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‘’Effect of Pandemic: Sudden Increase of Teenage Pregnancy in Poblacion Zone 2 Capoocan, Leyte’’

Research Design

This research adopts the case study method in it’s definition, case study is the design that focused
in critical study of a particular situation and method used to limit a very broad field of study to a single
easily researchable topic. By including both quantitative data, case study helps explain both the process
and outcome of a phenomenon through complete observation, reconstruction and analysis of the cases
under investigation (Tellis,1997). This design fits the study as it focuses on collecting data about a real
world situation namely the teenage pregnancy in specific place of poblacion zone 2 capoocan, leyte.

Moreover, qualitative research approach was used in the study. This approach is applicable to the
study because qualitative techniques such as interviews and observations were used to collect data on
the sudden increase in teenage pregnancies.

Sources of Data

In this study, the population is composed of teenage girls aged 15-19 living in poblacion zone 2
capoocan, leyte that experienced early child bearing when the pandemic started (September 2021-
February 202). The study applied quota sampling and purposive sampling in finding out the participants
of the study. A quota sampling, from the word itself ‘’quota’’ means you have a specific number of
people that would be your participants that have the characteristics of the target population. In our
study, we have a target number of participants that will be our subjects in obtaining data. 5 female
teenagers that experienced teenage pregnancy in different purok of poblacion zone 2 capoocan, leyte is
our target population.

Purposive sampling is the process of selecting sampling that has higher experience or somehow
interest in our study. Our study deals with teenage pregnancy that’s why well choose participants that
have higher or subjectively experienced early child bearing.

Writing Instrumentation and Data Collection

We, the researchers determine participants that have rich experience of the of the study. The
researchers first asked for a copy of names of those teenage teenage individuals that took pre natal and
gives birth during the pandemic in RHU Capoocan.

Researcher applied the interview method to gather informations from the participants. Questions
were formulated by the researchers relevantly in conducting the interview. They also secure that their
questions are careful as they consider the sensitiveness of every participants. The questions were
focused on how the covid-19 pandemic affect their childbearing and its impact to their relationship with
other people.

The interview will be conducted by the researchers. They will used video recordings for the entire
conversation between the interview and the interviewee for easier and clearer getting of information.
The interviewer will also take down notes about important details that the interviewee will say.
For the salidity of the interview questions, it is plastered below and the researchers will let the
subject teacher of practical research, Mrs Florami D. Mislos, to verify the questions that will be asked to
the interviewees. Validation of interview questionnaires is important matter before conducting an
interview. High rating of validation confirms that your interview questions are correct.

Interview Questionnaires

 First of all, can you me how old are you that time when got impregnated? How old are you now?
 How’s life of being a mother at your age?
 What do you think is the reason why you have been impregnated?
 Do you think this pandemic affect you that’s why you’ve been impregnated? By how? Do you
think pandemic affects your thoughts in life?
 Can you tell me how you felt when you learned you were pregnant?
 What is the reaction of your parents and friends when they have learned you were pregnant?
 Does the treatment of your family and friends toward you have changed? What kind of changes
are those?
 How’d you feel about it?
 Have you heard your neighbors talking about you? Did they go to your house just to ask
questions about you?
 Do you feel anxious everytime you go out of your house?
 Did you regret being impregnated?
 If you can bring back the time, what will you do to avoid being pregnant?

Data Analysis

The collected data are subjected for the analysis to develop an accurate and clear interpretation.
Interview method will be used to gather and determine the responses of females that experienced
teenage pregnancy. Their responses will be fully transcribed to get the themes. Researchers would be
careful in transcribing and gathering the collected data from the respondents.

Moreover, axial coding was utilized in this study since researchers look for the concept from the
data they have gathered. Semitructured interview as the interviewer/researcher ask the interviewee a
set of predetermined question and there is no list of options as well as the interviewer can answer the
questions by his/her own words. The interviewer also can ask follow-up questions for clarification.

Ethical Consideration

Before the interview starts, researchers will inform their subjects the purpose of the study as
well as the importance od their answers. The guidelines and protocols for the safety of every
participants will also be implemented for their protection.

In the day of interview, researchers will give time to the participant enable for them to read and
understand the letter of consent and will also for them to sign it if the agreed with it or decline if they
don’t want to. The said interview will based on their decision if they accept it or not. It is also their
decision if they answer or not the questions that will be raised by the interviewer. Researchers will not
force them to answer a certain question if they want to keep in silent. Interviewee can also request to
the interviewer if they want to shut the recorder for them to be more free to open a sensitive answers.
Group 1 Venus
Chapter 1 Chapter 2
1. Rachel P. Abad 1. Rachel p. Abad
2. Evelyn Quir 2. Evelyn Quir
3. Dinah Rondina 3. Dinah Rondina
4. Glyzza Rondina 4. Glyzza Rondina
5. Jayzhel Cleope 5. Jayzhel Cleope
6. Ana Kyla Sarda 6. Ana Kyla Sarda
7. Ivy Nada 7. Ivy Nada
8. Rechelle Samoranos 8. Rechelle Samoranos
9. Rica Gullena 9. Rica Gullena
10.Reychelle Lauzon 10. Reychelle Lauzon

Chapter 3
1. Rachel P. Abad
2. Evelyn Quir
3. Dinah Rondina
4. Glyzza Rondina
5. Jayzhel Cleope
6. Ana Kyla Sarda
7. Ivy Nada
8. Rechelle Samoranos
9. Rica Gullena
10.Irish Dimatangal
Chapter 1,2 & 3

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