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1. Which of the following is not a process of nutrition in living organisms?

a) Ingestion

b) Digestion

c) Absorption

d) Respiration

Answer: d) Respiration

2. The breakdown of glucose to release energy in the absence of oxygen is known as:

a) Respiration

b) Fermentation

c) Photosynthesis

d) Digestion

Answer: b) Fermentation

3. The main respiratory organ in humans is:

a) Lungs

b) Skin

c) Liver

d) Kidneys

Answer: a) Lungs

4. The enzyme responsible for the breakdown of starch into maltose in the human digestive system?

a) Amylase

b) Lipase

c) Protease

d) Maltase
Answer: a) Amylase

5. In photosynthesis, oxygen is produced in which part of the plant cell?

a) Chloroplast

b) Nucleus

c) Vacuole

d) Cell membrane

Answer: a) Chloroplast

6. What is the role of red blood cells in the human body?

a) Transport of oxygen

b) Transport of nutrients

c) Defence against pathogens

d) Blood clotting

Answer: a) Transport of oxygen

7. The process of conversion of food into simpler substances in the body is called:

a) Assimilation

b) Digestion

c) Absorption

d) Excretion

Answer: b) Digestion

8. Which of the following is not a component of the transport system in humans?

a) Blood

b) Heart

c) Lungs
d) Veins

Answer: c) Lungs

9. What is the function of nephrons in the kidneys?

a) Filtration of blood

b) Transport of urine

c) Absorption of nutrients

d) Storage of waste

Answer: a) Filtration of blood

10. The process of breakdown of complex organic compounds into simpler ones with the release of
energy is called

a) Assimilation

b) Respiration

c) Digestion

d) Absorption

Answer: b) Respiration

11. Which of the following is a plant hormone responsible for cell elongation and growth?

a) Insulin

b) Gibberellin

c) Estrogen

d) Adrenaline

Answer: b) Gibberellin

12. The movement of water from an area of higher concentration to an area of lower concentration
through a semi-permeable membrane is called:

a) Osmosis
b) Diffusion

c) Active transport

d) Filtration

Answer: a) Osmosis

13. What is the primary function of the respiratory system?

a) Transport of oxygen

b) Digestion of food

c) Exchange of gases

d) Pumping blood

Answer: c) Exchange of gases

14. Which of the following is an autotrophic mode of nutrition?

a) Carnivores

b) Herbivores

c) Omnivores

d) Plants

Answer: d) Plants

15. What is the function of the stomata in plant leaves?

a) Photosynthesis

b) Transpiration

c) Absorption

d) Respiration

Answer: b) Transpiration

16. The breakdown of food in the presence of oxygen to release energy is called:

a) Fermentation
b) Respiration

c) Photosynthesis

d) Digestion

Answer: b) Respiration

17. Which enzyme is responsible for the breakdown of proteins into amino acids in the stomach?

a) Amylase

b) Lipase

c) Pepsin

d) Trypsin

Answer: c) Pepsin

18. In which part of the digestive system are most of the nutrients absorbed into the blood?

a) Stomach

b) Small intestine

c) Large intestine

d) Esophagus

Answer: b) Small intestine

19. What is the primary role of bile in the digestive process?

a) Breakdown of fats

b) Breakdown of proteins

c) Neutralization of stomach acid

d) Absorption of water

Answer: a) Breakdown of fats

20. Which among these is a waste product excreted by the kidneys?

a) Urea

b) Glucose

c) Amino acids

d) Fatty acids

Answer: a) Urea

21. What is the function of the alveoli in the respiratory system?

a) Oxygen absorption

b) Carbon dioxide absorption

c) Air filtration

d) Blood clotting

Answer: a) Oxygen absorption

22. The process of release of energy from food in the absence of oxygen is known as

a) Fermentation

b) Photosynthesis

c) Respiration

d) Transpiration

Answer: a) Fermentation

23. function of the liver in the digestive system is

a) Production of insulin

b) Storage of bile

c) Synthesis of glucose

d) Breakdown of toxins

Answer: d) Breakdown of toxins

24. In which part of the digestive system does the final absorption of water occur?

a) Stomach

b) small intestine

c) large intestine

d) Esophagus

Answer: c) Large intestine

25. What is the role of haemoglobin in red blood cells?

a) Transport of oxygen

b) Digestion of food

c) defence against pathogens

d) Blood clotting

Answer: a) Transport of oxygen

26. Which of the following is a product of photosynthesis?

a) Oxygen

b) Carbon dioxide

c) Nitrogen

d) Hydrogen

Answer: a) Oxygen

27.During respiration, which molecule is ultimately broken down to release energy?

a) Glucose

b) Water

c) Oxygen

d) Carbon dioxide

Answer: a) Glucose
28. What is the function of the diaphragm in the respiratory system?

a) Pumping blood

b) Oxygen absorption

c) Regulation of breathing

d) Filtration of air

Answer: c) Regulation of breathing

29. Which of the following is a characteristic of living organisms related to nutrition?

a) Movement

b) Respiration

c) Excretion

d) Reproduction

Answer: b) Respiration

30. Which blood vessel carries oxygenated blood from the lungs to the heart?

a) Artery

b) Vein

c) Capillary

d) Pulmonary vein

Answer: d) Pulmonary vein

31. What is the function of the nephron in the kidneys?

a) Oxygen absorption

b) Filtration of blood

c) Digestion of proteins

d) Storage of urine
Answer: b) Filtration of blood

32. Which is the excretory organ in humans?

a) Lungs

b) Liver

c) Kidneys

d) Stomach

Answer: c) Kidneys

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