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English project (Myth about natural phenomenon)

You are going to create a comic in groups of three students.

 Each member should write their own draft with dialogues for every section of the story.
 Read the stories and dialogues written by each member of the group.
 Take the best part of the story and combine them to create your comic, remember to
include connectors to show the sequence, such as then/ suddenly/ finally/ after several
 Draw 8 panels
 Search for scientific information to explain the natural phenomenon.
 The you are going to create a second comic, this time from a scientific perspective, with
the same 8 panels.
 Write and explain about the first comic, it´s setting, the plot the characters, explain with
you chose this myth to explain the natural phenomenon.
 You have to use the structure like verb in past tense, conditional and reported speech.
 As a class, vote to decide which is the best three comics.

1. All the students have to talk the same time 5.0

2. Presentation (two comics) 3.0

3. the use of the verbs in past tense, reported speech 2.0

and conditional.

if someone read, the group have 2 point less

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