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제 3 교시 2019년 9월 월례 모의 대학수학능력시험 문제지 1

영어 영역
점수:100점 성명 수험 번호

◦ 문제지와 답안지에 성명과 수험 번호를 정확히 기입하시오.

6. 대화를 듣고, 그림에서 대화의 내용과 일치하지 않는 것을 고르시오.
◦ OMR 답안지에 성명, 수험 번호, 답 등을 표기할 때에는 반드시 ‘수험생이 지켜야 할 일’에
따라 표기하시오.

◦ 문항에 따라 배점이 다르니, 각 물음의 끝에 표시된 배점을 참고하시오. 3점 문항에만

점수가 표시되어 있습니다. 점수 표시가 없는 문항은 모두 2점씩입니다. ①

1 번부터 17번까지는 듣고 답하는 문제입니다. 1번부터 15번 ④

까지는 한 번만 들려주고, 16번부터 17번까지는 두 번 들려줍 ⑤
니다. 방송을 잘 듣고 답을 하기 바랍니다.

1. 대화를 듣고, 남자의 마지막 말에 대한 여자의 응답으로 가장 적절한

것을 고르시오.
① He’ll be visiting us sometime next week.
② Absolutely. Let’s make it for next month. 7. 대화를 듣고, 여자가 남자에게 부탁한 일로 가장 적절한 것을 고르시오.
③ Yes, I was trying to visit you the other day. ① 청소업체 추천하기
④ Sorry, but could you show me the way on the map? ② 이삿짐 회사 소개하기
⑤ It will take a long time to finish planning the project. ③ 회사까지 차 태워주기
④ 집주인과 만남 주선하기
⑤ 취업 면접 요령 알려주기
2. 대화를 듣고, 여자의 마지막 말에 대한 남자의 응답으로 가장 적절한
것을 고르시오.
① Still the game was worth giving up our sleep. 8. 대화를 듣고, 남자가 연극 공연의 역할을 맡을 수 없는 이유를 고르시오.
② You’re right, but I saw them play in the field.
① 독감에 걸려서
③ I’m sorry, but I went to bed early in the evening.
② 치과 예약이 있어서
④ Well, I believe our team will win the game next time.
③ 배역을 맡아본 적이 없어서
⑤ Yeah. I’ve been to the sports stadium to watch the game.
④ 음향 효과를 담당해야 해서
⑤ 다른 연극에서 공연해야 해서
3. 다음을 듣고, 남자가 하는 말의 목적으로 가장 적절한 것을 고르시오.
① 음식점 이전을 공지하려고
② 음식점 휴업 사유를 설명하려고 9. 대화를 듣고, 여자가 지불할 금액을 고르시오. [3점]

③ 음식점 추가 개점을 홍보하려고 ① $300 ② $370 ③ $400 ④ $450 ⑤ $480

④ 음식점의 특별 메뉴를 소개하려고
⑤ 음식점의 종업원 모집을 공고하려고
10. 대화를 듣고, 남자가 구입한 소파에 관해 언급되지 않은 것을 고르
4. 대화를 듣고, 여자의 의견으로 가장 적절한 것을 고르시오.
① 색상 ② 제조사 ③ 재질
① 신발은 인터넷보다 오프라인 매장에서 구매하는 것이 좋다.
④ 가격 ⑤ 크기
② 인터넷 거래에서 상품 교환 절차가 간소화 되어야 한다.
③ 인터넷을 통한 가짜 상품 판매를 엄하게 처벌해야 한다.
④ 안전한 운동을 위해서 목적에 맞는 신발을 사야 한다.
11. Western Railways 이용에 관한 다음 내용을 듣고, 일치하지 않는
⑤ 인터넷을 통한 물품 구매가 훨씬 경제적이다.
것을 고르시오.
① 두 종류의 티켓이 있다.
5. 대화를 듣고, 두 사람의 관계를 가장 잘 나타낸 것을 고르시오. ② 자리 이동은 허용되지 않는다.
① 의사 ─ 환자 ② 면접관 ─ 구직자 ③ 탑승 시 신분증을 제시해야 한다.
③ 전화상담원 ─ 고객 ④ 경찰 ─ 교통사고 목격자 ④ 2개의 짐을 휴대할 수 있다.
⑤ 라디오 진행자 ─ 청취자 ⑤ 모든 승객이 전기 콘센트를 사용할 수 있다.

8 이 문제지에 관한 저작권은 종로학평에 있습니다.
2 영어 영역
12. 다음 표를 보면서 대화를 듣고, 두 사람이 선발할 지원자를 고르시오. 18. 다음 글의 목적으로 가장 적절한 것은?
Applicants for Sales Manager Tomorrow we will have the pleasure of welcoming Mr.
Language Bianchi from Ferrara Textiles as a visitor to our company. His
Applicant Gender Age Experience (Other than company intends to place a large order with us, and we hope
that this will become a long-term business relationship. It is
① A Male 28 Three years Spanish therefore very important to make a good impression, and all the
② B Male 33 Six years Spanish staff in the department should know about his visit and be as
③ C Male 26 None French helpful as possible. They should greet him by name, answer any
questions he asks, and explain procedures. He will be looking
④ D Female 26 Two years French
around the company from about 12 o’clock, after his meeting
⑤ E Female 32 Three years Spanish with me. I would like to make sure that there is someone present
in every section over the lunch period in case he has any
13. 대화를 듣고, 여자의 마지막 말에 대한 남자의 응답으로 가장 적절한 questions. Thank you for your cooperation in this matter.
것을 고르시오.
① 고객 접대 매뉴얼 연수 참가를 독려하려고
Man: ② 고객의 회사 방문 일정이 바뀌었음을 알리려고
① No. I’d better format my computer again. ③ 대량으로 상품을 주문한 고객에게 감사를 표하려고
② You’re right. I’ll take it to the service center. ④ 까다로운 고객을 상대하는 비결에 대해 설명하려고
③ So you got the answer through your experiences. ⑤ 중요 고객이 될 사람의 방문에 대한 준비를 요청하려고
④ Of course. Don’t hesitate to ask me for help any time.
⑤ Okay. Whenever you have a problem, be sure to tell me.
19. 다음 글에 드러난 ‘I’의 심경으로 가장 적절한 것은?
I lined up six handmade pizzas on my kitchen table. It was my
14. 대화를 듣고, 남자의 마지막 말에 대한 여자의 응답으로 가장 적절한 first daughter, Emma’s, ninth birthday and we had invited six
것을 고르시오. [3점] friends over for a sleepover party. Everything was going as
Woman: planned, except that my younger daughter, Linley, was upstairs
in my bedroom with a terrible cold and cough. After I served
① Good. Keep in mind that our house isn’t a dumping ground.
Emma’s friends with some pizzas, I went to check on Linley
② Yes. A garage is a good place to keep old tires and pipes.
and found that she was having real difficulty breathing — she
③ You’re right. Ten years is not such a long time.
was taking quick, tiny breaths at a rate that I knew was
④ Don’t worry. I can take out the trash myself.
dangerous. Linley looked to be in serious pain. I tried to think of
⑤ Thank you for making a shoe rack for me.
what to do first for her. Should I put her in a hot shower? I was
not sure about it, though. Nevertheless I got the shower running
15. 다음 상황 설명을 듣고, Jack이 Lisa에게 할 말로 가장 적절한 것을
but Linley refused to get in. What am I supposed to do now?
고르시오. [3점]
Her breathing got even worse. I knew I had to do something
Jack : quickly for Linley, but I couldn’t figure it out.
① You’d better not lend your money to close friends.
① relaxed ② delighted ③ confused
② You definitely need to tell your boss the truth.
④ irritated ⑤ sympathetic
③ Losing your friend is the last thing you want.
④ That’s why you have to save your money. 20. 다음 글에서 필자가 주장하는 바로 가장 적절한 것은?
⑤ No problem. That’s what friends are for. Every person has a right to know how a product will affect
them. Just as you see instruction labels on products, such as
【16~17】 다음을 듣고, 물음에 답하시오.
medications and workout equipment, all of these come with a
16. 여자가 하는 말의 주제로 가장 적절한 것은? warning on what could go wrong when you’re using it or
① ways to choose fresh ingredients consuming it. So why should fast food be any different? Just
② tips to help beginners cook easily because a small group of people don’t want to know what’s in
③ how to enhance the flavors of dishes their food doesn’t mean that the rest of the population shouldn’t
④ the necessity of taking a cooking course have a warning sticker. Everyone has the right to know what
⑤ the influence of cooking on mental health chemicals and products go into their food. They also deserve to
know the effects of fast food. Many people think fast food will only
17. 언급된 식품이 아닌 것은? affect their calorie intake for the day, but this is not true. Fast
① meat ② pasta ③ onion food has a long-term effect on a person’s brain, psyche, and body.
④ lemon juice ⑤ vinegar ① 모든 사람의 알 권리가 차별 받아서는 안 된다.
② 상품 구매 시 라벨을 읽는 습관을 길러야 한다.
이제 듣기 문제가 끝났습니다. 18번부터는 문제지의 지시에 ③ 패스트푸드 조리 시 안전 기준을 준수해야 한다.
④ 패스트푸드의 유해성에 대한 표시가 부착되어야 한다.
따라 답을 하기 바랍니다.
⑤ 비만 예방을 위해 권장량 이상의 칼로리 섭취를 삼가야 한다.

8 이 문제지에 관한 저작권은 종로학평에 있습니다.
영어 영역 3
21. 밑줄 친 they give you 100,000가 다음 글에서 의미하는 바로 가장 23. 다음 글의 주제로 가장 적절한 것은?
적절한 것은? One of the leaders of modern psychiatry, Leon Eisenberg
The most basic editing function in the production of films is wrote that American psychiatry in the late twentieth century
selecting the best shots from several takes (variations of the moved from a state of “brainlessness” to one of “mindlessness.”
same shot). The editor chooses the segments that provide the By that he meant that before psychoactive drugs (drugs that
most powerful, effective, or significant visual and sound effects affect the mental state) were introduced, the profession had little
and eliminates inferior, irrelevant, or insignificant material. Of interest in neurotransmitters or any other aspects of the physical
course, we cannot fully appreciate the editor’s selectivity brain. Instead, it subscribed to the Freudian view that mental
because we do not see the footage that ends up on the cutting illness had its roots in unconscious conflicts, usually originating
room floor (or, as with most film projects now, in storage). in childhood, that affected the mind as though it were separate
Black Rain editor Tom Rolf describes the editing process: “It’s from the brain. But with the introduction of psychoactive drugs
imposing my choice over yours, having the arrogance to say this in the 1950s, and sharply accelerating in the 1980s, the focus
is better than that. It’s being a critic... It’s like having an shifted to the brain. Psychiatrists began to refer to themselves as
enormous picture puzzle — 1,000 pieces will make it look psychopharmacologists, and they had less and less interest in
perfect but they give you 100,000.” exploring the life stories of their patients. Their main concern
① Editing a film is not so easy as you think. was to eliminate or reduce symptoms by treating sufferers with
② A lot of caution is required when editing a film. drugs that would alter brain function.
③ A film editor needs a lot of experience built over a long time.  *`psychopharmacologist: 정신 약리학자

④ The editor’s options in the process of editing films are endless. ① decline of the profession of psychiatrist
⑤ Editing films and making films should not be considered the ② paradigm shift in psychiatry in America
same. ③ dominance of mental therapy over drugs
④ prevalence of Freudian view of mental diseases
⑤ conflict between conscious and unconscious zones

22. 다음 글의 요지로 가장 적절한 것을 고르시오. 24. 다음 글의 제목으로 가장 적절한 것은?

Duke and Bennett-Armistead advise teachers to expose their When it comes to means of communication in the animal
students to a variety of texts, because research suggests a world, one of the most interesting species to study is the bats
reciprocal relationship between the kinds of texts children and the way they communicate via echo-location. While many
become familiar with and the kinds of texts they choose to write studies on bats echo-location focused on how they avoid
and are able to write well. They write, “Children who are not obstacles or how they find food, very recent research into bats’
exposed to much informational text are not likely to develop communication focused on the mutual communication in a
informational writing skills as quickly as children who are.” colony. This research showed that there are very distinct and
Shelley Harwayne states that kids need mentor texts that are different pitch calls that can be mapped just like human
distinctive. At Celebrate Literacy, a conference sponsored by communication, with a sender, a receiver, a context for the
the Pennsylvania Writing and Literature Project in West message and the behavior following or preceding the call. The
Chester, Harwayne suggested that we should help our students researchers were even able to roughly translate the calls
borrow techniques that are distinctive — that our young writers corresponding to feeding, mating, perch, and sleep. However,
need mentor texts that are distinctive. She explained the the importance of this research comes from the fact that for the
importance of reading-writing connections by describing first time in species other than dolphins or primates, which use
reading and writing as good neighbors with a big hole in the more complex languages, bats use isolated pairwise calls
hedge that separated their properties to allow them to pass freely (instead of “broadcast” calls) and that the messages have several
back and forth. layers of information.
① 아이들의 생활 전반을 돕는 멘토 시스템의 정착이 시급하다. ① Bats Can Share Information Even Between Themselves
② 독서 프로그램 뒤에는 글쓰기 프로그램이 이어지는 것이 좋다. ② Bats’ Competitiveness in Nature: Living in Groups
③ 아이들은 작문실력 향상을 위해 지침이 되는 글을 접할 필요가 있다. ③ What Does Bats’ Life Have to Do with Humans?
④ 작문 교수법 연수의 필요성에 대한 교사들의 인식이 높아지고 있다. ④ Comparing Human and Bats’ Communication
⑤ 아이들은 작문을 할 때 자신의 경험을 벗어나지 못하는 경향이 있다. ⑤ Bats Are More Eco-friendly Than You Think

8 이 문제지에 관한 저작권은 종로학평에 있습니다.
4 영어 영역
25. 다음 도표의 내용과 일치하지 않는 것은? 27. Water Awareness Poster Contest에 관한 다음 안내문의 내용과
EU Average Packaging Recycling Rates by Material 일치하지 않는 것은?
100 Water Awareness Poster Contest
2005 2011
Contest Rules
• Deadline: November 17, 2019
70 • Open to all Orange County students in grades K - 12
60 • ‌Posters must be drawn horizontally on 8.5 × 11 or 12 × 18
50 inch paper.
Win a brand-new smartphone!
30 • ‌One grand prize winner per grade division: K - 2 / 3 - 5 /
20 6 - 8 / 9 - 12
10 • ‌All winning students, along with their parents and teachers,
0 will be invited to attend a special awards ceremony at the
Paper and Plastics Wood Metals Glass
Cardboard Discovery Cube!

The graph above shows the changes in the European Union’s Submit Artwork
average packaging recycling rates by material both in the year • ‌Please write the following information on the back of your
2005 and 2011. ① Overall, the recycling rates for the 5 materials poster: Student’s Name, Grade Level, School Name, and
increased during the period. ② The recycling rate for paper and Teacher’s Name.
cardboard was highest in both years and exceeded 80% in 2011. Mail or drop off entries to: MWDOC 18700 Ward St.,
③ On the other hand, the recycling rate for plastics was lowest Fountain Valley, CA, 92708
in both years, and less than 40% of plastic packaging was
recycled in 2011. ④ As for metals, Europeans showed about a ① 포스터의 제출 기한은 11월 17일이다.
ten percent point increase in recycling rates from the year 2005 ② 포스터는 정해진 크기의 종이에 그려야 한다.
to the year 2011, and so did they nearly for glass. ⑤ The ③ 네 개의 학년 부문당 최우수상은 한 명씩이다.
smallest rate increase in recycling rate was for wood, whose ④ 수상자는 교사 및 학부모와 함께 수상식에 초대된다.
recycling rate in 2011 was a little more than 40%. ⑤ 출품작은 방문 제출할 수 없고 우편으로 보내야 한다.

28. Air Fryer 사용법에 관한 다음 안내문의 내용과 일치하는 것은?

How to Use an Air Fryer
26. Neville Chamberlain에 관한 다음 글의 내용과 일치하지 않는 것은?
Neville Chamberlain was born in a British political family.
Initially, he was inclined towards business but at the age of 49,
he entered politics, and at 68, became the Prime Minister of
Great Britain in 1937. At that time, Hitler was already preparing
for World War II. In his opinion, many of Hitler’s demands It’s very important to know how to operate an air fryer
were just. So, he went to Germany to meet Hitler. He also talked properly. Using the air fryer, you can make fried foods like
to the French Prime Minister and they all decided to divide potato chips and French fries. Even desserts like brownies
Czechoslovakia. This is known as the Munich Treaty. The treaty and blondies are perfectly baked in the fryer.
also bound Hitler not to start war but Hitler rejected the treaty
■ Place
‌ the fryer clean and dry place.
and attacked Poland in 1939 . The attack proved that
■ Prepare
‌ the food you’ll be cooking and your air fryer.
Chamberlain did not understand the subtle moves of the German
Once the fryer is hot, you’re ready to start cooking.
dictator and that he was naive in foreign affairs. In his efforts to
■ While
‌ loading your ingredients into the fryer, avoid
avert war with Germany, he followed a policy of appeasement,
overfilling the basket in the fryer.
although he finally abandoned the policy after Hitler seized the
■ Add
‌ some oil to your air fryer.
entire country of Czechoslovakia in 1939. As a result, he lost the
■ Different
‌ ingredients require different cooking settings.
confidence of his own party and he had to resign in 1940. And
■ Don’t
‌ boil water or soups in the fryer as they can explode.
so, Chamberlain is remembered as an unsuccessful politician.
■ It’s
‌ best to clean your air fryer after every use.
 *`appeasement: 유화 정책
① 처음에는 사업에 관심이 있었으나 49세에 정계에 입문했다. ① 브라우니는 만들 수 없다.
② 히틀러의 요구사항이 정당하다고 여겨 그를 만나러 독일로 갔다. ② 프라이어의 안에 재료를 지나치게 채워서는 안 된다.
③ 외교적 미숙함이 히틀러의 폴란드 공격으로 인해 드러났다. ③ 조리 시 기름을 사용해서는 안 된다.
④ 히틀러가 체코슬로바키아를 점령한 이후에도 유화 정책을 고수했다. ④ 재료에 따른 조리 설정은 동일하다.
⑤ 자신의 정당으로부터 신뢰를 잃고 1940년에 사임해야 했다. ⑤ 물이나 수프를 끓일 수 있다.

8 이 문제지에 관한 저작권은 종로학평에 있습니다.
영어 영역 5
29. 다음 글의 밑줄 친 부분 중, 어법상 틀린 것은?  [3점] 【31~34】 다음 빈칸에 들어갈 말로 가장 적절한 것을 고르시오.

In the South Pacific Ocean, five hundred miles off the coast of 31. Aesthetics is a branch of philosophy that has occupied
central Chile, ① is a forbiddingly vertical volcanic island, seven thinkers from Plato’s time to the present day. Like all
miles long and four miles wide. It is populated by millions of philosophical matters, it is subject to .
seabirds and thousands of fur seals but is devoid of people, During the last hundred years, aesthetics has also become a field
except in the warmer months, ② then a handful of fishermen of psychology, which has come to equally little agreement. Why
come out to catch lobsters. To reach the island, which is is this so? On the one hand, people all over the world make
officially called Alejandro Selkirk, you fly from Santiago in an many of the same basic judgments. Our brains and nervous
eight-seater that ③ makes twice-weekly flights to an island a systems are the same because, according to recent theory, every
hundred miles to the east. Then you have to travel in a small human being is descended from one woman who lived in Africa
boat from the airstrip to the island’s only village, wait for a ride a quarter-million years ago. On the other hand, taste is a product
on another boat that occasionally makes the twelve-hour of culture, which is so varied that it is impossible to judge art by
voyage, and then, often, wait further, sometimes for days, for any one set of standards. It seems, therefore, that we cannot
weather conducive to ④ landing on the rocky shore. In the establish absolute standards for judging art. Instead, we must
1960s, Chilean tourism officials renamed the island after view works of art in the context of the culture in which they
Alexander Selkirk, the Scottish adventurer ⑤ whose tale of were created, whether past or present. How indeed could it be
solitary life on the island was probably the basis for Daniel otherwise, so long as art is still being created all around us,
Defoe’s novel Robinson Crusoe, but the locals still use its opening our eyes almost daily to new experiences and forcing us
original name, Masafuera. to adjust our thinking?
 *`conducive: 도움이 되는, 좋은 ① debate ② trust ③ approval
④ restriction ⑤ reasoning

32. One facet of the nominal fallacy, the error of believing that
the label carries explanatory information, is the danger of using
common words and giving them . This has
the often disastrous effect of leading an unwary public down a
path of misunderstanding. Words like “theory,” “law,” and
“force” do not mean in common discourse what they mean to a
30. 다음 글의 밑줄 친 부분 중, 문맥상 낱말의 쓰임이 적절하지 않은 scientist. “Success” in Darwinian evolution is not the same
것은? “success” as taught by Dale Carnegie. “Force” to a physicist has
The engineer Henry Petroski points out that what governs the a meaning quite different from that used in political discourse.
invention and design of new objects is not the commonsensical The worst of these, though, may be “theory” and “law,” which
principle “form follows function” but the principle “form are almost polar opposites — theory being a strong idea in
follows failure.” What form does follow is the real and science while vague in common discourse, and law being a
① perceived failure of things as they are used to do what they much more muscular social than scientific concept. These
are supposed to do. Clever people in the past, whom we today differences lead to sometimes serious misunderstandings
might call inventors, designers, or engineers, observed the between scientists and the public that supports their work.
failure of ② existing things to function as well as might be  *`unwary: 부주의한
imagined. By focusing on the shortcomings of things,  **`discourse: 담화, 담론

innovators altered those items to ③ remove the imperfections, ① their social contexts
thus producing new, improved objects. The failure of a tool ② a scientific meaning
makes them imagine a ④ better model. Failure, accidents, and ③ a legally valid concept
catastrophes ⑤ delay the invention of new, improved objects ④ a transparent definition
whose former flaws and imperfections have been eliminated. ⑤ the literal meanings of them

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6 영어 영역
33. The whole idea of is a common notion 35. 다음 글에서 전체 흐름과 관계 없는 문장은?
today for people working in arts organizations. Like those in It is a mistake to believe that a human being’s actions are
other professions, they spend significant portions of their never determined by anything else than his instincts, passions,
waking hours working with others. They develop complex or habits; and that ideas and theories can have no effect upon
patterns of interaction that are no different than any other him. ① Indeed every man possesses, stored away in his mind,
business in our society. The very process of rehearsal in the arts maxims, principles, and reasonings which he is constantly
is central to improving a person’s eventual “performance.” saying over and over again to himself and to others, and which,
Therefore, the success of an arts manager is often tied to how at any given moment, influence his actions. ② Doubtless, the
well they can motivate the people around them to achieve their mind, like a cunning sophist, is ever finding reasons for
best performance. When we say the performance of a concert attributing honest motives to base of violent actions — after the
was “excellent,” we are really responding to how well the event. ③ It is definite, well-connected ideas that are best
people were managed and prepared for the performance. The calculated to direct a man’s judgment throughout life. ④ But
integrative unity of an entertainment company, for example, can even sophistry is an act of respect that passion pays to reason.
be seen in bringing together cast and crew in the group effort of ⑤ Not only is it in conformity with human dignity, it is also
producing a live performance, special event, or exhibition. beneficial to morality that a man be treated, not as a well-trained
animal, but as an intelligent being, amenable in instruction and
 *`integrative: 통합적인 persuasion. [3점]
① work being a social activity  * `sophist: 궤변가

② art beginning from imitation  **`amenable: 순응하는

③ encouragement requiring patience
④ experiences enriching management
⑤ performance being throughly enjoyed

【36~37】 주어진 글 다음에 이어질 글의 순서로 가장 적절한 것을 고르시오.

The traditional Chinese manner of producing tea was
anything but industrial and had remained unchanged for
hundreds of years. Small producers in the countryside sold
their tea to local middlemen.
34. It is not entirely clear in all cases whether the price of
transport in relation to tourism is elastic or inelastic. In (A) All the middlemen along the route took their cut; together
examining shifts in demand and price, however, one also needs with the cost of transport, tolls, and taxes, that brought the
to take into consideration the length of the observation. price paid for each pound of tea to nearly twice the original
Economists have recognised for quite some time that the cost of producer’s selling price. An enterprise that produced its own
petrol at service stations is relatively inelastic because, quite tea in India, however, could pocket the difference.
simply, most consumers either genuinely need their personal
(B) Furthermore, applying the new industrial methods, running
vehicle or have no desire to give up the ‘luxury’ of personalised
plantations as though they were “tea factories,” and
motor transport. Thus, over the long term, the price of petrol
automating as much of the processing as possible could be
tends to be rather inelastic as shifts in consumption of other
expected to boost productivity, and hence profits, still
goods may be affected. In the short term, however, people may
opt to not purchase petrol or reduce the frequency and duration
of non-essential motorised travel. As a consequence, when (C) The tea then traveled to the coast, carried by boat along
examining the demand elasticity of travel, it may be necessary rivers where possible, and by human porters over mountain
to . [3점] passes where necessary. Finally, the tea was purchased by
merchants who blended it, packed it, and sold it to European
① distinguish one transport mode from another
traders at Canton.
② travel to a destination at a much further distance
③ adopt a standard model of demand on the basis of price ① (A) - (C) - (B) ② (B) - (A) - (C)
④ measure the relative elasticity over longer periods of time ③ (B) - (C) - (A) ④ (C) - (A) - (B)
⑤ have a grasp of the price elasticity of the various markets ⑤ (C) - (B) - (A)

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영어 영역 7
37. 39.
John Dewey placed much of his focus on school An expressive contrast between words and music need not
pedagogy. His model for a school community was a be an aesthetic failure.
curriculum based on tending to students’ present interests,
It is clear that setting words to different tunes, or even the
not only in a stimulating way, but as a means of teaching
“same” tune in a different musical modality, can make us hear
“the essential relationship between human knowledge and
those words differently. ( ① ) Taking the same melody and
social experience”.
using different instrumentation or a different musical
(A) I n turn, the basis of a democratic community required arrangement can also make a difference to our perception of the
educated individuals who acquired the methods of reflective words and to the overall musical experience. ( ② ) Although
thinking that allowed for rigorous, thoughtful academic both play the guitar, Guthrie’s rhythmic strummed chords frame
inquiry. “House of the Rising Sun” very differently than does White’s
fingered melody. ( ③ ) Music can reinforce the meaning of a
(B) This thinking could be achieved by making “each one of our song’s lyrics, as when a sad-sounding melody accompanies
schools an embryonic community life, active with types of lyrics imbued with remorse or heartbreak. ( ④ ) Or music can
occupations that reflect the life of the larger society with the elide the meaning of a song’s words, when what is expressed by
spirit of art, history, and science”. the music seems in contrast to what is expressed by the words.
( ⑤ ) A divergence between the meaning of the words and the
(C) To Dewey, school curriculum was the platform from which
expressive character of the music might reinforce the impact of
intellectual advancement as well as social change was to
the words or music, or it might be heard as ironic, or it might
occur. That is, he thought that schooling should both
make us question what we thought we had understood, either
embrace the democratic process and promote democracy
about the words or about the music.  [3점]
itself by exemplifying on a daily basis the principles of
 *`imbue: 가득 채우다
democracy. [3점]
 **`elide: 묵살하다, 무시하다
 *`embryonic: 배아의
40. 다음 글의 내용을 한 문장으로 요약하고자 한다. 빈칸 (A), (B)에
① (A) - (C) - (B) ② (B) - (A) - (C)
들어갈 말로 가장 적절한 것은?
③ (B) - (C) - (A) ④ (C) - (A) - (B)
⑤ (C) - (B) - (A) Linguists today are much concerned over the loss of
indigenous languages, as endangered tongues pass quietly
from the scene when the few village elders still speaking
them die. Already, youngsters in the community will be
using a language with wider circulation, and no passionate
campaign to save the fading language is mounted by locals.
If such an effort is made, it is likely to come from outsiders
【38~39】 글의 흐름으로 보아, 주어진 문장이 들어가기에 가장 적절한 곳을 aware of the particular significance of the syntax, grammar,
고르시오. or vocabulary as these relate to the ecological setting of a
language, or the way the language reflects the “world” views
of its speakers. The great majority of the languages being
Peer groups function differently for male chimpanzees, who lost have never been written, but among them some are
don’t emigrate. likely to contain crucial pieces of evidence concerning such
matters as environmental change, early migration, ecology,
Peer groups of young males in nonhuman primate societies, and belief systems. A growing movement is under way to
called bachelor groups, serve a variety of functions. ( ① ) In document as many such languages as research funds will
squirrel monkeys males approaching breeding age become allow, but the accelerating rate of loss will render it
social outcasts; their mothers and sisters want nothing to do with inevitably incomplete.
them. ( ② ) Young males may travel together separately from or
on the edge of a large troop of monkeys — either of which 
affords them more protection than traveling alone. ( ③ ) In Foreigners who recognize the (A) of endangered
species such as langurs and rhesus monkeys, groups of young indigenous languages try to preserve them through (B) ,
males commonly depart together in search of a new living which is not likely to be fully achieved due to their rapid loss.
community. ( ④ ) They may patrol their home range together
to deter males from other groups from getting into their (A) (B)
community. ( ⑤ ) They also hunt cooperatively and share the ① origins …… recording
food, and groom one another in deference to rank or coalition ② values …… recording
partnership. ③ origins …… publicizing
 *`in deference to: ~을 고려하여, ~을 존중하여 ④ similarities …… publicizing
 **`coalition: 연합 ⑤ values …… speaking

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8 영어 영역
【41~42】 다음 글을 읽고, 물음에 답하시오. (B)

Americans are more socially isolated than they were 20 years Spotty had been visiting Brownie regularly, in a single-
ago, separated by work, commuting and the single life. Nearly minded quest to keep his friend alive by sacrificing his own
a quarter of people surveyed said they had “zero” close friends comfort. Spotty had evidently stayed with Brownie to protect
with whom to discuss personal matters. More than 50 percent him from predators, snuggling with him at night to keep him
named two or fewer confidants, most often (a) immediate warm and nuzzling him to keep (b) his spirits up. Brownie’s
family members. “This is a big social change, and it indicates leg was treated by a veterinarian and he recovered. For many
something that’s not good for our society,” said Duke years thereafter, the two families watched the faithful friends
University Professor Lynn Smith. Smith’s group used data chasing each other down that well-worn path between their
from a national survey of 1,500 American adults that has been houses.  *`snuggle: 바싹 당기다 **`nuzzle: 코를 비비다
ongoing since 1972. She said it indicated people had a
surprising (b) drop in the number of close friends since 1985.
At that time, Americans most commonly said they had three Curiously, Spotty showed up at Brownie’s house alone,
close friends whom they had known for a long time, saw often, barking, whining, and generally bothering (c) his human
and with whom they shared a number of interests. They were family. Busy with their own lives, they just ignored the
almost as likely to name four or five friends, and the nervous little neighbor dog. Finally, one morning Spotty
relationship often (c) sprang from their neighborhoods or refused to take “no” for an answer. Ted, the father of the
communities. family with whom Brownie lived, was steadily harassed by the
Ties to a close network of friends create a social safety furious, adamant little dog. Spotty followed him about, barking
net that is good for society, and for the individual. The data insistently, then darting toward the empty lot and back as if to
also show the social isolation trend mirrors other class say, “Follow me! It’s urgent!” Ted followed the frantic Spotty
(d) integration: Non-whites and people with less education tend across the empty lot.  *`adamant: 완강한
to have smaller social networks than white Americans and the
highly educated. That means that in daily life, personal (D)
emergencies and national disasters, those with the fewest
The little dog led the man under a fence, past clumps of
resources also have the (e) fewest personal friends to call for
trees, to a desolate spot a half mile from the house. There Ted
advice and assistance. “It’s one thing to know someone and
found his beloved Brownie alive, one of (d) his hind legs
exchange emails with them. It’s another thing to say, ‘Will you
crushed in a steel leg-hold trap. Horrified, Ted now wished
give me a ride out of town with all of my possessions and pets?
he’d taken Spotty’s earlier appeals seriously. Then Ted noticed
And can I stay with you for a couple or three months?’” Smith
something quite remarkable. Spotty had done more than
simply lead Brownie’s family to (e) his trapped friend. In a
circle around the injured dog, Ted found an array of bones —
41. 윗글의 제목으로 가장 적절한 것은? which were later identified as the remains of every meal
① Weakening of Personal Social Ties Brownie had been fed that week!
② Social Welfare as a Social Safety Net
③ Worsening Racial Problems in America
43. 주어진 글 (A)에 이어질 내용을 순서에 맞게 배열한 것으로 가장
④ Individualism and Technological Advances 적절한 것은?
⑤ Effects of Networking on Social Relationships
① (B) - (D) - (C) ② (C) - (B) - (D)
42. 밑줄 친 (a)∼(e) 중에서 문맥상 낱말의 쓰임이 적절하지 않은 것은? ③ (C) - (D) - (B) ④ (D) - (B) - (C)
 [3점] ⑤ (D) - (C) - (B)
① (a) ② (b) ③ (c) ④ (d) ⑤ (e)
44. 밑줄 친 (a)∼(e) 중에서 가리키는 대상이 나머지 넷과 다른 것은?
【43~45】 다음 글을 읽고, 물음에 답하시오.
① (a) ② (b) ③ (c) ④ (d) ⑤ (e)

Brownie and Spotty were neighbor dogs who met every day 45. 윗글에 관한 내용으로 적절하지 않은 것은?
to play together. These two loved each other and played ① Brownie가 돌아오지 않았지만 가족은 처음에는 걱정하지 않았다.
together so often that they had worn a path through the grass of ② Spotty는 Brownie를 포식동물로부터 보호해 주려고 함께 있었다.
the field between their respective houses. One evening, ③ Spotty는 Brownie 가족의 집에서 그의 가족을 성가시게 했다.
Brownie’s family noticed that Brownie hadn’t returned home. ④ Ted는 처음부터 Spotty의 행동을 이해하고 그를 따라갔다.
At first, they weren’t too concerned because he had ⑤ Brownie의 주변에서 그가 음식을 먹은 흔적이 발견되었다.
disappeared before. Assuming he was just out roaming, they
didn’t look for him. But Brownie didn’t show up the next day ※ 확인 사항
and by the next week (a) he was still missing. ◦ 답안지의 해당란에 필요한 내용을 정확히 기입(표기)했는지 확인하시오.

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