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Search engine optimization

Process to improve our website search engine rankings
Or a positions(SERP)

Website where we search any query

Like Google,Yahoo,duck duck ,opera

Google have bots(spider)

visit websites and analyses it and save in our server
in the form of (cache program will crawl
Server save done index
(Google search console)Tool to fast crawl
Sitemaps -page contains all url
Format - .XML/.html
To eg-(url/sitemap.xml)

Robots.txt eg (
It is text file present on website server ,which allows and disaalows page to
stop by scrawlling by Google bot
Syntax allow and disallow
Used site :piidm .comor viewing the all website
that made by you

Types of SEO
1)ON PAGE-single page
Technical seo entrie website
Own website pages to improve ou website SERP
Eg- Meta tittle, keywords,load time

Activity done on other website to improve our website. SERP
Eg- Sharing or creating our website link on others website to gain authority.
Meta tittle| description | Keywords
URL optimization
Content<body> keywords, density, highlight
Page load time

Meat tags
<Mba college in pune> On open tab
Shown in After search GSresults (Snippet)

Schema : it is extra business info show by Google

On search results
Eg Price, review ,rating ,votes ,address ,timing

Control+U to check details

Meta character should be in 60 characters
Description 160 (word counter) tool
Focus keywords on more traffic 🚦

Part 2 (Domain) +
/home delivery/ (permaline) =URL
(Permaline should be short and simple focuskey words)

H1- H2 H3rule of keywords

Max density 2 keywords
Content check on word counter

-Word anchor text

Word present on link
Use while interlinking pages
Size of page should be 2MB
css and Java script,html-1mb
Time-3 seconds
To check page size-
SSL=Secure socket layer
It is certificate provided by hosting companies
To ensure website security
It helps to gain trust in google
Locked 🔓 sign

Fevicon called as site icons present on taskbar helps

to gain or create our identity 14
Used to avoid duplicate content with in our website

*404--> page not found*

Redirect solutions -
Sending user to one to another url

*301 permanent seo rankings will pass to new URL

*302 Temporary seo rankings wont pass to new URL

Offpage -create or share our link on others website to

gain authority (For Value adding)
Precautions while giving backlink
1) Relevant content 100-50 =50
2) DA-Domain authority/PA-Page of authority
Moz- 20+ rating
3)Do follow/No follow<Rel=nofollow>
Authority won't pass
Follow ratio must be under 70%
Check aherfbacklink (Website)
4)Add keywords in anchor text while creating backlink
Change keywords for more backlinks
5) Maintain link Graph
Make 2-5 link on one day (on going process)

Where to create a link

Backlink-----( Article,comment)Bio ,profile
eg Instagram
Local and buisness directory site
Eg -local business directory sites
Ppt,pdf, images eg pinterest, video
Blog comments Guest posting

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