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윤 리 2016년 4월 고1 영어

대학수학능력시험 문제지 1
제3교시 영어 영역
시간: 70분
성명 수험 번호

◦문제지의 해당란에 성명과 수험 번호를 정확히 쓰시오. 5. 대화를 듣고, 두 사람의 관계를 가장 잘 나타낸 것을 고르시오.
◦ 답안지의 필적 확인란에 다음의 문구를 정자로 기재하시오.
① 고객 — 서점 직원 ② 독자 — 작가
오월 하늘은 맑다
③ 편집장 — 출판업자 ④ 영화배우 — 기자
◦답안지의 해당란에는 ‘수험생이 지켜야 할 일’에 따라 필요한 사항을 모두 기입 ⑤ 배우 지망생 — 영화감독
(표기)한 후, 답을 정확히 표시하시오.

◦문항에 따라 배점이 다릅니다. 3점 문항에는 점수가 표시되어 있습니다. 점수 표시

가 없는 문항은 모두 2점입니다. 6. 대화를 듣고, 그림에서 대화의 내용과 일치하지 않는 것을 고르시오.

1 17 1 15 ③

16 17 ④

1. 대화를 듣고, 남자의 마지막 말에 대한 여자의 응답으로 가장 적절한 ① ⑤

것을 고르시오.
① Sure. It’s in the bakery.
② Yes. It’s in front of exit #4. 7. 대화를 듣고, 남자가 여자를 위해 할 일로 가장 적절한 것을 고르시오.
③ Really? Thanks for your food.
① 합창 단원 모집하기 ② 합창 대회 홍보하기
④ Sorry. I’m too busy to go with you.
③ 합창 연습 지도하기 ④ 응원 학생 인솔하기
⑤ I think you’d better use the subway.
⑤ 응원단 좌석 확인하기

2. 대화를 듣고, 여자의 마지막 말에 대한 남자의 응답으로 가장 적절한 8. 대화를 듣고, 남자가 여자에게 고마워하는 이유를 고르시오.
것을 고르시오.
① 지갑을 찾아 주어서 ② 여자의 책을 빌려주어서
① Believe me. I was there, too.
③ 버스 요금을 대신 내주어서 ④ 여자의 차에 태워주어서
② Sorry. The blouses are sold out.
⑤ 버스 정류장까지 안내해 주어서
③ I mean it. It looks great on you.
④ Don’t worry. It’s just a bad dream.
⑤ Really? Well, I don’t care how I look. 9. 대화를 듣고, 남자가 지불할 금액을 고르시오. [3점]
① $7 ② $9 ③ $21 ④ $27 ⑤ $30

3. 다음을 듣고, 여자가 하는 말의 주제로 가장 적절한 것을 고르시오.

① 육류 소비의 증가 원인 10. 대화를 듣고, Cooking with Dad competition에 관해 두 사람이
② 가공육 제조 과정의 문제점 언급하지 않은 것을 고르시오.
③ 환자를 위한 육류 대체 식단의 특징 ① 개최일 ② 개최 장소 ③ 상품
④ 과도한 육류 섭취를 피해야 하는 이유 ④ 준비물 ⑤ 신청 방법
⑤ 가공육 소비량의 증가와 암 발생의 관계

11. Chippewa National Forest에 관한 다음 내용을 듣고, 일치하지

4. 대화를 듣고, 남자의 의견으로 가장 적절한 것을 고르시오. 않는 것을 고르시오.
① 선수는 정정당당하게 경기에 임해야 한다. ① Minnesota에 위치해 있다.
② 선수는 승리를 위해 최선의 노력을 해야 한다. ② 처음에는 Minnesota Forest Reserve로 불렸다.
③ 심판은 객관적이고 명확한 판정을 내려야 한다. ③ 물이 부족한 호수가 많이 있다.
④ 선수가 심판 판정에 민감하면 경기를 그르칠 수 있다. ④ 사냥 시설을 보유하고 있다.
⑤ 승자와 패자는 승패에 관계없이 서로를 존중해야 한다. ⑤ 일반적으로 5월부터 9월까지 야영지가 개방된다.

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12. 다음 표를 보면서 대화를 듣고, 두 사람이 볼 TV 프로그램을 고르시오. 18. 다음 글의 목적으로 가장 적절한 것은?
TV station Genre Commercial Time You’ve got a baby to name? It won’t be easy to decide what
① AAA Comedy ○ 60 mins to call the ‘little angel.’ It can also be stressful to find a name
② BAC Comedy × 60 mins that will be suitable for your child. After all, names can create
③ BSC Comedy × 90 mins great or unpleasant nicknames. They can affect your child’s
④ CAS Drama ○ 50 mins self-esteem. But let’s not forget that they can be fun. And
⑤ NBS Documentary × 50 mins that’s what this book is all about. Filled with information and
ideas, plus thousands of names to browse, this book analyzes
the most recent trends in baby naming. It also introduces the
13. 대화를 듣고, 여자의 마지막 말에 대한 남자의 응답으로 가장 적절한
것을 고르시오. most popular names used in TV dramas, in music, and in books.
I bet it will help you find a satisfying name for your angel.
Man: _______________________________________________________
① 출산에 필요한 준비 사항을 알려 주려고
① Actually, I’ve already paid the fine.
② 좋은 책을 선물해 준 것에 대해 감사하려고
② Sure. I can repair the seat belt right now.
③ 이름이 첫 인상에 미치는 영향을 설명하려고
③ Okay, I’ll keep that in mind from now on.
④ 아기 이름 짓기에 도움을 줄 책을 소개하려고
④ Good. It can help us stay within the speed limit.
⑤ 시대에 따라 선호하는 이름이 다름을 알리려고
⑤ I’m thinking of changing my car to a smaller one.

14. 대화를 듣고, 남자의 마지막 말에 대한 여자의 응답으로 가장 적절한 19. 다음 글의 마지막에 드러난 ‘John’의 심경으로 가장 적절한 것은?
것을 고르시오. [3점]
Rather than hire actors to portray homeless men, the director
Woman: ____________________________________________________
wanted real homeless men, with all the dirtiness and despair
① If I were you, I’d go to Korea. that comes from being on the streets. John was working as
② You don’t have to envy anyone. the assistant director, so he was responsible for searching for
③ You should study computers first. homeless men. Finally, he succeeded in finding some men
④ I respect your decision to stay here. who fit the cast of the film. They agreed to show up the following
⑤ I’ll follow your advice and take the offer. week. But when it was time to shoot the scene, they arrived
on the set ㅡ freshly shaven and dressed in new clothes. “What
15. 다음 상황 설명을 듣고, Mason이 담임교사에게 할 말로 가장 적절 happened to our homeless people?” yelled the director. “We
한 것을 고르시오. [3점] cleaned ourselves up,” one replied. “We wanted to look good
Mason: _______________________________________________________ for the movie.” John didn’t know what to do at the unexpected
① I’m very proud of your being my teacher.
② I’m afraid I can’t afford the school tuition. ① relieved ② proud ③ satisfied
③ I want the scholarship to go to a student in need. ④ indifferent ⑤ embarrassed
④ I want to know how much the scholarship is worth.
⑤ I’d like you to convince my parents of my decision.
20. 다음 글에서 필자가 주장하는 바로 가장 적절한 것은?
[16~17] 다음을 듣고, 물음에 답하시오. Maya Angelou said, “People will forget what you said and
did, but they will never forget how you made them feel.” As
16. 여자가 하는 말의 목적으로 가장 적절한 것은? a leader, your communication is powerless if people are not
① 다문화 축제의 개선점을 건의하려고 connected to it on an emotional level. This is hard for many
② 다문화 축제와 세부 행사를 소개하려고 leaders to accomplish because they feel they need to protect
③ 다문화 축제의 재정 후원을 요청하려고 a certain persona. Let that go. To get close to your people
④ 다문화 축제의 자원봉사자를 모집하려고 emotionally, you need to let them know how you feel. Be
⑤ 다문화 축제의 변경된 사항을 공지하려고 human. Show them what drives you, what you care about,
what makes you get out of bed in the morning. Express these
17. 언급된 행사가 아닌 것은? feelings openly, and you’ll make an emotional connection with
① 벼룩시장 ② 음악 공연 ③ 요리 강습 your people. * persona: (다른 사람들의 눈에 비춰진) 모습
④ 사진 전시회 ⑤ 패션쇼 ① 지도자는 공과 사를 분명히 구분해야 한다.
② 신뢰 받는 지도자가 되려면 말을 아껴야 한다.
③ 지도자는 사람들의 감정을 고려하며 이야기해야 한다.
④ 연사는 청중들이 기억할 수 있는 말과 행동을 해야 한다.
⑤ 지도자가 사람들과 소통하려면 감정을 솔직히 드러내야 한다.

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21. 다음 글의 요지로 가장 적절한 것은? 23. 다음 글의 제목으로 가장 적절한 것은?
It took me a long time to grasp the importance of honoring One paradox of groups is that adding more people to check
the life I have now. I was so busy being a workaholic and a task makes it less likely that it will be done right. Imagine
perfectionist that I failed to appreciate the journey of life. As you are responsible for checking the correct readings on a
a result, I was often left frustrated. I was so busy planning row of fifty gauges. If you knew that two people before you
the perfect life that I did not allow myself to fully live. Don’t had checked them and that one or two people after you would
fall into this trap. Be patient with yourself. Above all, appreciate check them again, you might think that you don’t need to
the present, because you have only one life. When it’s over, be extra careful. Normally, with so many people looking, it
it’s over. Today make yourself a promise that you will live would be impossible for a problem to exist without detection.
each day as fully as you can. Promise yourself that no matter But if everyone thinks someone else will double check, adding
where you are on the journey, you will dare to live with passion. more checks can actually increase the chance of errors.
Celebrate the person you are today and the life you have now. * gauge: 계량기
① 현재의 삶을 감사하고 즐겨라. ① Why Is Group Checking Important?
② 실패를 경험하더라도 좌절하지 마라. ② The More Checks, the Less Creativity
③ 일에서 벗어나 가끔씩 여행을 떠나라. ③ How to Double Check an Important Task
④ 스스로에게 한 약속을 반드시 지켜라. ④ Check Yourself First Before You Check Others
⑤ 목표를 조급하게 달성하려 하지 마라. ⑤ Having More Checkers: Not Helpful to Reduce Errors

24. 다음 도표의 내용과 일치하지 않는 것은?

What Do Consumers Want
from Businesses That They Follow?
22. 다음 글의 주제로 가장 적절한 것은? 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015
Are you looking for a job now? How many job applications Discounts 57% 64% 66% 62% 45%
are you sending off each day? If you have applied for hundreds Giveaways 45% 54% 56% 51% 35%
of jobs and haven’t heard back from any of them, there’s a Coupons 36% 41% 44% 40% 30%
reason why you haven’t been successful in your job search. Product information 41% 48% 49% 49% 27%
You could find hundreds of wrong job openings before you Invitations to events 41% 38% 38% 34% 26%
get one that could be right for you. Spending hours applying The table above shows what customers wanted from
for those jobs is a waste of time, and it isn’t going to help businesses they followed from 2011 to 2015. ① During that
your job search be any more successful. You shouldn’t apply period, discounts were the first thing customers wanted from
for a job that you don’t really want. Save your energy for businesses they followed. ② Giveaways always stayed second,
completing applications for the jobs you really want. Aim for but narrowed the gap with discounts to ten percentage points
a job that you are qualified for and that is going to challenge in 2012, 2013, and 2015. ③ Coupons were wanted less than
and stimulate you. invitations to events in 2011, but for the following four years
① the reason for setting high goals they were more wanted than invitations to events. ④ Demand
② how to prepare for a job interview for product information stayed between forty and fifty percent
③ conditions to be successful in a workplace from 2011 to 2014. ⑤ In 2011, demand for invitations to events
④ what to consider when seeking employment was higher than 40%, but for the following four years it stayed
⑤ the need for changing jobs on a regular basis between 30% and 40%.

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25. Lyubishev에 관한 다음 글의 내용과 일치하지 않는 것은? 27. The Audition of the K-POP Singing Competition에 관한
Lyubishev was a zoologist, philosopher, and historian. He 다음 안내문의 내용과 일치하지 않는 것은?

died at the age of 82 and left more than 70 academic books

with research papers amounting to more than 12,500 pages.
He was an ordinary man who was busy working at a school
and research center to support his family. He did, however,
get more than eight hours of sleep, work out, and have time
to take a walk. In addition, he was a scientist who also was Through the audition, ten finalists will be picked by
able to recite some lines of Shakespeare from memory. He judges to enter finals at the DST carnival on May 20.
achieved great things by managing his time wisely, recording
Time: May 7, 2016, Saturday, 10 a.m.-5 p.m.
of how he made use of his time.
Place: DST building, 1st floor, DST Theater room
① 70권이 넘는 학술 서적을 남겼다.
② 가족을 부양하기 위해 바쁘게 살았다. Terms & Conditions
③ 산책할 시간을 거의 갖지 못했다. ∙ Anyone between the ages of 15 and 30 can participate.
④ 셰익스피어의 작품의 일부 대사를 암송할 수 있었다. (Those under 15 years of age must be accompanied
⑤ 현명하게 시간 관리를 했다. by their parents)
∙ Bring along your own instruments.
∙ Contestants should not be related to any
entertainment company.
∙ Confirm your participation to the committee one day
before the audition.

For more information, please contact us at 031 - 860

- 5333 or 031 - 865 - 2775.

26. Julian Henry Concert에 관한 다음 안내문의 내용과 일치하는 것 ① 오디션을 통해 본선 진출자 10명을 선발한다.
은? ② 오디션은 오전에 시작된다.
③ 15세 미만의 참가자는 부모와 동반해야 한다.
④ 개인 악기의 휴대가 허용되지 않는다.
⑤ 연예 기획사에 관련된 사람은 참가할 수 없다.

Sunday, 17 April, Town Hall (11 a.m.)

Julian Henry (Violin) Bill Martin (Piano)

∙ Sonata for Violin and Piano (written by G. Benjamin)
∙ Suite Populaire Espagnole (written by De Falla)
∙ Tzigane (written by Ravel)

Julian Henry, French violinist, is famous for his

‘extraordinary talent and artistic depth.’ Also, he has
been praised for capturing the attention and excitement
of audiences worldwide.

Ticket price: £7.50 (including a cup of coffee or tea, 28. 다음 글의 밑줄 친 부분 중, 문맥상 낱말의 쓰임이 적절하지 않은 것은?
or a glass of orange juice or water) I agree that we should not give money or food directly to
the poor, except in ① emergencies like a drought, earthquake,
This concert is held with the support of the Culture
or flood. In less urgent situations, ② providing food can make
Program of the European Union.
people dependent. If the food is brought in from a developed
nation, it can ③ reduce motivation for poor local farmers to
① 일요일 오후에 시작된다. work. We need to make it ④ possible for people to earn their
② 총 두 편의 음악 작품이 연주된다. own money or to produce their own food. Giving them money
③ 연주자는 모두 영국인이다. or food won’t ⑤ disturb that. Finding a form of aid that will
④ 입장료는 무료이다. really help people is very important. It is not a simple task,
⑤ 유럽 연합 문화 프로그램의 후원을 받는다. but it can be done.

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29. (A), (B), (C)의 각 네모 안에서 어법에 맞는 표현으로 가장 적절한 [31~33] 다음 빈칸에 들어갈 말로 가장 적절한 것을 고르시오.
것은? [3점]
31. Having a glowing smartphone in your bed at night could
What is the difference between burnout and depression?
do more than interrupt your sleep ― it could also make you
Because the symptoms are similar, some people may be
______________. Smartphones and tablets emit a blue light.
diagnosed with burnout (A) though / despite they really
A study found a link between blue light exposure and increased
have depression. For that reason, people should be very careful
hunger. It found that exposure to the light increases hunger
not to self-diagnose too quickly, as that could mean they get
levels, even right after eating a meal. It’s because if you sense
the wrong treatment. It would be a mistake, for example,
blue light at night, it stops producing melatonin. Melatonin
(B) to advise / advises someone with depression to take a
helps control weight gain as it stimulates the appearance of
longer vacation or time off work. That can help people who
‘beige fat’ that can burn calories instead of storing them.
are only exhausted from work to recover, but it might cause
① fat ② lazy
(C) much / very more problems for people with depression
③ tired ④ stupid
because they need very different types of support such as
⑤ gloomy
psychotherapy or drug treatment.
(A) (B) (C)
① though …… to advise …… much
② though …… advises …… very
③ despite …… to advise …… much
④ despite …… advises …… much
⑤ despite …… advises …… very

32. On the day that George W. Bush arrived in the White House,
the phrase tax relief started coming out of the White House.
It was repeated almost every day thereafter, was used by the
press describing his policies, and slowly became so much a
part of public discussion that his political opponents started
30. 밑줄 친 he[him]가 가리키는 대상이 나머지 넷과 다른 것은? using it. How could that be possible? Just think of the word
When my brother was five years old and I was seven, my relief. For there to be relief, there must be an affliction, an
father created a regular routine that we loved. When ① he afflicted party, and a reliever that removes the affliction and
arrived home at the end of the day, we’d greet him at the is therefore a hero. And if people try to stand against the hero,
door. Every time he’d ask my brother who he was, pretend those people are villains for trying to ________________________.
not to know ② him, and turn to me to ask if I knew him. Then When the word tax is added to relief, the result is a metaphor:
③ he would help my mother prepare dinner and they would Taxation is an affliction. And the person who takes it away
talk about his day and hers. While they chatted, my father is a hero and anyone who tries to stop him is a bad guy. [3점]
would pick up my brother and me to sit on top of the fridge. * affliction: 고통 ** metaphor: 은유
We sat still and quiet, as it was both exciting and scary. When ① show courage
I think of it now, I realize it was pretty creative of ④ him. ② prevent relief
My brother and I thought he was so cool for putting us there, ③ do heroic acts
and ⑤ he and my mother enjoyed the peaceful end of the day ④ give up politics
together. ⑤ hide expected results

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33. One study asked 218 Dutch students to solve a Sudoku [35~36] 주어진 글 다음에 이어질 글의 순서로 가장 적절한 것을 고르시오.
puzzle and complete a word search for twenty-four minutes.
The students were randomly given one of three treatments:
one where they were forced to multitask; one where they could
The gold rush brought many Chinese people to America
organize their work by freely switching between the Sudoku
because there were wars going on in China and lots of
puzzle and the word search; and one where they performed
people there were out of work.
the task in a definite order. They were awarded points for
each correctly filled Sudoku cell and each word found. The (A) They often — unfairly — blamed the Chinese because
total points scored were lowest in the first group and highest they spoke and ate differently. Soon the Chinese were
in the third. These results suggest that _______________________ forced to make a living doing only certain jobs, like
is better for productivity. Multitasking actually makes you washing clothes.
a fool. [3점] * Sudoku: 스도쿠(숫자 퍼즐 게임의 명칭) (B) But life in America wasn’t much better than it had been
① having a clear schedule of work in China. Frustrated white men who couldn’t find gold
② enjoying work like playing games looked for someone to blame.
③ thinking creatively about solutions (C) They were made to live apart from everyone else and to
④ remaining open to others’ opinions pay extra taxes. Many eventually went home, but those
⑤ using as many resources as possible who stayed created “Chinatowns” in cities like San
Francisco and New York. [3점]
① (A)-(C)-(B) ② (B)-(A)-(C)
③ (B)-(C)-(A) ④ (C)-(A)-(B)
⑤ (C)-(B)-(A)

When I was nine years old, I was competing at the youth
34. 다음 글의 빈칸 (A), (B)에 들어갈 말로 가장 적절한 것은? national championships in Minnesota. I was in a good
As a part of meaning-making in life, we create personal position to win my first national title.
goals. These range from short-term desires, such as getting
to work on time, to longer-term objectives, such as getting (A) As we got out of the car, however, he said quietly,
promoted. When we achieve our goals, as well as the material “Dan, there’s more to life than skating around in a
benefits, we gain a sense of satisfaction or delight. (A) , circle.” That’s true. There is always much more to life
when things do not go as planned, then we quickly become than any disappointment we are now facing.
frustrated and angry. When we have no control over things, (B) But coming around a turn, I tripped on a rubber hose
we even tend to put our anger into words. (B) , when they had set up as a lane marker. That slip cost me the
some drivers are getting stuck in traffic jams, they start to title by one point. I started crying. I was crying as
take out their anger on people around them. That’s because Mom took off my skates.
they are likely to be later than they are supposed to arrive. (C) Even during the award ceremonies. I was still crying
when we got in the car and when we pulled into our
(A) (B)
driveway six hours later. My father hadn’t spoken a
① However …… For example
word to me all the way home.
② However …… Instead
③ In addition …… As a result ① (A)-(C)-(B) ② (B)-(A)-(C)
④ That is …… For example ③ (B)-(C)-(A) ④ (C)-(A)-(B)
⑤ That is …… As a result ⑤ (C)-(B)-(A)

2016년 4월 고1 ― 6 8 ― 영어 영역
윤 리 영어 영역 7
[37~38] 글의 흐름으로 보아, 주어진 문장이 들어가기에 가장 적절한 곳 39. 다음 글에서 전체 흐름과 관계가 없는 문장은?
을 고르시오. Asking questions is essential to doing a better job and
37. growing. ① No one ever came up with a powerful new idea
without questioning the assumption on which old thinking
But popular views describe zebras as black with white was based or asking an entirely new question. ② Questions
stripes. also help us to understand things better. ③ We start by asking
questions to make sure we know if we are doing well. ④ Some
Even if you aren’t a horse specialist, you can easily spot
people say that asking questions can be less effective than
a zebra from the unique black-and-white stripes on its body.
being taught. ⑤ For example, we should always be asking our
( ① ) Speaking of stripes, that brings us to the age-old question:
customers in order to learn how well we are meeting their
What color is a zebra? ( ② ) If you research the answer, you’ll
needs. * assumption: (근거 없는) 가정
quickly discover many different perspectives. ( ③ ) Also, a
recent study suggests that early in development, zebras are
black and they develop their white stripes later. ( ④ ) It shows
evidence that black is the actual color of the zebra’s fur, and
the white stripes are simply the areas that lack black
pigmentation. ( ⑤ ) In fact, most zebras have dark skin beneath
their fur. [3점] * pigmentation: 색소

40. 다음 글의 내용을 한 문장으로 요약하고자 한다. 빈칸 (A)와 (B)에

들어갈 말로 가장 적절한 것은? [3점]

After the Normans’ invasion of England in 1066, they

had influences on food names. The French spoken by this
new ruling class began to be used instead of Anglo-Saxon
for words that persist to modern-day English: pork, veal,
mutton, beef, and bacon. But while only the Norman
nobles could afford to regularly eat meat, it was
Anglo-Saxon-speaking serfs who raised the cows and pigs
the meat came from. Thus we use French pork for meat
from the pig but still use old Anglo-Saxon words like pig
for the animal itself. We still use Anglo-Saxon cow, calf,
38. and ox, but refer to their meat with the French words beef
and veal. * persist: 지속되다 ** serf: 농노(중세 농민의 최하위 계급)
So, for example, when your daughter gets a good grade,
recognize how hard she must have studied, and how good
she must have been at performing under pressure. We have different (A) for the animals and their meat,
which originated from the difference in (B) between
It is easy to fall into the trap of making children feel good
nobles who could eat meat regularly and Anglo-Saxon
by praising their talents. ( ① ) However, such praises can have
serfs who raised the animals in England.
a harmful effect. ( ② ) Research shows that it is far better
to focus on the children’s effort and concentration. ( ③ ) (A) (B)
Similarly, when your son wins a place on the school football ① names …… language
team, praise his ability to train hard and work well with others. ② names …… religion
( ④ ) This kind of praise encourages effort and persistence ③ prices …… custom
despite failure. ( ⑤ ) To help children focus further, try to ④ prices …… language
make the praise as specific as possible. ⑤ standards …… religion

2016년 4월 고1 ― 7 8 ― 영어 영역
8 영어 영역 윤 리
[41~42] 다음 글을 읽고, 물음에 답하시오. (B)

I told my dad my story with the homeless man. After

A poor man bought a used book and found a hand-written
hearing my story, he seemed slightly surprised, and it seemed
note in it that told the secret of a magical “touchstone.”
that he was proud of his little kid. The next morning my
The touchstone was a small pebble that could turn any metal
father also bought (b) him some sandwiches with a smile
into pure gold. The story explained that the touchstone was
on his face. He then said that he learned the importance
lying among a countless number of other pebbles, but the
of sharing from me. I was so pleased to know that one small
real stone would feel warm, while other stones are cold.
fearless act by a middle school girl could begin a ripple
With nothing to lose, the man packed up his belongings
effect of sharing. * ripple effect: 파급 효과
and camped out at the seashore testing pebbles. He decided
to throw the cold pebbles into the sea. He would pick up (C)
a pebble, feel it was cold, and throw it into the sea. After
several weeks of touching pebbles, the man picked up a He looked at me with curiosity, surely not expecting
pebble that was warm. He threw it into the sea before he anything from a middle school girl. I asked him what he
realized what he’d done. He had formed such a habit of would have for dinner if (c) he could have anything. He
throwing each pebble into the sea that when he finally came replied ‘Lunchables.’ I ran into the grocery store and bought
across the special stone, he tossed it away without a second 2 Lunchables and a bottle of water. I ran back outside with
thought. a grin on my face and handed the grocery bags to him.
Here’s the way we see it: Life is full of opportunities that (d) His smile has been in my mind ever since.
we may miss out on because we become so absorbed in * Lunchables: 런처블즈(도시락 대용 상품의 브랜드명)
________________. Next time you are presented with an
idea for a new opportunity, slow down and think it over.
If you are too quick to throw it away, you could miss out I ran back to the hotel and when my parents returned my
on a real treasure that awaits your future. dad said that he had a story for me. He asked if I remembered
the homeless man down the street from our hotel, and I
41. 윗글의 제목으로 가장 적절한 것은? nodded. (e) He then told me he was deeply moved by
① Desperation Brings You Your Fortune something he saw. A gentleman had given some food to
② Touchstone: A Result of Human Greed the homeless man, and that homeless man was sharing it
③ Don’t Give Up: You Are Almost There with the other homeless people around him.
④ Opportunities Won’t Come Without Risks
⑤ Stay Attentive to Your Chance All the Time 43. 주어진 글 (A)에 이어질 내용을 순서에 맞게 배열한 것으로 가장 적
절한 것은?
① (B)-(D)-(C) ② (C)-(B)-(D)
③ (C)-(D)-(B) ④ (D)-(B)-(C)
42. 윗글의 빈칸에 들어갈 말로 가장 적절한 것은? [3점] ⑤ (D)-(C)-(B)
① others’ opinions
② our normal routine
③ our lack of interest
④ our desire for wealth
44. 밑줄 친 (a) ~ (e) 중에서 가리키는 대상이 나머지 넷과 다른 것은?
⑤ our search for beauty ① (a) ② (b) ③ (c) ④ (d) ⑤ (e)

[43~45] 다음 글을 읽고, 물음에 답하시오. 45. 윗글의 ‘I’에 관한 내용과 일치하지 않는 것은?
(A) ① 중학생 때 Washington DC로 가족 여행을 갔다.
② 노숙자와 있었던 일을 아버지에게 말했다.
When I was in middle school, my family went on a family ③ 노숙자에게 먹을 것을 사다 주었다.
vacation to Washington DC. There was a homeless man ④ 아버지로부터 노숙자를 기억하느냐는 질문을 받았다.
down the street who would say the same thing: “Food or ⑤ 노숙자가 다른 노숙자들과 함께 음식을 나눠 먹는 것을 봤다.
money?” My family always walked past with our eyes at
our feet. On our final day in the city, when my parents went
for an evening walk I went out of our hotel and ran down
the street to (a) him. ♣ 확인 사항
답안지의 해당란에 필요한 내용을 정확히 기입(표기)했는지 확인하시오.

2016년 4월 고1 ― 8 8 ― 영어 영역

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