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Health – 1st Summative

Nutritional Problems
1. Stunted growth- this refers to the slow growth and development
of the body and skills associated with certain body parts
 Symptoms of Stunted growth
a. Slow development of physical skills like sitting up and
standing or walking or social skills
b. The child does not develop the ideal height and weight
for his his or her age.
2. Underweight – condition wherein the body weight of a person is
less that what is ideal for his or her height, built and gender
Body mass index (BMI) – is the measure of body fat based on the
height and weight of a person and is used to determine whether a
person has a healthy weight.
3. Overweight – this the opposite of underweight condition.
 Body does not meet the recommended weight based on
height, built and gender by having greater mass than what is
considered normal
4. Obesity- is another weight condition where too much
accumulation of fat on the body starts to show negative effects on
the person.
 A person with obesity is called obese, is extremely
overweight and is at higher risk of other conditions like heart
disease and diabetes.
Auditory Problems
1. Impacted cerumen – ears produce ear wax called cerumen.
 When wax is pushed towards the ear it becomes impacted
and accumulates inside the ear.
 This may cause itching, pain and partial hearing loss if
impacted ear wax is not removed.
2. Otitis Media –also know as acute otitis media or AOM.
 It is an infection or swelling of the middle ear which is
behind the eardrum when mucus is trapped inside
 Very common infection among children and may require
antibiotics or sometimes surgery.
3. Otitis Externa- refers to the infection of the outer canal of the
outer ear.
 This is commonly known as the swimmer’s ear.
 It is commonly known to children exposed in high moisture
environment, especially warm climates.
 Excessive moisture in the ear allows growth of
microorganisms which can cause infection and later result
irritation of the ear canal.
Eye Disorders
1. Astigmatism – this is condition wherein the person experiences
blurry or distorted vision
 This is caused by uneven cornea which affects how the light
enters the eye.
 Aside from changes in vision astigmatism headache and eye
strain after doing eye activity such as reading and watching
2. Myopia –this is a condition wherein a person has trouble clearly
seeing distant object.
 This is also called nearsightedness
 This is caused by abnormalities in the cornea, lens or eyeball
3. Hyperopia- also known as farsightedness.
 This condition is the opposite of myopia
 A person with hyperopia has difficulty in seeing or focusing
nearby objects.
4. Xerophthalmia- this is a condition wherein the eyes fil to produce
tears because of the abnormal drying of conjunctiva.
 It is also known as dry eyes.
 This condition is typically associated with vitamin A
 An early symptoms of xerophthalmia is nigh blindness or
inability to see in a dim light.
 This condition when not corrected may eventually lead to
5. Strabismus –also known as crossed eyes.
 This is a condition wherein the eyes do not align with each
other properly when looking at an object.
 It occurs to people with poor eye muscle control
 It may be treated with vision therapy or eye muscle surgery
Skin, hair and nail disorder
1. Sunburn –this refers to the damage of the skin caused by the
ultraviolet (UV) rays from the sun.
 When exposed under the sun for a long period of time, the
skin becomes red and irritated from the burn.
 Sometimes severe sunburn may lead to swelling and blisters.
2. Dandruff- it is the flaking of the skin on the scalp and is commonly
 Maybe caused by dryness of the skin due to insufficient
cleaning, shampooing too often, sensitivity to hair products
and growth of fungi.
 It is neither contagious nor serious but it may cost
discomfort due to itching.
3. Corn and calluses- calluses are dry, hardened, thick bumps on the
skin that usually develop on the soles of the feet, under the heels
or balls or on the palms or knees.
 Corns which are also thick and rough skin, resemble calluses
but much smaller and can be painful when pressed.
 Can be painful or inflamed when not treated properly.
4. Ingrown toenails- this happens when the side of the toenails
grows through the soft skin surrounding it.
 The nail pierces the skin, which causes the skin to red and
 The tender part of the skin become painful and swollen.
Posture and spine disorder
1. Scoliosis- is a condition in which the spine has an abnormal
sideways curve.
 In severe cases the curve of the spine can affect breathing
and must be corrected by using rigid back braces or through
2. Hyperlordosis- this is the excessive inward arching of the lower
part of the spine, causing pain and sometimes immobility.
 This condition maybe improved through back braces and
3. Kyphosis- this is the abnormal outward curving of the spine that
creates a hump like shape on the person’s back.
 Mild kyphosis is more common
 Severe cases can cause extreme pain and discomfort.
 Body functions like breathing and digestion ca be hindered
Oral and Dental Problems
1. Tooth decay- it is also called caries or cavities.
 It is the gradual breakdown of the teeth caused by plaque.
 Plaque is a sticky, slimy substance made up of bacteria.
 When plaque clings to the tooth, it eats away the enamel
until it bores a hole in the tooth.
 Cavities can be treated by cleaning the tooth and filling it
with dental fillings that are usually made of amalgam, resin
or other alloy.
2. Gingivitis-this is a disease wherein the gums become tender, red
swollen and starts to bleed.
 It can be prevented with good oral hygiene.
 If untreated can lead to periodontitis and tooth loss
3. Periodontitis- this occurs when the bones that support the teeth
become inflamed.
 This is mainly due to plaque and tartar build up at the base
of the teeth.
 Tartar a mineral build up just above the gums.
 Person with periodontitis may have tender, bleeding and
swollen gums, bad breath and loose teeth.
4. Malocclusion-this condition wherein the upper and lower teeth
do not properly fit together.
 It can lead to the following :
 overbite -when the lower teeth bite into the roof of the
 under bite-when the lower front teeth are more forward
than the upper front teeth..
 Crossbite- when the upper tooth fit into the wrong side of
the lower teeth.
 Transposition- when the tooth grows in another one’s place.
5. Halitosis- also known as bad breath.
 This condition is caused by bacteria that proliferate in your
mouth when you do not brush and floss your teeth.
 Eating food with pungent smell, like garlic can also wworsen
bad breath.
 Can caused by disease affecting the gums, throat and

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