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All isa isa ka vid.


Javee: ICT is the information-related technology needed.

processing, namely the application of electronic

computers, gadgets for communication, and

software tools for storing, converting, and safeguarding.

manipulate, send, and obtain data from

Anytime, anyplace.


The importance of ICT cannot be ignored in modern society. ICT plays a crucial role in
enabling efficient and effective communication, facilitating access to information, promoting
digital literacy, and enhancing overall productivity. Therefore, it is essential for education
institutions to define the application of ICT clearly to students so that they can utilize it more
effectively and gain the necessary skills for success in the digital age By integrating ICT into
education, students are equipped with the tools and resources needed to thrive in an
increasingly technology-driven world.


Advantage of knowing ICT The advantage of knowing ICT is that it enables individuals to
effectively navigate and utilize technology in various aspects of their lives, including
communication, information access, problem-solving, and decision-making. Additionally,
ICT skills are highly sought after in the job market, as they are essential for nearly every
profession in the digital age.

Mitch: For Example if you have the skills of an IT you may encounter a lot of difficulties but
with this knowledge it will also help you counter it and also gaining money at the same time.

Honey lou: Another Example you are in a remote area where internet are not constant but
with the help of a computer that can run a external drive it can help those teacher to teach
those student by using PPT because rightnow they can use it because we have the external
version which doesn’t need a internet to use.
Aishe: If you encounter the word ICT , it refers to Information and Communication
Technology. ICT encompasses a wide range of technologies and tools used for storing,
retrieving, transmitting, and manipulating information. The effective use of ICT in education
can greatly enhance learning outcomes and prepare students for the digital age.

AGAPIN: ICT is essential for fostering innovation and revolutionizing a number of

industries. ICT helps businesses in a variety of industries, including healthcare and finance, to
increase productivity, streamline procedures, and provide cutting-edge goods and services.

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