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Annex al formulari de sol·licitud d’ajuts per donar

Suport a les activitats dels Grups de Recerca (SGR 2017)
Opció d’avaluació científica de grups
Aquest document només és vàlid per annexar-lo, en format PDF al formulari SGR 2017

Annex to the application form of grants to support the activities of the

research groups (SGR 2017)

Group scientific assessment option

This document is only valid for attaching in PDF format to be application form SGR 2017

Dades del/de la coordinador/a del grup de recerca

Coordinator Details of research group
Nom / Name Primer cognom / First surname Segon cognom / Second surname
Joan Antón Mellón
NIF/NIE/Passaport / Id/Passport Adreça electrònica / e-mail address Telèfon / Phone number
38051847A 934924401

Dades del grup de recerca

Details of research group
Nom del grup i acrònim, si escau /Name of group and acronym
Observatori del Sistema Penal i els Drets Humans (OSPDH)
Universitat/centre/institució/University/Centre/Institution Modalitat/Modality
Universitat de Barcelona GRC - Grup de Recerca Consolidat
A) Producció científica més destacada pel grup
Noteworthy scientific production by the groupocus card

A.1) Detalleu, seguint el model proposat, la selecció de la producció científica del grup indicant, com
a màxim, les 15 publicacions més destacades del grup. Poden ser o bé 15 articles en revistes
indexades en bases de dades internacionals, o bé 15 llibres o capítols de llibres de recerca publicats
en editorials de prestigi i impacte internacional, o bé una combinació de 15 publicacions d’aquests
dos tipus (articles i llibres o capítols). Feu la selecció d’aquests 15 millors outputs del grup tenint en
compte l’impacte dins de l’àmbit i l’autoria de les publicacions que seleccioneu i atenent els membres
del grup. Podeu incloure els articles i els llibres o els capítols publicats pel grup durant el període
comprès entre l’1 de gener de 2014 i la data de presentació d’aquesta sol·licitud / Following the template,
list below a selection from the group's scientific production, indicating up to a maximum of 15 of the group's most
noteworthy papers. They can be either 15 articles in journals indexed in international databases, or 15 research
books or chapters of books published by publishers of international renown, or a mix of 15 papers of the two types
(articles and books or chapters). Select the 15 best treatises by the group according to their impact and authorship
of the selected works within the field and bearing in mind the group members. You may include papers and/or
books or chapters of books published by the group between 1 January 2014 and the date on which this application
is made.

Assenyaleu amb negreta els autors de l’article que són membres del grup. Consigneu els índexs d’impacte
corresponents a l’any de publicació de l’article o bé indiqueu altres índexs de qualitat relatius i en tot cas propis
del vostre àmbit. Copieu i enganxeu el model proposat tantes vegades com us siguin necessàries segons la
vostra activitat científica i fins a un màxim de 15 articles, 15 llibres o capítols o la combinació d’aquests dos tipus
de publicacions. /Put in bold the names of authors who are group members. Include impact factors for the article’s year
of publication or give other quality indices relative to your field. Copy and paste the template as many times as necessary,
up to a maximum of 15 papers or a maximum of 15 books/chapters or a mix of both.

Articles a revistes indexades/Papers in indexed journals

Autors/res (per ordre de signatura) /Authors (in signing order): Sander, G.; Scandurra, A.; Kamenska, A.;
MacNamara, C.; Kalpaki, C.; Fernandez Bessa, C.; Nicolás Laso, G. Parisi, G.; Varley, L.; Wolny, M.;
Moudatsou, M.; Pontes, N.H.; Mannix-McNamara, P.; Libianchi, S.; Antypas, T.
Títol/Title: Overview of harm reduction in prisons in seven European countries
Revista (títol, volum, pàgina inicial- final):/Journal (title, volume, start and end page): Harm Reduction Journal, Volumen
13. Número 28
Any/Year: 2016 Clau (A: article, R: review)/Key (A: article, R: review): A
Índex d’impacte/ Impact factor (SCI/SSCI/AHCI):
Quartil i àrea/Quartile and area (SCI/SSCI): Q1
1,88 (ISI)
Cites rebudes /Citations received: 3 Doi/Doi:
Altres índexs de qualitat (consignar base de dades i índex d’impacte)/Other quality indices (state database and impact
factor): CARHUS + A // H index de la revista 37 (SCImago)
Indizada en Scopus, Social Science Citation Index, Academic Search Premier, EMBASE, MEDLINE, Psycinfo, DOAJ

Articles a revistes indexades/Papers in indexed journals

Autors/res (per ordre de signatura) /Authors (in signing order): Brandariz Garcia, J.A; Fernández Bessa, C.
Títol/Title: The Managerial turn: the transformation of Spanish migration control policies since the onset of the economic
Revista (títol, volum, pàgina inicial- final):/Journal (title, volume, start and end page): Howard Journal of Criminal Justice.
Volumen 56. Número 2
Any/Year: 2017 Clau (A: article, R: review)/Key (A: article, R: review): A
Índex d’impacte/ Impact factor (SCI/SSCI/AHCI): Quartil i àrea/Quartile and area (SCI/SSCI): Q2
Cites rebudes /Citations received: Doi/Doi:
Altres índexs de qualitat (consignar base de dades i índex d’impacte)/Other quality indices (state database and impact

Evaluada en CARHUS Plus+ 2014 grupo A // SJR. SCImago Journal & Country Rank H index 8

Indizada en Scopus, Academic Search Premier, IBZ Online, International Bibliography of Social Sciences, Periodicals
Index Online , Criminal Justice Abstracts, EBSCO Legal Source, Public Affairs Index, EBSCO Legal Collection,
International Political Science Abstracts, PAIS International, Political Science Complete, Psycinfo, Social services
abstracts, Sociological abstracts, Worldwide Political Science Abstracts

Articles a revistes indexades/Papers in indexed journals

Autors/res (per ordre de signatura) /Authors (in signing order): Antón, J.; Alvarez, G.; Pérez, P.A..
Títol/Title: Populismo punitivo en España (1995-2015): presión mediática y reformas legislativas
Revista (títol, volum, pàgina inicial- final):/Journal (title, volume, start and end page): Revista Española de Ciencia
Política; 43 (Mar 2017): 13-36
Any/Year: 2017 Clau (A: article, R: review)/Key (A: article, R: review): A
Índex d’impacte/ Impact factor (SCI/SSCI/AHCI): Quartil i àrea/Quartile and area (SCI/SSCI): Q2
Cites rebudes /Citations received: Doi/Doi:
Altres índexs de qualitat (consignar base de dades i índex d’impacte)/Other quality indices (state database and impact
Indizada en: Emerging Sources Citation Index, Scopus, Academic Search Premier, Fuente Academica Plus,
International Political Science Abstracts, Political Science Complete, Worldwide Political Science Abstracts, DIALNET

Evaluada en: CARHUS Plus+ 2014 grupo C; LATINDEX (Catálogo); Sello de calidad FECYT; SJR. SCImago Journal &
Country Rank . H index 2 // Q3 (SJR. SCImago)

Articles a revistes indexades/Papers in indexed journals

Autors/res (per ordre de signatura) /Authors (in signing order): Fernández Bessa, Cristina; Brandariz García,
José Ángel
Títol/Title:Transformaciones de la penalidad migratoria en el contexto de la crisis económica: El
giro gerencial del dispositivo de deportación
Revista (títol, volum, pàgina inicial- final):/Journal (title, volume, start and end page): InDret. Revista para el
Análisis del Derecho. Número 4/2016
Any/Year: 2016 Clau (A: article, R: review)/Key (A: article, R: review): A
Índex d’impacte/ Impact factor (SCI/SSCI/AHCI): 123 Quartil i àrea/Quartile and area (SCI/SSCI):
Cites rebudes /Citations received: Doi/Doi:
Altres índexs de qualitat (consignar base de dades i índex d’impacte)/Other quality indices (state database and impact
Evaluada en CARHUS Plus+ 2014 grupo A // Directory of Open Access Journals // LATINDEX (Catálogo)

Indizada en DOAJ, DIALNET

Articles a revistes indexades/Papers in indexed journals

Autors/res (per ordre de signatura) /Authors (in signing order): Martínez, L.M; Biglia, B.; Luxán, M.;
Fernández, C.; Azpiazu, J.; Bonet, J.
Títol/Title:Experiencias de investigación feminista: propuestas y reflexiones metodológicas
Revista (títol, volum, pàgina inicial- final):/Journal (title, volume, start and end page): Athenea Digital: Revista de
Pensamiento e Investigación Social. Volumen 14. Número 4. 2014
Any/Year: 2014 Clau (A: article, R: review)/Key (A: article, R: review): A
Índex d’impacte/ Impact factor (SCI/SSCI/AHCI): Quartil i àrea/Quartile and area (SCI/SSCI): 4
Cites rebudes /Citations received: 10 Doi/Doi:
Altres índexs de qualitat (consignar base de dades i índex d’impacte)/Other quality indices (state database and impact
factor): Indizada en: Emerging Sources Citation Index, Scopus, Academic Search Premier, Fuente Academica Plus,
International Bibliography of Social Sciences, Psicodoc, Sociological abstracts, DOAJ, DIALNET

Evaluada en: CARHUS Plus+ 2014 grupo C; Directory of Open Access Journals; ERIHPlus; LATINDEX (Catálogo); SJR.
SCImago Journal & Country Rank H index 5

Articles a revistes indexades/Papers in indexed journals

Autors/res (per ordre de signatura) /Authors (in signing order): Antón Mellón, Joan; Hernández-Carr, Aitor
Títol/Title:El crecimiento electoral de la derecha radical populista en Europa: parámetros
ideológicos y motivaciones sociales
Revista (títol, volum, pàgina inicial- final):/Journal (title, volume, start and end page): Política y Sociedad Vol 1
Núm 53 pp. 17-28
Any/Year: 2016 Clau (A: article, R: review)/Key (A: article, R: review): A
Índex d’impacte/ Impact factor (SCI/SSCI/AHCI): Quartil i àrea/Quartile and area (SCI/SSCI): 4
Cites rebudes /Citations received: Doi/Doi:
Altres índexs de qualitat (consignar base de dades i índex d’impacte)/Other quality indices (state database and impact
factor): Indizada en Emerging Sources Citation Index, Scopus, International Political Science Abstracts, Political
Science Complete, Psicodoc, Social services abstracts, Sociological abstracts, Worldwide Political Science Abstracts,
Evaluada por: CARHUS Plus+ 2014 grupo C; Directory of Open Access Journals; ERIHPlus; LATINDEX (Catálogo);
Sello de calidad FECYT; SJR. SCImago Journal & Country Rank
H index 4 // Q4 (SJR SCimago)

Articles a revistes indexades/Papers in indexed journals

Autors/res (per ordre de signatura) /Authors (in signing order): Héctor Silveira Gorski
Títol/Title:Por un espacio público no estatal. Contra la hegemonía neoliberal y el declive el de la
Revista (títol, volum, pàgina inicial- final):/Journal (title, volume, start and end page): Quaestio Iuris, v. 7, n.1,
2014, p. 108-121
Any/Year: 2015 Clau (A: article, R: review)/Key (A: article, R: review): A
Índex d’impacte/ Impact factor (SCI/SSCI/AHCI): Quartil i àrea/Quartile and area (SCI/SSCI):
Cites rebudes /Citations received: Doi/Doi:
Altres índexs de qualitat (consignar base de dades i índex d’impacte)/Other quality indices (state database and impact
Indizada en: Emerging Sources Citation Index, EBSCO Legal Source, DOAJ
Evaluada en Directory of Open Access Journals; ERIHPlus; LATINDEX (Catálogo)

Llibres o capítols de llibre/Books or chapters of books

Autors/res (per ordre de signatura)/Authors (in signing order): Joan Antón-Mellón
Títol/Title: Terrorismo. Disección de la barbarie
Pàgines (inicial-final)/Pages (start-end): 1 - 212
Editorial/Publishing: Tibidabo
Clau (L=llibre, C=capítol, EC=edicions crítiques, E=editor/a)/Key (B=book, C=chapter,
Any/Year: 2017
CP=critical publications, E=editor): L

Llibres o capítols de llibre/Books or chapters of books

Autors/res (per ordre de signatura)/Authors (in signing order): Joan Antón-Mellón
Títol/Title: Islamismo Yihadista: Radicalización y Contrarradicalización
Pàgines (inicial-final)/Pages (start-end): 1 - 263
Editorial/Publishing: Tirant lo Blanch
Clau (L=llibre, C=capítol, EC=edicions crítiques, E=editor/a)/Key (B=book, C=chapter,
Any/Year: 2015
CP=critical publications, E=editor): C, E

Llibres o capítols de llibre/Books or chapters of books

Autors/res (per ordre de signatura)/Authors (in signing order): Joan Antón-Mellón
Títol/Title: Ideologías y Movimientos políticos Contemporáneos
Pàgines (inicial-final)/Pages (start-end): 1 - 544
Editorial/Publishing: Tecnos
Clau (L=llibre, C=capítol, EC=edicions crítiques, E=editor/a)/Key (B=book, C=chapter,
Any/Year: 2016 (3ed)
CP=critical publications, E=editor): E, C

Llibres o capítols de llibre/Books or chapters of books

Autors/res (per ordre de signatura)/Authors (in signing order): Iñaki Rivera Beiras
Títol/Title: Descarcelación. Principios para una política pública de reducción de la cárcel.
(desde un garantismo radical)
Pàgines (inicial-final)/Pages (start-end): 1 - 252
Editorial/Publishing: Tirant lo Blanch
Clau (L=llibre, C=capítol, EC=edicions crítiques, E=editor/a)/Key (B=book, C=chapter,
Any/Year: 2017
CP=critical publications, E=editor): L

Articles a revistes indexades/Papers in indexed journals

Autors/res (per ordre de signatura) /Authors (in signing order): Bernal, Camilo; Forero, Alejandro; Rivera Beiras,
Títol/Title: State Corporate Crime and Social Harm in the Spanish Crisis
State Crime. Journal of the
Revista (títol, volum, pàgina inicial- final):/Journal (title, volume, start and end page):
International State Crime Initiative, Volume 3, Issue 2 (November 2014) pp. 220-236
Any/Year: 2014 Clau (A: article, R: review)/Key (A: article, R: review): A
Índex d’impacte/ Impact factor (SCI/SSCI/AHCI): Quartil i àrea/Quartile and area (SCI/SSCI):
Cites rebudes /Citations received: Doi/Doi:
Altres índexs de qualitat (consignar base de dades i índex d’impacte)/Other quality indices (state database and impact
Indizada en: Indizada en Emerging Sources Citation Index, Criminal Justice Abstracts
ICDS (MIAR) = 7.2

Llibres o capítols de llibre/Books or chapters of books

Autors/res (per ordre de signatura)/Authors (in signing order): C. Cierco, R. García, H. Silveira
Títol/Title: Uso y control del espacio público: viejos problemas, nuevos desafíos
Pàgines (inicial-final)/Pages (start-end): 1 - 314
Editorial/Publishing: Thomson-Reuters Aranzadi
Clau (L=llibre, C=capítol, EC=edicions crítiques, E=editor/a)/Key (B=book, C=chapter,
Any/Year: 2015
CP=critical publications, E=editor): E, C

Llibres o capítols de llibre/Books or chapters of books

Autors/res (per ordre de signatura)/Authors (in signing order): Joan Antón-Mellón y Xavier Torrens
Títol/Title: Teoria política y creación de valor en políticas públicas. Cómo los teóricos
políticos mejoran la gestión pública (en Isabel Wences (editora) Tomando en serio la teoría
Pàgines (inicial-final)/Pages (start-end):
Editorial/Publishing: Centro de Estudios Políticos y Constitucionales
Clau (L=llibre, C=capítol, EC=edicions crítiques, E=editor/a)/Key (B=book, C=chapter,
Any/Year: 2015
CP=critical publications, E=editor): C
Llibres o capítols de llibre/Books or chapters of books
Autors/res (per ordre de signatura)/Authors (in signing order): Joan Antón-Mellón y Xavier Torrens
Títol/Title: Islamismo yihadista y fascismo clásico como ideologias políticas: concomitancias
y divergencias
Pàgines (inicial-final)/Pages (start-end):
Editorial/Publishing: Tirant lo Blanch
Clau (L=llibre, C=capítol, EC=edicions crítiques, E=editor/a)/Key (B=book, C=chapter,
Any/Year: 2015
CP=critical publications, E=editor): C
A.2) A continuació, detalleu seguint el model proposat un màxim de 15 tesis doctorals (llegides o
dipositades) dirigides per algun membre del grup durant el període comprès entre l’1 de gener de
2014 fins a la data de presentació d’aquesta sol·licitud. Detalleu com a màxim les 15 ponències a
congressos més destacades dutes a terme per membres del grup. Detalleu també, si escau, fins a 15
patents registrades per membres del grup durant aquets mateix període de temps / Following the
template, list below a maximum of 15 doctoral theses directed by a member of the group between 1 January 2014
and the date on which this application is made (read or deposited).List a maximum of 15 papers given at
congresses by group members. If appropriate, also give up to 15 patents registered by group members in the
same period of time.

Copieu i enganxeu el model proposat tantes vegades com necessiteu segons la vostra activitat científica i fins a
un màxim 15 tesis,15 patents i 15 ponències a congressos. / Copy and paste the template as many times as
necessary, depending on your scientific activity, up to a maximum of 15 papers, 15 patents and 15 congress papers .

Tesis doctorals/Doctoral theses

Investigador/a membre del grup que l’ha dirigida/Group member researcher directing: Joan Antón Mellón

Títol de la tesi/ Title: España 2000, la evolución de la derecha radical valenciana (2003-2015)
Tesi llegida/Thesis read x Tesi dipositada/Thesis deposited
Nom del doctorand/a/Name of doctorand: Anna Isabel López Ortega

Universitat on s’ha llegit la tesi/University where read/due to be read: Valencia

Va ser Cum Laude?:/Was the thesis awarded cum laude? Sí/yes x No
Va tenir Premi Extraordinari de Doctorat/Did the thesis receive an extraordinary doctorate award? Sí/yes No
Va tenir menció internacional ?/Did the thesis have an international doctoral research component? Sí/yes No

Tesis doctorals/Doctoral theses

Investigador/a membre del grup que l’ha dirigida/Group member researcher directing: Héctor Silveira Gorski
Títol de la tesi/ Title: Jurisdicción indígena y derecho penal. Influencias y repercusiones del derecho penal en el
desarrollo de los derechos de las nacionalidades indígenas de los países andinos
Tesi llegida/Thesis read x Tesi dipositada/Thesis deposited

Nom del doctorand/a/Name of doctorand: Hugo Bayardo Santacruz Cruz

Universitat on s’ha llegit la tesi/University where read/due to be read: Universidad e Barcelona

Va ser Cum Laude?:/Was the thesis awarded cum laude? Sí/yes X No
Va tenir Premi Extraordinari de Doctorat /Did the thesis receive an extraordinary doctorate award? Sí/yes No
Va tenir menció internacional ?/Did the thesis have an international doctoral research component? Sí/yes No

Tesis doctorals/Doctoral theses

Investigador/a membre del grup que l’ha dirigida/Group member researcher directing: Héctor Silveira Gorski
Títol de la tesi/ Title: justicia restaurativa y reinserción de niños, niñas y adolescentes desvinculados de conflictos
armados: recomendaciones para el caso colombiano
Tesi llegida/Thesis read Tesi dipositada/Thesis deposited x
Nom del doctorand/a/Name of doctorand: Jenny Gómez

Universitat on s’ha llegit la tesi/University where read/due to be read:

Va ser Cum Laude?:/Was the thesis awarded cum laude? Sí/yes No
Va tenir Premi Extraordinari de Doctorat /Did the thesis receive an extraordinary doctorate award? Sí/yes No
Va tenir menció internacional ?/Did the thesis have an international doctoral research component? Sí/yes No

Tesis doctorals/Doctoral theses

Investigador/a membre del grup que l’ha dirigida/Group member researcher directing: Josep María Garcia-Borés Espí
Títol de la tesi/ Title: La intervención con jóvenes infractores de Ley en Chile. Análisis Institucional y Propuestas
de Optimización de la Política de Justicia Juvenil en Chile
Tesi llegida/Thesis read Tesi dipositada/Thesis deposited x
Nom del doctorand/a/Name of doctorand: Paola Oviedo

Universitat on s’ha llegit la tesi/University where read/due to be read:

Va ser Cum Laude?:/Was the thesis awarded cum laude? Sí/yes No
Va tenir Premi Extraordinari de Doctorat /Did the thesis receive an extraordinary doctorate award? Sí/yes No
Va tenir menció internacional ?/Did the thesis have an international doctoral research component? Sí/yes No

Tesis doctorals/Doctoral theses

Investigador/a membre del grup que l’ha dirigida/Group member researcher directing: Iñaki Rivera Beiras
Títol de la tesi/ Title: Discursos criminológicos e ideario anarquista en la España de entre siglos (XIX-XX).Un debate
acerca del progreso en una sociedad en crisis
Tesi llegida/Thesis read x Tesi dipositada/Thesis deposited
Nom del doctorand/a/Name of doctorand: Alejandro Forero cuéllar

Universitat on s’ha llegit la tesi/University where read/due to be read: Universitat de Barcelona

Va ser Cum Laude?:/Was the thesis awarded cum laude? Sí/yes x No
Va tenir Premi Extraordinari de Doctorat /Did the thesis receive an extraordinary doctorate award? Sí/yes No
Va tenir menció internacional ?/Did the thesis have an international doctoral research component? Sí/yes x No

Tesis doctorals/Doctoral theses

Investigador/a membre del grup que l’ha dirigida/Group member researcher directing: Iñaki Rivera Beiras
Títol de la tesi/ Title: El dispositiu de la deportació. Anàlisi criminologica de la detenció, internament i expulsió
d'immigrants en el context espanyol
Tesi llegida/Thesis read x Tesi dipositada/Thesis deposited

Nom del doctorand/a/Name of doctorand: Cristina Fernández Bessa

Universitat on s’ha llegit la tesi/University where read/due to be read: Universitat de Barcelona

Va ser Cum Laude?:/Was the thesis awarded cum laude? Sí/yes x No
Va tenir Premi Extraordinari de Doctorat /Did the thesis receive an extraordinary doctorate award? Sí/yes No
Va tenir menció internacional ?/Did the thesis have an international doctoral research component? Sí/yes x No

Tesis doctorals/Doctoral theses

Investigador/a membre del grup que l’ha dirigida/Group member researcher directing: Iñaki Rivera Beiras
Títol de la tesi/ Title: Control, represión y reeducación de los homosexuales durante el franquismo y los primeros años
de la transición
Tesi llegida/Thesis read x Tesi dipositada/Thesis deposited

Nom del doctorand/a/Name of doctorand: Jordi Terrasa Mateu

Universitat on s’ha llegit la tesi/University where read/due to be read: BArcelona

Va ser Cum Laude?:/Was the thesis awarded cum laude? Sí/yes No
Va tenir Premi Extraordinari de Doctorat /Did the thesis receive an extraordinary doctorate award? Sí/yes No
Va tenir menció internacional ?/Did the thesis have an international doctoral research component? Sí/yes No

Tesis doctorals/Doctoral theses

Investigador/a membre del grup que l’ha dirigida/Group member researcher directing: Iñaki Rivera Beiras

Títol de la tesi/ Title: El encarcelamiento masivo en Chile

Tesi llegida/Thesis read x Tesi dipositada/Thesis deposited
Nom del doctorand/a/Name of doctorand: Silvio Cuneo

Universitat on s’ha llegit la tesi/University where read/due to be read: Universitat Pompeu Fabra
Va ser Cum Laude?:/Was the thesis awarded cum laude? Sí/yes x No
Va tenir Premi Extraordinari de Doctorat /Did the thesis receive an extraordinary doctorate award? Sí/yes No
Va tenir menció internacional ?/Did the thesis have an international doctoral research component? Sí/yes x No

Tesis doctorals/Doctoral theses

Investigador/a membre del grup que l’ha dirigida/Group member researcher directing: Mónica Aranda

Títol de la tesi/ Title: La depuración del Magisterio como forma de control social
Tesi llegida/Thesis read x Tesi dipositada/Thesis deposited
Nom del doctorand/a/Name of doctorand: Natalia Plaza Benimelli

Universitat on s’ha llegit la tesi/University where read/due to be read: Universitat de Barcelona

Va ser Cum Laude?:/Was the thesis awarded cum laude? Sí/yes x No
Va tenir Premi Extraordinari de Doctorat /Did the thesis receive an extraordinary doctorate award? Sí/yes No
Va tenir menció internacional ?/Did the thesis have an international doctoral research component? Sí/yes No

Tesis doctorals/Doctoral theses

Investigador/a membre del grup que l’ha dirigida/Group member researcher directing: Iñaki Rivera Beiras

Títol de la tesi/ Title: La burbuja penal. Mercado, Estado y cárcel en la democracia española
Tesi llegida/Thesis read x Tesi dipositada/Thesis deposited
Nom del doctorand/a/Name of doctorand: Daniel Jiménez Franco

Universitat on s’ha llegit la tesi/University where read/due to be read: Universidad de Zaragoza

Va ser Cum Laude?:/Was the thesis awarded cum laude? Sí/yes x No
Va tenir Premi Extraordinari de Doctorat /Did the thesis receive an extraordinary doctorate award? Sí/yes No
Va tenir menció internacional ?/Did the thesis have an international doctoral research component? Sí/yes No
Tesis doctorals/Doctoral theses

Investigador/a membre del grup que l’ha dirigida/Group member researcher directing: Héctor Silveira Gorski
Títol de la tesi/ Title: La (de)costruzione sociale dello straniero tra discorsi politici, norme giuridiche e politiche
local per l’immigrazione. Una ricerca comparativa tra Roma e Barcellona
Tesi llegida/Thesis read x Tesi dipositada/Thesis deposited

Nom del doctorand/a/Name of doctorand: Domenico de Marco

Universitat on s’ha llegit la tesi/University where read/due to be read: Barcelona

Va ser Cum Laude?:/Was the thesis awarded cum laude? Sí/yes No
Va tenir Premi Extraordinari de Doctorat /Did the thesis receive an extraordinary doctorate award? Sí/yes No
Va tenir menció internacional ?/Did the thesis have an international doctoral research component? Sí/yes x No

Tesis doctorals/Doctoral theses

Investigador/a membre del grup que l’ha dirigida/Group member researcher directing: Héctor Silveira Gorski
Títol de la tesi/ Title: Democracia y Estado de derecho en Chile. Análisis de las transformaciones constitucionales
y del derecho penal en el período 1973-2011
Tesi llegida/Thesis read X Tesi dipositada/Thesis deposited

Nom del doctorand/a/Name of doctorand: Javiera Díaz Larraín

Universitat on s’ha llegit la tesi/University where read/due to be read: Barcelona

Va ser Cum Laude?:/Was the thesis awarded cum laude? Sí/yes No
Va tenir Premi Extraordinari de Doctorat /Did the thesis receive an extraordinary doctorate award? Sí/yes No
Va tenir menció internacional ?/Did the thesis have an international doctoral research component? Sí/yes No

Ponències a congressos / Papers at congresses

Membres del grup autors/es (per ordre de signatura)/Group member authors (in signing order): Iñaki Rivera Beiras
Nom del congrés/Name of congress: El Poder Judicial y la Defensa Pública
Congrés:/Congress: Nacional/National x Internacional/International
Tipus de ponència/ Type of paper: Plenària convidada/Plenary guest Convidada/Guest x

Lloc celebració:/Venue: San José, Costa Rica Dates: Dates: marzo 2017

Organisme/institució organitzadora:/Organising body/institution: Defensa Pública de Costa Rica

Ponències a congressos / Papers at congresses

Membres del grup autors/es (per ordre de signatura)/Group member authors (in signing order): Iñaki Rivera Beiras
Nom del congrés/Name of congress: Congreso Internacional 'Punición y control social'
Congrés:/Congress: Nacional/National x Internacional/International
Tipus de ponència/ Type of paper: Plenària convidada/Plenary guest Convidada/Guest x

Lloc celebració:/Venue: Pelotas (Rio Grande do

Dates: Dates: 03.06.2016
Sul), Brasil
Organisme/institució organitzadora:/Organising body/institution: Universidad Federal de Pelotas (UFPel)

Ponències a congressos / Papers at congresses

Membres del grup autors/es (per ordre de signatura)/Group member authors (in signing order): Alejandro Forero
I Jornada de Victimología y Penitenciaría y V Encuentro de
Nom del congrés/Name of congress:
Semilleros de Investigación de Derecho Penal y Penitenciario
Congrés:/Congress: Nacional/National x Internacional/International
Tipus de ponència/ Type of paper: Plenària convidada/Plenary guest Convidada/Guest x

Lloc celebració:/Venue: Medellín (Colombia) Dates: Dates: 7 y 8 de Mayo 2015

Organisme/institució organitzadora:/Organising body/institution: Observatorio de Victimología. Universidad
Santo Tomás

Ponències a congressos / Papers at congresses

Membres del grup autors/es (per ordre de signatura)/Group member authors (in signing order): Mónica Aranda
Nom del congrés/Name of congress: Medidas alternativas a la pena privativa de libertad
Congrés:/Congress: Nacional/National x Internacional/International
Tipus de ponència/ Type of paper: Plenària convidada/Plenary guest Convidada/Guest x

Lloc celebració:/Venue: Londres (Reino Unido) Dates: Dates: julio 2015

Organisme/institució organitzadora:/Organising body/institution: European Prison Observatory

Ponències a congressos / Papers at congresses

Membres del grup autors/es (per ordre de signatura)/Group member authors (in signing order): Héctor Silveira Gorski
VI Encuentro Regional del Observatorio del Derecho a la
Nom del congrés/Name of congress:
Alimentación en América Latina y el Caribe
Congrés:/Congress: Nacional/National x Internacional/International
Tipus de ponència/ Type of paper: Plenària convidada/Plenary guest Convidada/Guest x

Lloc celebració:/Venue: Montevideo (Uruguay) 1 de diciembre de 2016

Dates: Dates:

Organisme/institució organitzadora:/Organising body/institution Observatorio del Derecho a la Alimentación en

América Latina y el Caribe
Ponències a congressos / Papers at congresses
Membres del grup autors/es (per ordre de signatura)/Group member authors (in signing order): Alejandro Forero
Nom del congrés/Name of congress: Jornada prevención y rehabilitación de la tortura
Congrés:/Congress: Nacional/National x Internacional/International
Tipus de ponència/ Type of paper: Plenària convidada/Plenary guest Convidada/Guest x

Lloc celebració:/Venue: Madrid (España) Dates: Dates: 23 febrero 2017

Sir[a]. Red de apoyo terapéutico, jurídico y

Organisme/institució organitzadora:/Organising body/institution:
psicosocial en contextos de violencia y Consejo General de la Abogacía Española. CGAE

Ponències a congressos / Papers at congresses

Membres del grup autors/es (per ordre de signatura)/Group member authors (in signing order): Joan Antón-Mellón
Nom del congrés/Name of congress: XII Congreso español de ciencia política y de la administración
Congrés:/Congress: x Nacional/National Internacional/International
Tipus de ponència/ Type of paper: Plenària convidada/Plenary guest x Convidada/Guest
Lloc celebració:/Venue: Sant Sebastían (España) Dates: Dates: 2015

Organisme/institució organitzadora:/Organising body/institution:

Ponències a congressos / Papers at congresses

Membres del grup autors/es (per ordre de signatura)/Group member authors (in signing order): Joan Antón-Mellón
Com fer front a l’islamisme radical a catalunya? Per un pla
Nom del congrés/Name of congress:
integral contra la radicalització
Congrés:/Congress: x Nacional/National Internacional/International
Tipus de ponència/ Type of paper: Plenària convidada/Plenary guest Convidada/Guest x

Lloc celebració:/Venue: Barcelona (España) Dates: Dates: 2015

Organisme/institució organitzadora:/Organising body/institution: FDEM - Fundació Catalanista i Demòcrata -


Ponències a congressos / Papers at congresses

Membres del grup autors/es (per ordre de signatura)/Group member authors (in signing order): Joan Antón-Mellón
Nom del congrés/Name of congress: VI Congreso Internacional de Historia de nuestros tiempos ’El reinado
de Juan Carlos I (1975-2014)’
Congrés:/Congress: Nacional/National x Internacional/International
Tipus de ponència/ Type of paper: Plenària convidada/Plenary guest Convidada/Guest x

Lloc celebració:/Venue: Logroño (España) Dates: Dates: 19-21, octubre 2016

Organisme/institució organitzadora:/Organising body/institution: ULRI - Universidad de la Rioja

Ponències a congressos / Papers at congresses

Membres del grup autors/es (per ordre de signatura)/Group member authors (in signing order): Alejandro Forero, Camilo
Bernal y Carlos Orozco
Nom del congrés/Name of congress: II Semana del Derecho
Congrés:/Congress: Nacional/National x Internacional/International
Tipus de ponència/ Type of paper: Plenària convidada/Plenary guest Convidada/Guest x

Lloc celebració:/Venue: Barranquilla (Colombia) Dates: Dates: 4 mayo 2016

Organisme/institució organitzadora:/Organising body/institution: Universidad del Norte, Barranquilla (Colombia)

Ponències a congressos / Papers at congresses

Membres del grup autors/es (per ordre de signatura)/Group member authors (in signing order): Alejandro Forero
Nom del congrés/Name of congress: Economic Crisis and Crime: From Global North to Global South
Congrés:/Congress: Nacional/National x Internacional/International
Tipus de ponència/ Type of paper: Plenària convidada/Plenary guest Convidada/Guest x

Lloc celebració:/Venue: Braga (Portugal) Dates: Dates: 1-3 septiembre 2016

Organisme/institució organitzadora:/Organising body/institution: European Group for the Study of Deviance and
Social Control - Universidad de Minho

Ponències a congressos / Papers at congresses

Membres del grup autors/es (per ordre de signatura)/Group member authors (in signing order): Iñaki Rivera Beiras
Nom del congrés/Name of congress: II Congreso del Turno de Oficio
Congrés:/Congress: x Nacional/National Internacional/International
Tipus de ponència/ Type of paper: Plenària convidada/Plenary guest Convidada/Guest x

Lloc celebració:/Venue: Barcelona (ESpaña) Dates: Dates: 17 nov 2016

Organisme/institució organitzadora:/Organising body/institution: Illustre Collegi de l’Advocacia de Barcelona

B) Captació de recursos per part del grup
Resource acquisition by the group
Detalleu, seguint el format proposat, els 10 projectes de recerca competitius més destacats. Detalleu,
també, els 10 contractes o convenis no competitius més destacats aconseguits pel grup amb
empreses o administracions. Podeu incloure els projectes i els contractes o els convenis aconseguits
pels membres del grup durant el període comprès entre l’1 de gener de 2014 fins a la data de
presentació d’aquesta sol·licitud, o bé que estiguin vigents (amb independència de quan s’han
aconseguit) / Using the proposed format, list the 10 most noteworthy competitive research projects. List also the
10 most noteworthy non-competitive contracts or agreements with companies or government agencies. You may
include projects or contracts/agreements acquired by group members between 1 January 2014 and the date on
which this application is made, or that are currently in force (regardless of when they were acquired).
Copieu i enganxeu el model proposat tantes vegades com us siguin necessàries fins a un màxim de 10 projectes
i 10 contractes / Copy and paste the template as many times as necessary up to a maximum of 10 projects and 10

Projectes R+D competitius / Competitive R&D projects

Títol del projecte:/Title of project: European Prison Observatory. Radicalization in Prison.
Nom i cognoms de l’Investigador/a principal:/Name and surname(s) of principal investigator: Iñaki Rivera Beiras
És investigador/a principal d’aquest projecte membre del grup? / Is the principal investigator a member of the group?
Sí/yes x No

Nom de l’entitat finançadora:/Name of funding body: European Commission

Altres entitats participants:/Other participating bodies: Associazione Antigone Onlus (IT), Università degli Studi di
Torino (IT), Instituto Universitário de Lisboa (ISCTE-IUL) PT, Latvijas Cilvçktiesîbu centrs(LV), Ludwig
Boltzmann Institute of Human Rights (AT), Fachhochschule Dortmund (DE), European Public Law
Organization (GR)
Referència del projecte/Project reference:
Nre. total d’investigadors/res participants en aquest projecte/Total no. of
researchers taking part in the project: 16
Quantia atorgada/Amount awarded:
Nre. d’investigadors/res membres del grup participants en aquest
296.032, 80 €
projecte (inclòs l’IP)/No. of group member researchers taking part in the
Data inici:/Start date: nov 2017
project (including PI): 2
Data finalització:/End date: oct 2019

Projectes R+D competitius / Competitive R&D projects

Títol del projecte:/Title of project: European Observatory on Alternatives to Imprisonment

Nom i cognoms de l’Investigador/a principal:/Name and surname(s) of principal investigator: Iñaki Rivera Beiras
És investigador/a principal d’aquest projecte membre del grup? / Is the principal investigator a member of the group?
Sí/yes x No

Nom de l’entitat finançadora:/Name of funding body: European Commission

Altres entitats participants:/Other participating bodies: Associazione Antigone Onlus (IT), Università degli Studi di
Torino (IT), Instituto Universitário de Lisboa (ISCTE-IUL) PT, Latvijas Cilvçktiesîbu centrs(LV), Ludwig
Boltzmann Institute of Human Rights (AT), Fachhochschule Dortmund (DE), European Public Law Organization
Referència del projecte/Project reference:
Nre. total d’investigadors/res participants en aquest projecte/Total no. of
researchers taking part in the project: 16
Quantia atorgada/Amount awarded:
Nre. d’investigadors/res membres del grup participants en aquest
610.000 €
projecte (inclòs l’IP)/No. of group member researchers taking part in the
Data inici:/Start date: 01/07/2014
project (including PI): 2
Data finalització:/End date: 30/06/2016

Projectes R+D competitius / Competitive R&D projects

Títol del projecte:/Title of project: Improving Prison Conditions by Strengthening Infectious Disease Monitoring
Nom i cognoms de l’Investigador/a principal:/Name and surname(s) of principal investigator: Joan Antón-Mellón
És investigador/a principal d’aquest projecte membre del grup? / Is the principal investigator a member of the group?
Sí/yes x No

Nom de l’entitat finançadora:/Name of funding body: European Commission

Altres entitats participants:/Other participating bodies:
Referència del projecte/Project reference:
Nre. total d’investigadors/res participants en aquest projecte/Total no. of
researchers taking part in the project:
Quantia atorgada/Amount awarded:
Nre. d’investigadors/res membres del grup participants en aquest
projecte (inclòs l’IP)/No. of group member researchers taking part in the
Data inici:/Start date: 2014
project (including PI): 2
Data finalització:/End date: 2016

Projectes R+D competitius / Competitive R&D projects

Títol del projecte:/Title of project: Justicia penal preventiva y tutela del orden público
Nom i cognoms de l’Investigador/a principal:/Name and surname(s) of principal investigator: Alberto Alonso Rimo.
És investigador/a principal d’aquest projecte membre del grup? / Is the principal investigator a member of the group?
Sí/yes No x

Nom de l’entitat finançadora:/Name of funding body: Ministerio de Economia, Industria y Competitividad

Altres entitats participants:/Other participating bodies: Universidad de Valencia
Referència del projecte/Project reference:
Nre. total d’investigadors/res participants en aquest projecte/Total no. of
DER 2016-77947-R
researchers taking part in the project:
Quantia atorgada/Amount awarded:
Nre. d’investigadors/res membres del grup participants en aquest
30.250 €
projecte (inclòs l’IP)/No. of group member researchers taking part in the
Data inici:/Start date: 30/12/2016
project (including PI): 1
Data finalització:/End date: 29/12/2019

Projectes R+D competitius / Competitive R&D projects

Títol del projecte:/Title of project: Modelling the PRocesses leading to Organised crime and TerrOrist
Nom i cognoms de l’Investigador/a principal:/Name and surname(s) of principal investigator: Lídia Puigvert
És investigador/a principal d’aquest projecte membre del grup? / Is the principal investigator a member of the group?
Sí/yes No x
Nom de l’entitat finançadora:/Name of funding body: European Commission
Altres entitats participants:/Other participating bodies: Transcrime – Università Cattolica del Sacro Cuore; The
Institute of Criminology, Faculty of Law, Hebrew University of Jerusalem; Fraunhofer IAIS; IBM Research
GmbH; ITTI sp z.o.o.; Laboratory of Agent-Based Social Simulation (ISTC-CNR); Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam
(VU Amsterdam); CREA Community of Research on Excellence for All. UB Universitat de Barcelona; University
of Cambridge; Friedrich-Alexander-Universität Erlangen-Nürnberg; The University of Maryland Foundation,
Inc.; University of Pavia Cognitive and Forensic Neuropsychology and Neuroscience and Society
Lab Department of Brain and Behavioural Sciences; Università di Palermo; E.E.I.G.; Comune di
Palermo; Brå (The Swedish National Council for Crime Prevention); European Crime Prevention Network
(EUCPN); EUROPOL – European Police Office; Ministry of the Interior – Departmen of the Public Security
(IT); Research and Documentation Centre (WODC), Ministry of Security and Justice (IT); United Nations Office
on Drugs and Crime
Referència del projecte/Project reference:
Nre. total d’investigadors/res participants en aquest projecte/Total no. of
researchers taking part in the project:
Quantia atorgada/Amount awarded:
Nre. d’investigadors/res membres del grup participants en aquest
projecte (inclòs l’IP)/No. of group member researchers taking part in the
Data inici:/Start date:
project (including PI): 1
Data finalització:/End date:

Projectes R+D competitius / Competitive R&D projects

Títol del projecte:/Title of project: Els límits jurídics al comerç internacional d'armes i llur eficàcia pràctica
Nom i cognoms de l’Investigador/a principal:/Name and surname(s) of principal investigator: Jordi Bonet Perez
És investigador/a principal d’aquest projecte membre del grup? / Is the principal investigator a member of the group?
Sí/yes No x

Nom de l’entitat finançadora:/Name of funding body: l'Institut Català Internacional per la Pau
Altres entitats participants:/Other participating bodies: Centro Delàs de Estudios por la Paz
Referència del projecte/Project reference:
Nre. total d’investigadors/res participants en aquest projecte/Total no. of
researchers taking part in the project: 9
Quantia atorgada/Amount awarded:
Nre. d’investigadors/res membres del grup participants en aquest
projecte (inclòs l’IP)/No. of group member researchers taking part in the
Data inici:/Start date: 01/09/2015
project (including PI): 2
Data finalització:/End date: 31/08/2016

Contractes/Convenis no competitius / Non-competitive contracts/agreements

Nom i cognoms de l’Investigador/a principal/Name and surname(s) of principal investigator: Iñaki Rivera Beiras
És l’investigador/a principal d’aquest conveni membre del grup?/ Is the principal investigator a member of the group?
Sí/yes x No

Nom de l’entitat finançadora/Name of funding body: Ajuntament de Barcelona

Altres entitats participants:/Other participating bodies:
Referència del projecte/Project reference:
Nre. total d’investigadors/res participants en aquest projecte/Total no. of
researchers taking part in the project: 6
Quantia atorgada/Amount awarded:
Nre. d’investigadors/res membres del grup participants en aquest
projecte (inclòs l’IP)/No. of group member researchers taking part in the
Data inici:/Start date: 01.01.2017
project (including PI): 3
Data finalització:/End date: 31.12.2017

Contractes/Convenis no competitius / Non-competitive contracts/agreements

Nom i cognoms de l’Investigador/a principal/Name and surname(s) of principal investigator: Iñaki Rivera Beiras
És l’investigador/a principal d’aquest conveni membre del grup?/ Is the principal investigator a member of the group?
Sí/yes x No

Nom de l’entitat finançadora/Name of funding body: Ajuntament de Barcelona

Altres entitats participants:/Other participating bodies:
Referència del projecte/Project reference:
Nre. total d’investigadors/res participants en aquest projecte/Total no. of
researchers taking part in the project: 6
Quantia atorgada/Amount awarded:
Nre. d’investigadors/res membres del grup participants en aquest
projecte (inclòs l’IP)/No. of group member researchers taking part in the
Data inici:/Start date: 01.01.2016
project (including PI): 3
Data finalització:/End date: 31.12.2016

Contractes/Convenis no competitius / Non-competitive contracts/agreements

Títol del projecte/Title of project: Informe y recopilación de información y modelización sobre Cultura de Inteligencia
Nom i cognoms de l’Investigador/a principal/Name and surname(s) of principal investigator: Joan Antón-Mellón
És l’investigador/a principal d’aquest conveni membre del grup?/ Is the principal investigator a member of the group?
Sí/yes x No

Nom de l’entitat finançadora/Name of funding body: Presidencia del Gobierno

Altres entitats participants:/Other participating bodies:
Referència del projecte/Project reference:
Nre. total d’investigadors/res participants en aquest projecte/Total no. of
Codi FBG: 308826
researchers taking part in the project: 2
Quantia atorgada/Amount awarded:
Nre. d’investigadors/res membres del grup participants en aquest
projecte (inclòs l’IP)/No. of group member researchers taking part in the
Data inici:/Start date: 01.07.2016
project (including PI): 2
Data finalització:/End date: 19.12.2016

Contractes/Convenis no competitius / Non-competitive contracts/agreements

Títol del projecte/Title of project: Projecte per millorar l'atenció i intervenció psicosociolaboral del col·lectiu de
joves, amb la finalitat de treballar de forma més eficient la seva ocupabilitat
Nom i cognoms de l’Investigador/a principal/Name and surname(s) of principal investigator: Josep Maria García-Borés
És l’investigador/a principal d’aquest conveni membre del grup?/ Is the principal investigator a member of the group?
Sí/yes x No
Nom de l’entitat finançadora/Name of funding body: BARCELONA ACTIVA - AJUNTAMENT DE BARCELONA
Altres entitats participants:/Other participating bodies:
Referència del projecte/Project reference:
Nre. total d’investigadors/res participants en aquest projecte/Total no. of
researchers taking part in the project:
Quantia atorgada/Amount awarded:
Nre. d’investigadors/res membres del grup participants en aquest
projecte (inclòs l’IP)/No. of group member researchers taking part in the
Data inici:/Start date:
project (including PI): 1
Data finalització:/End date:

Contractes/Convenis no competitius / Non-competitive contracts/agreements

Títol del projecte/Title of project: Ajuts per impulsar la participació en projectes internacionals de recerca (2014)
en el marc del programa HORIZON 2020
Nom i cognoms de l’Investigador/a principal/Name and surname(s) of principal investigator: Iñaki Rivera Beiras
És l’investigador/a principal d’aquest conveni membre del grup?/ Is the principal investigator a member of the group?
Sí/yes x No

Nom de l’entitat finançadora/Name of funding body: Fundació Bosch I Gimpera - Universitat de Barcelona
Altres entitats participants:/Other participating bodies:
Referència del projecte/Project reference:
Nre. total d’investigadors/res participants en aquest projecte/Total no. of
researchers taking part in the project: 3
Quantia atorgada/Amount awarded:
Nre. d’investigadors/res membres del grup participants en aquest
projecte (inclòs l’IP)/No. of group member researchers taking part in the
Data inici:/Start date: 01/12/2014
project (including PI): 2
Data finalització:/End date: 20/05/2015

Contractes/Convenis no competitius / Non-competitive contracts/agreements

Títol del projecte/Title of project: Establecimiento de redes académicas de Cátedras e Institutos de Investigación sobre
Inteligencia y Análisis Estratégico en Iberoamérica
Nom i cognoms de l’Investigador/a principal/Name and surname(s) of principal investigator: Joan Antón-Mellón
És l’investigador/a principal d’aquest conveni membre del grup?/ Is the principal investigator a member of the group?
Sí/yes x No

Nom de l’entitat finançadora/Name of funding body: Presidencia del Gobierno

Altres entitats participants:/Other participating bodies:
Referència del projecte/Project reference:
Nre. total d’investigadors/res participants en aquest projecte/Total no. of
Codi FBG: 308828
researchers taking part in the project: 1
Quantia atorgada/Amount awarded:
Nre. d’investigadors/res membres del grup participants en aquest
projecte (inclòs l’IP)/No. of group member researchers taking part in the
Data inici:/Start date: 01.03.2016
project (including PI): 1
Data finalització:/End date: 12.08.2016

Contractes/Convenis no competitius / Non-competitive contracts/agreements

Títol del projecte/Title of project: Detecció de necessitats dels professionals de la Intervenció Psicosociolaboral de
joves, per al disseny d'un Programa Formatiu
Nom i cognoms de l’Investigador/a principal/Name and surname(s) of principal investigator: : Josep Maria García-Borés
És l’investigador/a principal d’aquest conveni membre del grup?/ Is the principal investigator a member of the group?
Sí/yes x No

Nom de l’entitat finançadora/Name of funding body: BARCELONA ACTIVA - AJUNTAMENT DE BARCELONA

Altres entitats participants:/Other participating bodies:
Referència del projecte/Project reference:
Nre. total d’investigadors/res participants en aquest projecte/Total no. of
researchers taking part in the project:
Quantia atorgada/Amount awarded:
Nre. d’investigadors/res membres del grup participants en aquest
projecte (inclòs l’IP)/No. of group member researchers taking part in the
Data inici:/Start date:
project (including PI): 1
Data finalització:/End date:

Contractes/Convenis no competitius / Non-competitive contracts/agreements

Títol del projecte/Title of project: Informe cultura inteligencia en UK
Nom i cognoms de l’Investigador/a principal/Name and surname(s) of principal investigator: Joan Antón-Mellón
És l’investigador/a principal d’aquest conveni membre del grup?/ Is the principal investigator a member of the group?
Sí/yes x No

Nom de l’entitat finançadora/Name of funding body: Presidencia del Gobierno

Altres entitats participants:/Other participating bodies:
Referència del projecte/Project reference:
Nre. total d’investigadors/res participants en aquest projecte/Total no. of
Codi FBG: 308432
researchers taking part in the project: 2
Quantia atorgada/Amount awarded:
Nre. d’investigadors/res membres del grup participants en aquest
projecte (inclòs l’IP)/No. of group member researchers taking part in the
Data inici:/Start date: 10.06.2015
project (including PI): 2
Data finalització:/End date: 01.02.2015

Contractes/Convenis no competitius / Non-competitive contracts/agreements

Títol del projecte/Title of project: Gestión y coordinación para la creación de un grupo de trabajo permanente de la
Nom i cognoms de l’Investigador/a principal/Name and surname(s) of principal investigator: Joan Antón-Mellón
És l’investigador/a principal d’aquest conveni membre del grup?/ Is the principal investigator a member of the group?
Sí/yes x No

Nom de l’entitat finançadora/Name of funding body: Presidencia del Gobierno

Altres entitats participants:/Other participating bodies:
Referència del projecte/Project reference:
Nre. total d’investigadors/res participants en aquest projecte/Total no. of
Codi FBG: 308585
researchers taking part in the project: 2
Quantia atorgada/Amount awarded:
Nre. d’investigadors/res membres del grup participants en aquest
projecte (inclòs l’IP)/No. of group member researchers taking part in the
Data inici:/Start date: 10.03.2015
project (including PI): 1
Data finalització:/End date: 10.10.2015

Contractes/Convenis no competitius / Non-competitive contracts/agreements

Títol del projecte/Title of project: Diseño y mantenimiento de plataforma web - Grupo permanente de inteligencia de la
Nom i cognoms de l’Investigador/a principal/Name and surname(s) of principal investigator: Joan Antón-Mellón
És l’investigador/a principal d’aquest conveni membre del grup?/ Is the principal investigator a member of the group?
Sí/yes X No

Nom de l’entitat finançadora/Name of funding body: Presidencia del Gobierno

Altres entitats participants:/Other participating bodies:
Referència del projecte/Project reference:
Nre. total d’investigadors/res participants en aquest projecte/Total no. of
Codi FBG: 308586
researchers taking part in the project: 2
Quantia atorgada/Amount awarded:
Nre. d’investigadors/res membres del grup participants en aquest
projecte (inclòs l’IP)/No. of group member researchers taking part in the
Data inici:/Start date: 06.05.2014
project (including PI): 1
Data finalització:/End date: 05.11.2014
C) Organització del grup
Group organisation

C.1) Expliciteu els reptes científics o objectius estratègics del grup per als propers 3 anys tenint en
compte que estiguin dirigits a consolidar, mantenir o incrementar la recerca d’excel·lència dins el
vostre àmbit, així com la internacionalització i la transferència de coneixement. (2 pàgines com a
màxim) / State clearly the scientific challenges or strategic objectives for the next 3 years, taking into account
the fact that the aim is to consolidate, maintain or increase research of excellence in your field, internationalisation
and increase knowledge transfer (maximum 2 pages)

The reorganization of the Observatory of the Penal System and Human Rights of the
Universitat de Barcelona (OPSHR-UB) (which is explained in the following section) is
intended to enhance the research and knowledge transfer capacity of the Group's results.
The OSPDH will continue to focus its work in protecting human rights through diagnosis of
reality to propose and evaluate public policies regarding two main topics: human rights respect
of people under the control of the criminal justice system; and the phenomena of radicalization.
To this end, OSPDH has as its strategic objective to reinforce the joint response mechanisms
that it has developed in recent years, at local and international level for the prevention of
torture and other forms of institutional violence, as well as for the attention for people who
experience this type of violence. At present, this activity is carried out through the System of
Documentation and Communication of Institutional Violence (SIRECOVI, in Spanish), a
system that has been recognized by public institutions, civil society organizations and the UN
Rapporteur on Torture as a useful tool for the protection of human rights. The challenge for
the coming years is to reinforce these tools to reach out to more groups and individuals and to
strengthen the level of collaboration with international organizations, public administrations
and human rights organizations.
Along with this, the restructuring of the Group takes place to give value and enhance the
capacity of the OPSHR in its analysis of the prison population in Catalonia as a place where
there are more jihadist prisoners. With a greater participation of experts in political science, a
study of the socio-economic profile of these people will be carried out in a comparative
framework with other countries such as France, which will allow the Observatory in the next
years to be able to propose proactive and preventive policies against the phenomena of
radicalization. In this way, the Group will be in the position to offer alternatives to reactive
policies that in recent years have failed to effectively combat this phenomenon.
The fulfilment of these objectives also goes to reinforce the innovation strategy that has been
implemented by the OPSHR in recent years. On the one hand, the Observatory seeks to
consolidate this International Alert and Communication System, which will be complemented
by the creation of a Documentation Centre, of free public access that will serve as a place
where researchers, students, professionals and policy makers, from inside and outside
Catalonia, can go to find systematized documentation related to institutional violence. The
innovation strategy also aims to develop an Interactive Map of Institutional Violence, which
is publicly and free accessible, which will allow mapping the situations of this type of violence
in the territory of Catalonia. These tools can serve as input for the design of public policies.
In relation to all the above, the OPSHR considers as a strategic objective the realization of a
work plan that combines efforts to obtain research projects and contracts or grants which allow
to develop scientific objectives and give content to the challenges that we propose as a Group.
This would also make it possible to develop the work of the Group in an economically
sustainable manner.
Another strategic objective of OPSHR lies in the consolidation of its international networks
of work and collaboration. This objective not only has a direct impact on the level of
internationalization of scientific production in Catalonia, but also helps to reinforce a
framework of political influence in the Group's relations with local administrations and
Catalan public institutions with which it collaborates or can collaborate. The networks that the
OPSHR wants to promote are in Europe and especially in Latin America. Collaboration with
universities, scientific institutions and public bodies such as FLACSO (Latin American
Faculty of Social Sciences), Central American Institute of Public Administration (ICAP), or
the University for International Cooperation (Costa Rica), and regional human rights bodies
such as UNODC -ROPAN (United Nations Office on Drug and Crime) or the Special
Rapporteur on Deprived of Liberty People (Inter-American Commission on Human Rights)
allow the exchange of comparative knowledge and amplify the scope and impact of
The networking carried out by OPSHR and the relationship it has with other scientific research
groups and with public administrations have been a key point in transferring knowledge and
producing impact in society. This has been possible in recent years through reports (some
confidential) generated by the OPSHR on political violence, inclusion and coexistence of
immigrant population that have been used by different municipalities of Catalonia (Premia de
Mar, Sant Boi, Barcelona), and through training courses on indexes of radicalization to
different security forces such as the Mossos d'Esquadra, the National Police Corps or the
Ertzaintza. In addition, the implementation of SIRECOVI since 2016 has led to the creation
of synergies between different public administrations (General Directorate of Prison Services,
Sindic de Greuges, General Directorate of the Mossos d'Esquadra), human rights organizations
(SOS racism, Amnesty International, Exil) and international organizations (United Nations
Rapporteur on Torture, Committee for the Prevention of Torture of the Council of Europe) on
the protection of persons against institutional violence.
On the other hand, and in relation to the above, the OPSHR has managed to transfer knowledge
through own publications and collections that it has in prestigious publishers such as Tecnos,
Anthropos or Bellatera. The Group's strategic objective is to achieve a greater impact of its
scientific production through dissemination in specialized international journals in its fields of
Lastly, OPSHR plans to strengthen its participation in practical training programs such as
Right to Law teaching innovation programme, which brings together law students and lecturers
with practices in different areas such as deprivation of liberty, the right to housing or gender-
based violence.

C.2) Detalleu l’estructura organitzativa del grup, d’acord amb la seva trajectòria conjunta, els canvis
ocorreguts en la composició del grup, i en relació als reptes científics o als objectius estratègics per
als propers anys. Podeu fer servir cronogrames, taules i organigrames (3 pàgines com a màxim) /
Detail the structure of the group according to its joint activity , changes occurred in the composition of the group,
and its relation to scientific challenges and strategic objectives for next years. You may use timelines, tables and
organisation charts (maximum 3 pages)

The OPSHR is a research centre founded in 2001, year from which it has had the institutional
support of the University of Barcelona through various agreements or contracts. Since 2005,
it has been recognized as a Research Group by the Generalitat de Catalunya (DURSI,
AGAUR). Since 2009, it has been a Grup de Recerca Consolitat (2014SGR1231)
Since its beginning, the OPSHR has been made up of lecturers and students from diverse
disciplines. Primarily of criminal law, political science, social psychology, and philosophy of
law. These researchers and students come from different countries, which has allowed not only
an enrichment of the Group itself, but also the generation of impact beyond the realm of
Catalonia, especially in Europe and Latin America. The composition of a group,
heterogeneous but articulated, always set as the main topic of work the reinforcement of
systems and mechanisms for the protection of human rights. Therefore, its work objectives are
focused on the multidisciplinary study of the penal and social control systems: prisons,
immigration detention centres, police, judges, alternative criminal measures, etc. In the early
years, the prominence of a legal and criminological perspective meant that most of the
scientific production of the Group focused on these disciplines and that its general organization
was led by an expert in these subjects, Dr. Iñaki Rivera Beiras, lecturer at the Universitat de
Barcelona. In recent years, the influence of studies from political science and administration
has led research to focus not only on the study of systems, but on the discourses which sustain
/ criticize these systems, as well as on the social processes that lead to the production of
criminal behaviour and the formation of political thoughts of extreme right or of jihadist
radicalization. In the same way, during this period, OPSHR has increased its participation in
processes of public debate and collaboration with public administrations and institutions
(Barcelona City Council, Spanish Government Presidency, Zaragoza City Council, Parlament
of Catalonia), in the search for collaboration in the formulation and evaluation of preventive
and proactive public policies regarding these phenomena. The above-mentioned changes
(focus of research and increase in relations with public authorities) have shown that the
scientific approach adopted from political science has not only been complementary, but is
presented as a more complete and diversified approach and is able to generate greater synergy
in the Group. OPSHR researchers have been able to observe in recent years that political
science offers a holistic approach that allows to carry out strategic analyses that can materialize
in concrete proposals of political action and of planning and evaluation of public policies
regarding the respect of human rights.
It is for all this that for the coming years the OPSHR has decided to restructure itself to have
the capacity to drive the empowerment of these approaches. Although most of the group is
maintained, we have decided to make relevant changes: the coordination of the group is now
the responsibility of Dr. Joan Antón Mellón, Professor of Political Science at the Universit y
of Barcelona. To reinforce the political science emphasis, Dr. Antón invited to join a group of
experts in these areas: Ana Sanz León (Lecturer at the UB and Member of the Governing
Board of the Centre for Opinion Studies of the Generalitat of Catalonia), and Enric Miravitllas
Pous (Assitant Lecturer, UB).
On the other hand, some of the members of the Group have ceased to be part of it to strengthen
other research groups especially dedicated to social psychology. To keep contributions that
OPSHR studies have always had from this discipline (as has been shown in one of the last
publications in which participated several members of the Group (García-Borés, J. and Rivera,
I. Eds) (2016), "Dissimilar Prison", the rhetoric of legitimacy and external mechanisms for
the defence of human rights in the penitentiary sphere), Dr. Josep María García-Borés
continues to be a prominent member of the group who works together with several OSPDH
collaborators trained in social psychology.
Beyond the changes produced, the Group in general has increased its quality and scientific
capacity by obtaining two of its members the PhD title in 2016 (Cristina Fernández Bessa and
Alejandro Forero Cuéllar)
In order to reinforce the presence of starting research staff within the OPSHR structure, the
team has invited Pablo Scotto, a student with the extraordinary career prize, who works on
issues related to public policies and social inclusion.

In recent years the Group has been able to carry out numerous scientific activities together
giving value to the multidisciplinary study of its scientific field. This is how articles and books
have been published in which different members have participated, giving different and
complementary perspectives on the same phenomenon: in the above-mentioned book, which
is the result of a two-year research in the framework of an R+I project participated, in addition
to the coordinators, other members and group collaborators such as Drs. Héctor Silveira,
Alejandro Forero, Monica Aranda and the new coordinator of the Group, Joan Antón-Mellón.
Together with them, students linked to the OPSHR participated in the research and book,
helping to their training and reinforcing the link from the scientific work of OPSHR with the
teaching field of postgraduate programs such as the Master in Criminology, Criminal Policy
and Criminal Legal Sociology that is taught at the UB. Other publications in which several
members of the Group have participated have been: Rivera, I (coord.) Delitos de los Estados,
de los mercados y daño social. Debates en Criminología crítica y Sociología jurídico penal
(Barcelona: Anthropos, Siglo XXI, OSPDH), or Bernal, C, Forero, A and Rivera, I, "State
Corporate Crime and Social Harm in the Spanish Crisis" State Crime. Journal of the
International State Crime Initiative Special Issue on State-Corporate Crime, Volume 3, Issue
2 (November 2014), Pluto Journals.

On the other hand, the Group has been working together on issues of radicalization and the
questioning of integration policies, participation in the community and the role played by local
administrations. In addition to the publications in which different members of the group have
collaborated and as a demonstration of the Group's previous solid work on radicalization issues
and the theory of intelligence (Islamismo Yihadista. Radicalización y Contrarradicalización,
Tirant lo Blanch, Valencia, 2016; “Teoría política y creación de valor en políticas públicas.
Cómo los teóricos políticos mejoran la gestión pública” en Isabel Wences (ed) Tomando en
serio la teoría política. Centro de Estudios Políticos y Constitucionales, 2015; among others),
the Group is convinced that for the next few years, studies to be carried out should focus
especially on the effect of prison on radicalization and the challenge of projecting policies of
counter-radicalization. This is how the Group has organized to address this issue from various
perspectives and actions. For example, from the agreement that Dr. Joan Antón has with the
Presidency of the Government, from the R + D project on radicalization in prison in which Dr.
Iñaki Rivera collaborates, and from the new European Project (H2020) on radicalization in
European prisons in which Dr. Monica Aranda and Dr. Alejandro Forero are researchers.
On the other hand, various members of the Group participate in graduate and PhD programmes
both at a national and international level where, as members of the teaching team, they also
offer OPSHR’s perspective and epistemology. This has direct significances not only on the
formation of new professionals, but the discussions produced in these courses, results in the
Group itself contributing with new knowledge. The programmes of which several members of
OPSHR participate and will continue in the coming years are: Official Master of Criminology,
Criminal Policy and Legal-Penal Sociology (Universitat de Barcelona); Master in Intelligence
Analyst (Rey Juan Carlos University and Carlos III University of Madrid); Doctorate in Law,
specialization in Legal-penal Sociology (Universitat de Barcelona); University Extension
Course: "Training in human rights defence and in the prevention and denunciation of torture"
(Universitat de Barcelona); Teaching Innovation Programme "Right to Law" (Universitat de
Barcelona); Masters in Sociology of Penal Law (Universitat de Barcelona and University for
International Cooperation of Costa Rica) and Postgraduate in Criminal Execution and
Penitentiary Law (Universitat de Barcelona and University for International Cooperation of
Costa Rica).

The challenges that the Group has set itself for the future, therefore, have led to the
restructuration previously described. The experience of the collaboration of these years and
the results obtained demonstrate that this is the way to have a sustainable and stronger structure
to achieve the scientific and strategic challenges that are explained in more detail in other
sections (C.1; C.3)

C.3) Destaqueu, quines accions realitzades o previstes pel grup referents a la inclusió de la
perspectiva RRI (gènere, participació ciutadana, accés obert, ètica, educació científica i governança)
en la concepció, l’inici i el desenvolupament de l’activitat i la transferència dels resultats de la recerca
del grup i en les accions de divulgació científica (3 pàgines com a màxim) / Highlight which action the
group takes to include RRI (gender, public participation, open access, ethics, scientific education, governance) in
the conception, initiation, development and transfer of the results of the group's research and in the scientific
dissemination of these results (màximum 3 pages).

One of the most important lessons the OPSHR has undergone in recent years has been how
scientific results improve and have greater impact when research is directly related to society.
Reinforcing OPSHR 's investigations with the participation of public administrations, civil
society organizations and victims, has impacted on how the researchers themselves address
the issues of study and carry out the work. Collaboration within networks such as SIRECOVI,
the Euro-Latin American Network for the Prevention of Torture (RELPAT) or working with
city councils, the Presidency of the Government and the Parliament of Catalonia has allowed
the OPSHR to understand a more effective way of working to propose or evaluate public
policies. On the other hand, the participation of the affected people and victims in networks
such as SIRECOVI has allowed to re-configured tools so that research is adapted to the real
demands of the people.

Considering RRI perspective contributes decisively to the Group's own sustainability. This
perspective has been implemented through different fronts:
On the one hand, OPSHR has opted to promote open access to scientific production generated
through platforms such as its journal Critica Penal y Poder, which is part of the Directory of
Open Access Journals (DOAJ), through its social networks (web pages, Twitter and
Facebook), or through the public and participatory presentation of results. For the next few
years, the creation of the Documentation Centre, and the Interactive Map of Institutional
Violence, both virtual and of free public access, are profiled as appropriate tools for this task.
On the other hand, the implementation of specific protocols to obtain informed consent,
personal data protection as well as guaranteeing the presumption of innocence have sought to
ensure an ethical approach to the implementation of its tools. For the next few years, research
ethics has led to the planning of fieldwork and the way in which research is undertaken in
respect of persons deprived of their liberty who have apparently been or may be at risk of
experiencing radicalization.

Another key axis to ensure that the work of OPSHR contemplates an RRI perspective lies in
citizen participation. In this sense, since its beginning the creation of SIRECOVI was done
with discussion tables with affected platforms, which are also part of the presentation of
results. The creation of communication protocols with the participation of these platforms, as
well as human rights organizations, has been crucial for the tools deployed to have real impact
on the community. Likewise, these organizations themselves can deploy measures of
comprehensive protection for victims.

In the same way, OSPDH has understood the importance of promoting gender equality. Since
its inception, the Observatory has had an area of feminist analysis of criminal justice system
that not only carries out investigations concerning the special impact of the criminal system
on women, but also ensures that the way of working and how decisions are taken within the
Group are made with gender perspective. For the formulation of penal system reform
proposals, the special problem of women has been taken into account in order to reduce
gender-specific harm (rehabilitation measures, alternative measures and restorative justice

In relation to knowledge transfer, the Group maintains within its strategic objectives to
reinforce the work it carries out in the interrelation between research and teaching through its
Master and postgraduate programmes (mentioned above), of its teaching innovation
programme “right to Law”, as well as its training programme in human rights defence. The
commitment to knowledge transfer has also been evident in the various collaborations that it
has had with various public administrations (above mentioned) and that have allowed the
scientific knowledge generated by the Group to be translated into practical and real application
in various programmes and policies in the prevention of torture, of radicalization, and in
security and human rights.
C.4) Inclogueu en aquest apartat, també, les activitats de supervisió que els membres els grup facin
a personal en formació que sobretot destaqueu la capacitat formativa del grup en relació amb la
transmissió a personal novell de coneixement i estratègies dirigides a fomentar l’impacte social de la
recerca i la participació o el lideratge del grup en activitats formatives i màsters (2 pàgines com a
màxim) / Include also in this section any supervision undertaken by group members of staff in training and the
group's training capabilities to transfer to new staff of knowledge and strategies directed at new lines of production
of impact results and participation or leadership of training activities and master's degree courses (maximum 2

Since its foundation in 2001, OPSHR has carried out an intense training activity. One of the
axes has been the postgraduate program in critical criminology and criminal legal sociology.
The program that began as a title of the UB (Criminal System and Social Problems) is today
an Official Master (Criminology, Criminal Policy and Criminal Legal Sociology). Together
with the doctorate in Law and Political Science, OPSHR has collaborated through its members,
lecturers in these programmes, to train a large number of people in these disciplines. The
postgraduate programme was born in the 1980s under an Erasmus Programme linking several
European universities offering joint programmes and the possibility of exchanging lecturers
and students. Heir to that programme, today the OPSHR participates in academic networks
such as the Common Study Programme in Critical Criminology and the European Group for
the Study of Deviance and Social Control, which allows the constant exchange of knowledge,
in conferences and meetings, of lecturers and students from Catalonia with the rest of Europe.
In the same way, the OPSHR has succeeded in promoting internationalization by taking some
of these programmes to Latin American countries: International Master's Degree
"Criminology and Legal-Criminal Sociology" (UB and National University of Mar del Plata,
Argentina), Master in Legal Sociology (UB and University for International Cooperation of
Costa Rica), and Postgraduate in Criminal Execution and Penitentiary Law (UB and
University for International Cooperation of Costa Rica). Another of the programmes of which
members of the Group are involved, focusing on the field of political science and radicalization
is the Master in Intelligence Analyst (Rey Juan Carlos University and Carlos III University of

Together with this training activity in postgraduate and PhD, the OPSHR carries out important
training on the protection of human rights and the prevention of institutional violence. Thanks
to the linkage of the Observatory with the syllabuses, the research centre works as a suitable
vehicle for students to link with research projects and with the development and application
of work tools. This is the case, for example, involving young researchers and professionals in
the SIRECOVI team, conducting visits to prisons, interviewing victims and relatives,
systematizing information and communicating cases with public institutions and human rights
organizations. In the coming years, the OPSHR wants to ensure the participation of young
researchers in the creation of the Documentation Centre, the Interactive Map on Institutional
Violence and the studies on radicalization in prison.
Having in mind that these work subjects are very sensitive and that we work with people who
have suffered violence, the OPSHR has been offering for 5 years a University Extension
Course: "Training in human rights defence and in the prevention and denunciation of torture"
(Universitat de Barcelona), and collaborates with the Teaching Innovation Program "Right to
Law" of the same University which allows young people to have a specific training and to
carry out their practical work in a responsible and ethical way.
The training of many of these young people also involves ensuring a stay of research in centres
abroad such as the University of Saint Andrews, Scotland (worldwide reference in
radicalization and anti-radicalization), and to assume the leadership of PhD theses. The
scientific history of OPSHR and the University of Barcelona has allowed many young people
in Latin America to obtain scholarships from their countries to carry out these doctoral studies.
From 2014 to our days, OPSHR members have conducted 12 theses that have been discussed
and are currently conducting others.
As mentioned above, in order to reinforce the presence of young research staff within the
OPSHR structure, the team has added the participation of Pablo Scotto, a student with an
extraordinary career award and who works on issues related to public policies and social

To date, OPSHR has become a benchmark in Europe and Latin America as a place of training
and learning in the critical study of criminal justice systems and the protection of human rights.

C.5) Expliqueu les col·laboracions amb altres investigadors o institucions de rellevància científica
destacant sobretot les internacionals (2 pàgines com a màxim) / Explain and mention collaborations
between the group and other researchers or institutions of scientific importance, highlighting, above all, any
international institutions. (2 pages maximum)

Since its birth, the OPSHR has developed an important networking task at the international
level, which is manifested in academic networks such as in the Common Study Programme in
Critical Criminology or the European Group for the Study of Deviance and Social Control or
as part of the Erasmus programme under which the Master in Criminal System and Social
Problems was taught, including Erasmus University Rotterdam, University of Gent,
University of Peloponnese, Democritus University of Thrace, University of Kent, University
of Hamburg.

At European level, the OPSHR also actively participates in the European Prison Observatory
(EPO), a network of 9 universities and research centres: Associazione Antigone Onlus (Italy),
Observatoire International des Prisons (OIP-SF), Democritus University of Thrace Greece),
Helsinki Foundation for Human Rights (Poland), Università degli Studi di Torino (Italy),
University Institute of Lisbon (ISCTE-IUL) (Portugal), Latvijas Cilvçktiesîbu Centrs (LV),
Centre for Crime and Justice Studies. The EPO has obtained a new European research project
that focuses precisely on studying the processes of radicalization in prisons in Europe.

On the other hand, the OPSHR has managed to link a large number of scientific research
centres and universities in Latin America within the Euro-Latin American Network for the
Prevention of Torture (RELAPT). This international network has the participation of
universities such as the National University of Mar del Plata (Argentina), U. José C. Paz
(Argentina), Universidad Santo Tomás (Colombia), Victimology Observatory (Colombia),
Centro de Estudios en Seguridad Ciudadana (Chile), Instituto de Estudios Legales y Sociales
de Uruguay, Servicio Paz y Justicia (Uruguay), Grupo de Investigación Política Criminal.
UniCEB/UnB -Universidad de Brasilia, Universidad Libre de Cali (Colombia), o Corporación
Punto de Vista (Colombia). The scientific collaboration with this network allowed to present
in 2016 the First Regional Report on Institutional Violence. In 2017, a consortium composed
by some of these centres and universities has proposed a project within the EuropeAid call to
replicate in some regions of Argentina, Chile and Brazil the experience of the SIRECOVI in

At the Catalan and Spanish level, different OPSHR members participate in other scientific
research centres and public entities such as the Governing Council of the Centre for Opinion
Studies of the Generalitat of Catalonia, the Spanish Association of Political Science (AECPA),
the Consell Rector del Centre d'Estudis d'Opinió de la Generalitat de Catalunya (CEO), the
Spanish Institute for Strategic Studies, the International Security Studies Group (University
of Granada), or The Real Instituto Elcano.

OPSHR also has an International Scientific Committee composed of various experts who
serve as scientific and methodological guidance. The members of the CCI are: Mauro Palma
(Former Chairman of the Committee for the Prevention of Torture of the Council of Europe
and current Guarantor of the Rights of the Detained in Italy) Pat Carlen (University of
Leicester), Luigi Ferrajoli (University of Rome III), Roberto Bergalli (University of
Barcelona), Antonio Pedro Dores (University of Lisbon), Raúl Zaffaroni (Inter-American
Court of Human Rights and University of Buenos Aires); Elías Carranza (Latin American
Institute for the Prevention of Crime and the Treatment of Offenders); Tamar Pitch (University
of Perugia); Sebastian Scheerer (University of Hamburg); Rene van Swaaningen (Erasmus
University Rotterdam); Sophia Vidali (Democritus University of Thrace); Stefano Anastasia
(Assoziacione Antigone) Walter Antillón (University of Costa Rica); Vassilis Karydis
(University of Peloponnese); John Lea (University of Middlesex); Roger Matthews
(University of Kent)
D) Altres aspectes a destacar sobre l’activitat del grup
Other noteworthy aspects of the research activity

En aquest apartat heu d’explicar altres activitats o aspectes que vulgueu destacar del grup de recerca
que no hàgiu explicat en apartats anteriors i que siguin d’especial interès per a l’àmbit o la línia de
treball del grup de recerca. Podeu mencionar, per exemple, altres continguts com datasets, programari
o evidències d’impacte social, així com altres continguts digitals, com ara la pàgina web del grup o les
xarxes socials de la institució on apareguin altres activitats de recerca del grup (2 pàgines com a
màxim) / Explain any other activities or aspects you wish to highlight involving the research group that have not
been covered in the previous sections and that are of special interest to the group's area of research. You may
include, for instance, content such as data sets, software and evidence of social impact, and digital content such
as the group's website or the social media profile of the institution where the research group's activities are posted
(maximum 2 pages)

The generation of impact of OPSHR's scientific activity has taken place in these years through
different activities, some of which continue for the next years. Part of the impact lies in the
ability of OPSHR to make its knowledge visible and free of access. For this, the OSPDH has
a web page ( which is further enhanced by the use of its Facebook
( and its Twitter (ospdh1@). The promotion and
display of results of one of its most active projects, the System of Documentation and
Communication of Institutional Violence (SIRECOVI) can also be followed through its own
website ( which, as in the case of the OSPDH website, is accessible in
Spanish, Catalan and English.

Another very relevant platform for the production / transmission of knowledge has been the
creation, in 2011, of its own journal, Critica Penal y Poder
( ). The journal is part of the Directory of
Open Access Journals (DOAJ), which not only transfers knowledge generated by the Group
but attend to publish scientific articles, through a peer review method, on issues related to the
criminal justice system and human rights. The influence in the development of the scientific
disciplines in which the OPSHR works also manifests itself throughout the participation of
some of its members in important editorial councils: Editorial Tecnos, Science Publishing
Group Journal; Revista Astrolabio. Revista Internacional de Filosofía; Revista Inteligencia y
Seguridad: revista de análisis y prospectiva.

One of the most important OPSHR’s assets is its international networks, which have been
mentioned above, which make Group members in constant contact with universities and
research centres of other countries and participate in different conferences, seminars, and
postgraduate programmes. These relationships and the permanent exchange of information
significantly enrich the team's own vision of the research subjects and ensure a multiplied
impact of their scientific results.

As the OPSHR understands that its work is a public service, this means that the Group has a
policy of accountability for its activities. That is why the OPSHR usually organizes
conferences, seminars or public presentations with research results or progress. In 2016 there
was a very important event in this sense: the Conference organized in the Faculty of Law of
the University of Barcelona because of the 15th anniversary of the OPSHR. Likewise, the
Observatory has organized acts of presentation in the Law Faculty of Reports that it has
elaborated in the framework of European Projects like Resocialisation of Offenders in the
European Union: Enhancing the Role of the Civil Society, European Prison Observatory, or
Improving Prison Conditions by Strengthening Infectious Disease Monitoring. These reports
are available to those interested in the OPSHR website. Following this compromise for
accountability and dialogue with public administrations, other universities, civil society
organizations and society in general, OPSHR, as co-director of the Euro-Latin American
Network for the Prevention of Torture and Institutional Violence, organized an international
Conference in San José, Costa Rica, in February 2016 to present the First Report on
Institutional Violence in the Region. To this event attended international experts such as the
UN Rapporteur on Torture, the former President of the European Committee for the
Prevention of Torture of the Council of Europe, the Rapporteur for Persons Deprived of
Liberty of the Inter-American Commission on Human Rights Human Rights, as well as
representatives of the European Commission's Latin American programme, EUROsociAL.

As noted above, part of OPSHR’s strategy is that its work is carried out in close contact with
public administrations and human rights organizations. In this respect, the collaboration
agreements, grants or contracts that the Observatory has had from administrations have been
crucial. For example: the agreement with the Presidency of the Government on intelligence
and security matters; with the Barcelona City Council for the SIRECOVI development, for
activities related to training for care and psycho-social intervention aimed at the employment
of young people at risk of social exclusion, to collaborate in their "Barcelona city of Rights"
programme on human rights and security issues; and, finally, in relation to the same City
Council and the Generalitat of Catalonia through FAPAC (Federació d'Associacions de Mares
i Pares d'Alumnes de Catalunya) to promote and guarantee the participation of families in the
centres and in the educational system.

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