deper lopk
Quautum is based on
tu principlus of quautim physics, which)
jn wverse is made
sues ted fat
which we
conscirusy rteyact cutth that
yole in chaping althy
Thre are several
inþortuat princ1pr to wncsotacd quantung
Life force 0r Enig- LIfe force
Living ihings is an catra) (onept wkun ke few of
ife fovce or enurgy is disturb,it Can leac to

emotional or spritual probims

We can
overçons frm Huse problm by
- Rnmgono (einating cure

- Medltation

- Law of Attractioy (Athact fci tire thowqlts and emotons)

Tuse are some factors by which
which we ove rcome from stess
oLr meutal
and and inprovng
Benefts of guautum halig tuke confro| of our lves, it can hlo
I) Whun we are uilling to
stay well aven in the face
dvclop thu skils nucessary to
of illuss or chalungng CiYcumtun ces.
eople who pra ctise utum huaing orperznce
(T) ingy aucl enhance
sense vitalt and n
of and tncreasecl nuutal auarens s
alf haling

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