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 Samba - Brazil, Tango - Argentina, Slow Waltz - Austria, Jive - USA, Rumba – Cuba
 Dance Mixers - social dance that allows a group of performers to change partners periodically while dancing.
 Dance Etiquette - set of guidelines that will assist you in navigating the social dimensions of dancing.
 Social Dance - form of dance is recreational and executed with a partner and in groups.
 Ballroom dancing - is derived from the word ball, which originated from the Latin word ballare, which literally means to
 LATIN AMERICAN DANCES - Cha-cha-cha, Rumba, Samba, Paso doble, Jive/Boogie, Swing, Merengue, Salsa, Mambo
 MODERN STANDARD DANCES - Slow Waltz, Tango, Viennese Waltz, Foxtrot, Quickstep.
 Dance Sports - competitive ballroom dancing.
 Dance - type of movement is set to music, where we can express our emotions through body actions.


 PDEA (Philippine Drug Enforcement Agency) - anti-drug law enforcement agency in the Philippines in charge of preventing,
investigating, and countering any harmful narcotics, prohibited precursors, and vital chemicals.
 Lack of commitment to studies - a risk factor involving students at school
 Coma - happen to the person if he excessively used stimulants.
 Stimulants - psychoactive substance speeds up the central nervous system.
 School - should effectively and strictly enforce rules and laws to protect teenagers from the use of illegal drugs.
 Downers - other term for depressants.
 Caffeine - psychoactive substances are present in coffee.
 Drugs - substance or chemical, if consumed, can cause psychological and physical harm.
 Drug Abuse - refers to the usage of a substance for purposes other than medicinal.
 Stimulant - types of medications that increase a person's energy.
 Cigarettes - example of gateway drug
 Community - aspect of a risk factor can the individual easily access through gateway drugs


 Four Most Prominent Renaissance Artists - Leonardo, Michelangelo, Raphael, and Donatello.
 Chiaroscuro - art media techniques make use of light and shadow to create the illusion of light shining from a specific source
on figures and objects.
 Tempera - art media techniques use eggs in the process of combining colors.
 The Last Supper - depicts the dramatic scene in which Jesus predicts that one of his Apostles will betray him and
subsequently institutes the Eucharist. It is the most reproduced religious painting of all time.
 Donatello - Italian Renaissance artist known for his bas-relief
 Bernini - Baroque artist considered a prodigy, and when were his first artworks dated on his 8th birthday.
 The Transfiguration - Raphael's last painting on which he works up to his death.
 Rembrandt Harmenszoon van Rijn - Baroque artist well known for painting himself.
 Leonardo Da Vinci - master painter and epitomized the term "Ultimate Renaissance Man".
 Statue of David famous work of Donatello - It is a bronze life-sized nude and the first freestanding statue produced since
ancient times.
 Las Meninas - famous work of Diego Velasquez.

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