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14/10/23, 12:59 Questions: is / are there L27: Revisión del intento

Área personal Mis programas USE OF ENGLISH 2023 Lesson 25 to 30 Questions: is / are there L27

Comenzado el sábado, 14 de octubre de 2023, 12:58
 Estado Finalizado
Finalizado en sábado, 14 de octubre de 2023, 12:59
 Tiempo empleado 48 segundos
Calificación 1,25 de 5,00 (25%)

Part 1:

Read each interrogative sentence carefully, and choose if it is
right or wrong. (A sentence is right if it doesn’t have any errors). 1/5
14/10/23, 12:59 Questions: is / are there L27: Revisión del intento

correcta Right Wrong
Se puntúa 1,25
a. Is there a hippo in the puddle?   
 sobre 2,50

b. Are there foxes oranges?   

 c. Is there small elephants?   

d. Are there a tiger near that tree?   

e. Is there a brown bear?   
 f. Are there five penguins?   

Part 2:
Read each interrogative sentence and choose the correct word. 2/5
14/10/23, 12:59 Questions: is / are there L27: Revisión del intento


Incorrecta 01. Is  there any monkeys in those trees?

Se puntúa 0,00
sobre 2,50
 02. Are  there an elephant?

03. Is  there any giraffes near those bushes?

04. Are  there a turtle in that cave?

05. Is  there any lions without mane?

 06. Is  there any penguins in the pool?

 Respuestas incorrectas.

La respuesta correcta es:

01. [Are] there any monkeys in those trees?

02. [Is] there an elephant?

03. [Are] there any giraffes near those bushes?

04. [Is] there a turtle in that cave?

05. [Are] there any lions without mane? 3/5
14/10/23, 12:59 Questions: is / are there L27: Revisión del intento

06. [Are] there any penguins in the pool?

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 "Formamos ciudadanos productivos y solidarios" 4/5
14/10/23, 12:59 Questions: is / are there L27: Revisión del intento

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