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In economic or political sense, it refers to the system wherein trade and industry
is not controlled by the state, rather by a private institution or companies. This is also
termed as “free-market economy” since the means of production is exclusively owned
by a private sector and income are widely distributed through the market’s operations.
The major impact of this to people is that it drives economic and social inequality. The
rich become richer and the poor become poorer because most of the bosses are not
good enough at sharing their wealth to their workers--they often normalize the “greed is
good” position.

2. Commodity

Commodities are those raw materials or simply basic goods that can be
interchanged with other type of commodity. It is used as inputs in the production of
goods and services in the economy. Moreover, it is an essential or valuable resources
that can be bought or sold at a particular price. Examples of commodities are grains,
wheats, natural gas, copper, gold, uranium and the like.

3. Normalisation

Normalization or normalisation is something that is related to science and politics

particularly associated with government and bureaucracy. It refers to the processes or a
system of making things normal and usual. Specifically, in the field of sociology it
signifies to the principles or imperatives that falls under socially-accepted norms and
values which is regarded as normal.

4. Liberalism

One of the ideals in the philosophy of politics and sociology which promotes
democracy, individual rights and liberties. It respects one’s differences in views or
perspectives in a certain thought. This doctrine in politics stems from the prevalent need
to protect the rights and responsibilities of every citizen in a nation. It is concerned on
people’s power and freedom over harm and any acts of violence.

5. Biopower

Biopower is a form of mechanisms, knowledge or operations that is developed to

analyze, define, control and regulate behavior. It literally speaks of power over massive
people. As Michel Foucult defined it, biopower is something that cause a positive impact
in life that is responsible for magnifying, optimizing, accelerating, upgrading, and
multiplying. Thus, it has the capacity to transform and control comprehensive
regulations of humanity.

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