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Friday 5th October 2018

Team-Teach Training

The Spectrum of Team- Teach

Positive Behaviour Supports
- Use of Spaces
- Management of time
- Changes to the environment
- Stance, postures and gestures
- Facial expressions
- Eyes
- Voices
- Words
- Physical contact – Prompt, comfort and reassuring touch

Low level behaviour- could be due to anxiety

95% of the time, child does not need restraining

5% of the time, child does need restraining

Anxiety Defiant Out of Control

Preventation Behaviour management Can’t behave
Pre-management, Recognising feelings Behaviour management
consistent Contain situation

- Identify behaviour FIRST

- Have the same behaviour management around the school





Strategy and Intervention

How children communicate
95% - Non Verbal communication
5% - Verbal Communication

When a child(ren) are suffering from anxiety they may need support rather than being team

When a child grabs your arm, get them to do something with their hands as a distraction-
effective/ positive alternations. Then praise child. If they don’t listen then physical touch.

Reasonable, Protonate, Necessary – Law and guidance (Key Legal Words)

Restrain only on the child’s best interest (see law and guidance)

- Kneel where child is first

- Sit on heel
- T- Wrap child

1) Help available
2) More help available- Can you sit with child

- Wrist together, elbows apart, hand pointing down

Conflict- could lead to risk


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