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LECTURER : Paisal Manurung, M.S


Silvi Pratiwi (19052022)

Mailani (19052022)



In the name of Allah, the loving and merciful. The greatest gratitude goes to Allah SWT, for
his blessing so that I could finish writing this assignment. I would like to give my gratitude,
respect, and appreciation to all people whose support, advice, and help gave me a great spirit
to finish this assignment:

 Our beloved family,

 All ourfriends and lecturer, always give spirit for doing this assignment.

For those people above and those I cannot mention their names, may Allah bless and reward
them. Finally, this assignment is not the perfect one but I hope it would be benefical to those
who interested in this field of study.

TABLE OF CONTENT..................................................................................................2
CHAPTER I.....................................................................................................................3
A. Abstract...................................................................................................................3
B. Problame Formula..................................................................................................3
C. Direction.................................................................................................................3
CHAPTER II...................................................................................................................4
A. The bibliography understanding.............................................................................4

B. The bibliography function......................................................................................4

C. The goal of bibliography .......................................................................................4

D. The bibliography elements.....................................................................................5

E. The Compiling of bibliography .............................................................................7

F. The bibliography example......................................................................................7

CHAPTER III..................................................................................................................8


A. Abstract
Recording books or library materials available, promoting booksuppressor and other
library materials, one tool for the development of the science because the bibliography is
the literary of knowledge, reference material to library collections, a library's list of
collections, library information lists of a particular field of study, and so on. Another
function of the bibliography is to supplement a footnote and to be able to find out the full
information about purpose and hope.

B. Problame Formula
 What is Bibliography

 What is Bibliography function

C. Direction
 To know more Bibliography


A. The bibliography understanding

The Greek word bibliographia "bibliographia" meaning book writing, or it may also be a
technical activity to provide a description for a written cantuman or published library,
systemically arranged of lists according to the desired rules. Bibliography is a bibliography
list that includes the content and description of a book, including titles, authors, editions,
printed copies, cities rising, publishers, years rising, pages high, books high, and isbns. In
addition to the bibliography or library list may also be viewed as a list of titles of books,
articles, and other publisher items, which are related to a bouquet or a cultivated essay.

B. Bibliography function

Recording books or library materials available, promoting booksuppressor and other library
materials, one tool for the development of the science because the bibliography is the literary
of knowledge, reference material to library collections, a library's list of collections, library
information lists of a particular field of study, and so on. Another function of the
bibliography is to supplement a footnote and to be able to find out the full information about
purpose and hope.

C. The goal of bibliography

List or collate information about books and library materials associated in logical and useful
order. To help the wearer determine existence

1. Systematic bibliography/enumerative (bibliography we usually meet in the library)

Is the result of a study of books with the results of logical and useful book entries for
referrals or studies.

Various systematic bibliography:

Bibliography national, notes a document published across the country. Example: jewelry

Bibliography universal, recording documents published throughout the world.

Bibliography of the trade in books as well as any catalog. Example: British books in print.

Bibliography selectively. Example: world's best books.

Bibliography incunabula (rare book). Example: index to the early writings books (Robert

Thesis lists, thesis, dissertation. Example: bibliography, the faculty adab and the humanities
of 2009.

Special bibliography (particular subject), example: bibliography agriculture in Indonesia

Anonymous bibliography and pseudonim, examples: dictionary of

anonymouspseudonymous literature (s. halket and j. laing)

Magazine list, including a still published magazine list, a retrospective magazine list and a
list of locations. Example: ulrich's international periodicaldictionary, Indonesian scientific
magazine index.

Bibliography of the subjects, including index and abstract. Example: library andinformation
science inscription, bibliography dude karno

Bibliography author, example: muhammad yamin: a bibliography.

Bibliography of bibliography, bibliography index, world bibliography of bibliography.

2. Analistic and critical bibilography

This kind of bibliography includes the study of the physical properties of a book, which often
accounts for the making and history of books. The bibliographer should perform a critical
evaluation technique. If a book is not found on the information of authors, editions, years out
and places out.

3. Historical bibliography

Is the study of books as an object of art (writing, printing, illumination, binding). To

critically examine the 19th century novels, we would have had to know the circumstances
and conditions of the printing at the time. So bibilography histories is his attempt to
understand books in the context of the book world, social conditions, cultural histories of that
Path finder is usually arranged by librarians and referens. Path finder was thwarted by an
associate director of the library development, project intrex, the Massachusetts institute of
technology (MIT) in the United States of America named Charles h. Steven, that idea was
later developed by the staff of the model library project.

D. The bibliography elements

For good preparation so that there was no difficulty with the bibiography, each writer had to
know which points to record. The most important point a bibliography should include is:

The writer's name, quoted in full

For the foreign authors the family name was put first. This determines the order of letters in
the da.

Second in order and the stereo was not applied but replaced with a seven-fold line. The name
of the writing line, ends with a dot.

It's a book title, including an extra title, Writing a book's title on footnotes is the same as
writing in a library list. The caption of the script with capital letters for each beginning of the
word kecali the word duty. The title of the book was placed between the quotes and ended
with a coma sign. The title of the book was typed at a two-beat distance from the dot on the
back of the writer's name.

Publication data: publishers, sunrise, sunrise, volume number, and bold (number of pages) of
the book. Data from publication starts with a publishing site and ends with point two, then ata
distance of one tap continues with the name of the publishing body, is closed in a comma,
between which there is an annual publishing year written in Arabic numerals and ended with
a dot. Data range of publication with a two-lined headline.

The title of the article, as well as the magazine, volume, was needed for an article. Numbers
and years. In the library of book names or magazine names in the same way as the written
title that is with a capital letter for each initial word and is given a bottom line. The book's
name ends with a dot, but for the magazine's name ends with a comma.

The composing of a bibliography is not a uniform for all reference material, depending on
the nature of the material.


The bibliography is alphabetized by the name of the author. For that purpose the authors'
names must be reversed: family names, surnames, and titles if available. The distance
between row and row is a tight space.

The distance between fundamentals and fundamentals is double-spaced. Each point is

vertically aligned, beginning at the edge of the left margin, while the second row, third and so
forth from each point is put in three keystrokes (for the work that USES five keystrokes in for
the new paragraph) or four keystrokes (for the work that USES 7 keystrokes in for the new

When two or more works are written by the same author, then the alteration of his name can
be eliminated by replacing it with a long line, five or seven letters, followed by a dot. There
were also people who studied the length of the line in the name of the author.

But this last would be aesthetic disturbing, because there would be a short line and a long
line, especially if the name of the author is long, or because there are two three.

E. Compiling of bibliography

There are some things to take note of in setting up a library list.

The library list is not numbered

Author's name is listed by order

The writing degree is omitted even in the book quoted by the title writer

If for an author there is more than one reference material, for a second reference and.

The first line starts from the outline of the left margin. The second line and so on of each
subject should fit in four / seven beats.
F. Bibliography Examples

The following are some examples from the bibliography, consisting of:

1. Writing a bibliography consists of 1 (one) author


Keraf, Gorys. 1980. Composition. Ende: Nusa Indah Ibrahim, here. 2011. Indonesian for
Higher Education. Jakarta: UHAMKA PRESS

2. Writing a bibliography consisting of 2 (two) authors of the book


Arifin, E. Zaenal and s. Amran Tasai. 1995. Careful in Indonesian. Jakarta: Akademia

Also Read Possible Articles: Examples of Explanatory Texts

3. An example of a bibliography with a book author consisting of 3 (three) people Example:

Akhadiah, Sabarti, maidar G. Arsjad, and Sakurta H. Ridwan. 2003. Indonesian Language
Writing Ability Development. Jakarta: Erlangga

4. Examples of bibliography with authors of more than 3 books

Rani, abdul and... 2000. Wacana analysis. Spare him.



Bibliography is a bibliography list that includes the content and description of a book,
including titles, authors, editions, printed copies, cities rising, publishers, years rising, pages
high, books high, and isbns. In addition to the bibliography or library list may also be viewed
as a list of titles of books, articles, and other publisher items, which are related to a bouquet
or a cultivated essay.

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