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2nd Quarter Reviewer– MAPEH 9

Classicism, as a stylistic period in western art music, roughly encompassed the years-1750-182
A drama set music.- Opera
It is a multi-movement work for solo instrument.- Concerto
He was named “Father of the Symphony” although he excelled in every music genre of the period.- Franz Joseph Haydn
The term for serious opera.- Opera Seria
Composer who bridge the late Classical Era and early Romantic Era.-Ludwig Van Beethoven
It is called “The Age Reason”- Classical
Which of the following is not a work by Beethoven?- Jupiter Symphony
The term for Italian opera that is full of fun and frivolity.- Opera Buffa
A symphony is a Sonata for orchestra
A musical form that alternates the main theme and its contrasting theme usually found in the final movement of sonata
or concert.- Rondo
A part of musical piece, found usually near the end, that repeats the earlier themes.--Recapitulation

He is known as the ultimate “Renaissance Man”.-Da Vinci
It means “an irregular shaped pearl”-Baroque
“The Maids of Honour” is the artwork of Velasquez
An Italian artist who paint “The Transfiguration” on which he worked on up to his death.-Raphael
This is the period of Economic Progress which literally means “Rebirth”.-Renaissance
“The Last Supper” is the most reproduced religious painting of all time is painted by?-Donatello
He is known as the greatest Baroque sculpture.- Bernini
What religion helped to start the Baroque movement?- Catholicism
The “Pieta” is the artwork of Michael Angelo
One of the Italian great artists of early Renaissance who made statue of “David”.-Donatello
A picture with pieces stuck on surface: a picture made by striking cloth, pieces paper, photographs, and other objects into
a surface.- Mosaic
He is considered as one of the greatest painter and printmakers in European art. His well-known work was his “Self-
portrait in Old Age”.Rembrandt
“Monalisa” is the artwork of Michael Angelo

When you are in the dance floor, what line of direction are you going to follow?- counter clockwise
Dancing has its own culture, more formal the dance, the more formal the outfit. Which of the following is categorized
under formal attire for gentlemen?- Tuxedo coat and black trouser
What communal dances are performed in social gathering in any given space?-social dances
Which of the following is classified as Latin American Dances?- Rumba, Cha-cha-cha, Samba, Jive, Paso Doble
Where does the dance Cha-cha-cha originated- Cuba
Slow waltz originated in Australia
Social dances are of two classifications namely, Latin American and Modern Standard Dances.
Example of Modern Standard Dances?-Tango
Latin American dances differ from Modern Standard dances-They differ in line of dressing
The following are dance etiquettes that should be considered in a social dancing activity EXEPT: Insist in executing
difficult dance steps including aerial combinations with your partner.
Best describes social dances-Social dances improve social skills and fitness
We clap the rhythmic pattern of cha-cha-cha- 4 and 1, 2, 3
As the music starts playing, Ginger was asked by someone to dance unfortunately Ginger was not given the talent of
dancing, what should Ginger do?- Be honest, refuse promptly

The short term-effect of alcohol drinking-Hypertension
Factor increases your chance of engaging to harmful drugs of abuse-Risk factors
Substance or chemical is when taken into the body have psychological, emotional and behavioral effects on a person-
The Dangerous Drug Board of the Philippines has listed three major drugs of abuse in the Philippines, which of the
following is the top rank-Inhalants
Considered a myth and misconception regarding drugs of abuse-Drug of abuse improves memory
Classification of drugs speeds up a person central nervous system- Stimulant
Administered to patient with cancer and mental disorder to help reduce pain- Narcotics
Common denominator of each drugs of abuse long term effect?- Coma and death
Classification of drugs of abuse is legal and accepted with restrictions?-Gateway drugs
Concept of drug addiction is defined as the use of substance for non-medical purposes?-Drug abuse
Drug thatis also known as downers or sedative?- Depressant
It is the condition of the body to adapt to the effects of substances to the body?-drug tolerance

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