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1. Borders of inguinal region?

2. “Falloppio’s band”forms the base of inguinal canalindirect
inguinal hernia, what ligament?
3. Reflected ligament at the median of the femoral ring?
- Gimbernat
- Triangular-shaped
4. “Cooper’s ligament”Lining the pubic tuberclelateral portion of
lacunar ligament?
5. Fusion of tendons of the internal oblique and transversus abdominis?
6. Medial structures of inguinal canal?
7. Lateral structures of inguinal?
8. 2 vital structures of spermatic cord?
9. Spermatic cord is surrounded by? (4)
10. Weakest portion of inguinal region. Specific area which should be
covered during inguinal hernia repair?
11. 2 regions divided by inguinal ligament?
12. 1cm above the pubic tubercle?
13. Parts felt during PE? (3)
14. Found in the center/middle?
15. Lateral of the median umbilical ligament?
16. Contains the inferior epigastric vessels?
17. Borders of HBT (3), direct hernia may happen?
18. Medial of the inferior epigastric vessels?

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