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1  This chapter opens with the mc asleep but he immediately

Places in this chapter wakes up when he hears someone say “please have mercy on
 Gold mine me, I won’t slack of anymore ”
 Mc house  But the solider stills insist on harming the old guy. Then the mc
 Big boss’s office who’s watching all that is happening sees a little boy closed to
 The grass field the old man and crying helplessly for the solider not to hurt
 A road (>_<) the old man
 The woman’s stall Because of the helpless child the mc is triggered of
the sad memory he had experienced as a child and
he doesn’t want anyone getting hurt or have to
Short hand experience what he did because of the super soldiers
 Mc = main character  As the solider wilts his bat to hit the old man the mc
 BBF = boy best friend immediately catches it with his hand and tells the solider to
 GBF= girl best friend back off and that the soldier could see the old man is sick and
tired but he would pick up the once he’s had a good rest
Things in bold: this symbol  The soldiers smirks and tells him to back off and mind his own
represents my idea for a business if he didn’t want to get beaten up
situation/reaction/or dialogue in the  But no oh!! The mc holds the bat even more tight than before,
story his BBF tells him to let go and not make trouble for himself but
the mc shrugs him off and insist on holding onto the bat
 This causes the soldier to launch an attack on the mc and the
two start fighting. The mc has an upper hand since he is the
one dominating the fight this draws the other soldiers
attention and they all gang up on the mc and beat him real bad
and leave him in the middle of the field
 His best friend, the old man and the kid run to him. The old
man and the boy thank the mc for saving them from the super
soldier, the mc smiles and tell them it’s no big deal and they
 Left with his best friend he’s friend starts saying how he had
advised him to not get into a fight but he wouldn’t listen now
look , they beat him real bad
 His BFF helps him up and they both walk home
 From a distance the mc’s mother spots the mc and his BBF
coming, she noticed that her son’s leaping so she drops
whatever she was doing and runs to help
 Once she meets them she starts asking a lot of questions
about what had happened to her son
 The mc’s other best friend who had heard what had happened
to the mc, from other people runs to the mc’s house to see if
his okay
 She comes in and sees that he’s being treated by his mom and
he’s in a bad condition and then she say “why would you do
something as crazy as picking a fight with a super soldier?, you
could have gotten yourself killed”
“some dialogue among the characters ”

 His two friends leave and the mc is left alone with his mother
who was silent throughout the first dialogue and they have a
dialogue of their own
 The mc falls asleep and dreams about what had happened and
towards the end of the dream he sees his father telling him to
avenge him and the to set the people free from the hands of
their present rulers
 As he watches his father fade into the light he tries to run after
him but does meet up to his dad and wakes up saying his
father’s name
 The next morning his mom gives him a bead necklace that
belonged to his father and she thought his father would be
happy if he wore it
 After that the next day a big black jeep stops in front of the
mc’s house it belongs to the big boss who tells the mc that he
heard about everything that had happened yesterday and he
would be willing to forgive him if he apologized to the soldier
and promised not to do that again
 The soldier who stirred up the trouble was there with a wide
grin on his face waiting for the mc to apologize but the mc
simply bows his head and says he can’t apologize because he
knows he didn’t do anything wrong but stand up for what was
right and so he wouldn’t apologize

Big boss talk about not liking the behavior of the mc

and how it could have a negative influence on the
other worker w/ soldiers
 The big boss threatens to fire him and proceeds by saying that
“this is your monthly pay and it could be your last” if he
didn’t apologize but the mc doesn’t say anything so the big
boss is annoyed and drops the pay on the ground and speeds
with his car while spreading dust on the mc
The smirk on the soldier’s face changes fast into a
 The mc goes for a stroll after this scene to get some air and
forget about what just happened
 On his way back home he gets shot in the head with a small
stone twice. Annoyed he tries to find who is attacking him but
he gets ambushed by his GBF who ends up snatching his hat
and running with it so he chases her down the field and they
both get tired, fall to the ground and laugh
Fast forward
 They are on their way home when they both start talking
about their childhood and how they always use to have fun
like this playing in the field like the” day would never end” the
mc’s GBF also explains how she had witnessed all that had
happened between the mc and the big boss
a short dialogue between the two about their child
hood and the mc’s older brother in this scene
 On their way home they spot a woman who is in distress
because she being harassed by the soldiers for not having
sufficient tax. The soldier start destroying the woman’s stuff
and the mc runs to stop them
The woman cries while explaining her situation to
the mc
 He asked them to stop and ask how much was left for the
woman to complete her tax. They call the amount and the mc
hands them the money
 His GBF looking really mad that he had giving them more than
they had asked. Chooses to ignore the soldiers and they both
help the woman pickup her stuff that the soldiers had thrown
to the ground as the two were about to leave one of the
soldiers makes a dirty comment towards the GBF
(e.g.: since you’re so generous with your money.
What about the girl? can we have her too)
 This really gets the mc angry and causes him to punch the
soldier in the face. The mc is arrested and taken to jail and the
GBF runs home to get some help.
End Of Chapter One

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