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Oxford Repetytorium Ósmoklasisty

Extra Skills Test Unit 3 Imię, nazwisko, klasa _______________________________________

Rozumienie tekstów pisanych

1 Przeczytaj artykuł. Następnie uzupełnij zdania zgodnie z informacjami w tekście. Uzupełnij każde zdanie dwoma wyrazami.

So why are schools in Finland so successful?

Less formal schooling
Students in Finland don’t have to start school until the age of seven. They learn through playing and exploring rather than having to be in a
classroom all day.
Fewer teachers, more care
Students in Finland often have the same teacher for six years. The same teacher looks after and cares for a group of fifteen to twenty students.
They know the learning styles of all their students and know how they can all succeed and reach their goals.
Less working, more rest
Students start school between 9.00 and 9.45 a.m. The school day usually ends by 2.00 or 2.45 p.m. Students usually have breaks in between
classes so they have more time to relax throughout the day.
Less testing
Teachers don’t have to follow a curriculum. They create their own exciting lessons. For example, they have time to teach sewing, cooking,
cleaning and woodwork.
Less homework
Finnish students have the least amount of homework in the world. They have less than thirty minutes per day. Students get the work done in
class instead. Teachers believe that what students are able to do in school is enough.
1 In Finland, students don’t have to _________ _________ before the age of seven.
2 Children learn more through _________ and _________.
3 Teachers teach a group of between _________ and _________ students in one class.
4 Teachers don’t have to follow a curriculum, and they can create their own _________ _________.
5 Students don’t spend more than _________ _________ on their homework each day.

Mark 5
Rozumienie ze słuchu

2  Wysłuchaj rozmowy na temat pracy. Uzupełnij każde zdanie dwoma wyrazami.

1 Max really wants to be _________ _________.
2 He will have to _________ at university _________ a degree.
3 Rea tells Max he’s _________ _________ maths.
4 Max could go on a _________ _________ to get experience with a company.
5 Rea says he’ll be able to use the _________ _________ in other jobs.

Mark 5

Wypowiedź pisemna

3 Napisz rozprawkę (80–100 wyrazów) na podany temat według poniższego planu. Wykorzystaj podane wyrażenia.
Is it a good idea for students to do work experience?

Paragraph 1 Introduce the question in the title.

Many people think … .
Paragraph 2 Give your opinion.
In my opinion, …
Firstly, …
Secondly, …
Finally, …
Paragraph 3 End the essay by answering the question directly.
All in all, …

Mark 5

Total 15

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