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Political Science Paper-I 2023

Q2. Explain Bentham’s greatest happiness of the greatest number.

Q3. What are Al-Ghazali’s prerequisites for becoming a Khalifa?

Q4. Expound Iqbal’s vision for raise of Muslims in South Asia in the era of colonialism.

Q5. Write short notes on the following:1)Existentialism is humanism 2)Cogito, ergo sum (1 think, therefore I am)

Q6. Rights and duties are two facets of the same coin. Elaborate.

Q7. In an Islamic state, Islam is considered a complete code of life, which provides guidelines for the proper management of political
power. Elaborate

Q8. What are Salient features of Professional and apolitical bureaucracy ?

Political Science Paper-2 2023 SECTION-A

Q2. The people of South Asia had suffered because of missed opportunities for regional development, connectivity, and
cooperation, Evaluate the performance of SAARC in light of this statement.

Q3. “The military’s political role has undermined civilian institutions and the growth of democratic political culture”. Analyze civil-
military relations in Pakistan.


Q4. WTO is a tool of developed countries to be used for the exploitation of developing countries. Do you agree? Give arguments.

Q5. Pakistan-China friendship is based on reciprocal developments. Analyze.

Q6. Judicial Activism is the natural corollary of poor governance in Pakistan Do you agree?

Q7. What do you understand by the term “Start-Up” and how Start-Up culture can be developed in Pakistan?

Q8. Despite the enactment of the 18th amendment in the constitution of Pakistan in 1973, the question of political devolution is as
yet largely unresolved. Discuss

Political science paper 2022 Section A

2. Define democratic peace. Highlight its basic norms and discuss how it played a vital role in the political-economic
integration of the European Union (EU).

Q3. The Russian-Ukraine war has threatened regional political-economic global integration. What policy options are
available for IMF and WTO to address the new regional and global challenges in the current scenario?


Q4. What are the main determinants of Pakistan’s foreign policy? How current National Capacity has become a major
challenge before an independent foreign policy of Pakistan.

Q5. In what circumstances might a democratic country turn to military dictatorship or totalitarian rule? Narrate it with a
case study.

Q6. After World War 11, the nuclear race started in the world. How Nuclear Non-Proliferation Treaty (NPT) played a
vital role toward a non-proliferation and what more efforts are required to make South Asia a nuclear-free zone.

Q7. What are the main characteristics of the Chinese political system? How it differs from the communist political
system of the USSR.

Q8. Discuss the history of constitutional development in Pakistan since 1947. How the Amendment is taken as a
revolutionary step toward provincial autonomy in Pakistan?

Paper 1

Q2 .Plato,s Concept of Justice? Q4. Illustrate Hobbesion concept of right to limited revolution?

Q3. Compare and Contrast the concept of executives Presented by Muslim Thinkers Ali Farabi ,AlMawardi &
Shahwaliullah? Q5.Karl Max view on class, state & Religion?

Section b

Q6..Essay on development of modern state?

Q7. Discuss in details the development of local self governments in Pakistan?

Q8. Short notes on the Following a)Islamic Political Ideology b)Forms of Political Culture

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