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NIM : A28227108


Material that has been discussed so far are:

1. Home remedies and procedure text
2. Human body Part
3. Health problem: Symptoms and disease
4. Comparison degree
5. Sentence structure: Simple or compound sentence

To review the material, let’s do the task first, then we will discuss it in live meeting.
Review Task!
1. The function of procedure text is:
a. To explains the characteristic of something.
b. To show us the picture of something
c. To explains or helps us how to make or use something
d. To find a certain number and addresses
e. To create a new material

2. The generic structure of procedure text are, there must state about:
a. Purpose, picture, and steps
b. Purpose, ingredients, and
prices c. Purpose, ingredients, and
d. Picture, ingredients, and prices
e. Purpose, prices, and materials

3. To make one portion of ‘Wedang Jahe’, we need_ of ginger.

a. 1 Kg
b. 1 pieces
c. 10 kg
d. A half
e. A quarter

4. the ginger, in hot water.

a. Chop
b. Boil
c. Sauté
d. Stir
e. Buy

5. (1) Serve the omelet, (2) Cut some spinach and mushroom for the filling, (3) Put
the filling into the egg, (4) Beat two eggs (5) Fold the egg (6) Melt the butter (7)
Put the beaten egg into the pan. Which are the right steps to make an omelet?
a. 2-7-1-5-3-4-6
b. 4-2-6-7-3-5-1
c. 1-2-3-4-5-6-7
d. 4-2-7-6-3-5-1
e. 3-2-5-6-7-1-4

6. Procedure text that deal with human behavior, for example:

a. How to use television
b. How to operate the elevator
c. How to make Pempek
d. How to be a successful person
e. How to make a home remedies using ginger for flu

7. Steps to use a new mobile phone for the first time: the device for at least 3
hours in using original charger.
a. Smash
b. Charge
c. Sell
d. Buy
e. Put

8. (1) Grind the peanuts (2) The peanut sauce is ready to serve (3) Wash the peanuts (4)
Add some palm sugar, spices, and aromatic leaves (5) fry the peanuts (6) Grind again
until it comes to consistency that you want. The best step by step to make peanut
sauce is:
a. 3-5-1-6-2-4
b. 3-5-1-4-6-2
c. 3-5-1-6-4-2
d. 3-5-1-2-4-6
e. 2-1-4-3-5-6

9. Which one shows the WRONG steps?

a. Grate the coconut
b. Grind the
peanuts c. Throw the
d. Slice the lemon
e. Add a pinch of salt

10. What is the first step to use a motorcycle?

a. Take off the
key b. Put on the
c. Start the engine by pressing the start button
d. Turn on the light
e. Turn off the light

11. Here are some examples of some steps to live a healthy life, except:
a. Wake up early in the morning.
b. Do regular exercise
c. Eat vegetables and fruits
d. Go to sleep lately at night
e. Always happy

12. (1) Turn on your printer (2) Your document will begin printing (3) Make sure that the
printer device software have been installed in your computer (4) To begin with, plug in the
printer and connect it to your computer (5) Open the document you'd like to print and
then press CTRL + P buttons on your computer keyboard, (6) Klik 'Ok' at the bottom of the
pop- up screen to print, (7) Prepare the printer by checking the amount of paper and the
ink . The correct order to use the printer is:
a. 3-4-7-1-5-6--2
b. 3-7-4-1-6-5-2
c. 3-7-4-5-6-2-1
d. 3-4-7-5-2-1-6
e. 3-7-4-1-5-6-2
What are the name in English of these home remedies ingredients:

13. a. turmeric b. ginger c. lime d. lemon grass

14. a. lemon b. lemon grass c. lime d. honey dew

a. turmeric b. ginger c. lime d. aromatic ginger
For number 16-20, choose the best
16. We'll put a cool cloth on your to get your fever down.
a. Thigh b. forehead c. throat d. spine
17. The is located in the middle of the leg.
a. Elbow b. ankle c. shoulder d. toe
18. Your tonsils can get swollen when you have a sore
a. Thigh b. toe c. throat

19. The name of the organ is

a. Kidneys b. lung c. heart d. chick
20. The organ that connect the upper body to the lower body is
a. Neck b. spine c.leg d. arm

For number 21-22, match the name of the disease and the symptomps
21. Red spots, fever, fluid-filled blisters, aches, pains
a. Diarrhea b. chicken pox c. headache d. flu
22. fever, cough, sore throat, runny or stuffy nose, muscle or body aches,
headaches, tiredness
a. Diarrhea b. dengue c. HIV d. flu

Comparison Degree

23. There are three kinds of comparison degree in English:

a. Positive, comparative and suspended degree
b. Superlative, comparative and positive degree
c. Positive, communicative and superlative degree
d. Comparative, progressive and superlative degree
e. Negative, communicative and superlative degree
24. To express ‘the top’ thing we use:
a. Positive degree
b. Comparative degree
c. Superlative degree
d. Communicative degree
e. Tentative degree
25. The function of positive degree is:
a. To show the similarities between or among objects or option.
b. To show one between two objects which is more or better
c. To show one among a number of objects that is considered to be the best
d. To show the difference between or among objects or option.
e. To show the boundaries between or among objects or option.
26. We use comparative degree :
a. To show the similarities between or among objects or option.
b. To show one between two objects which is more or better
c. To show one among a number of objects that is considered to be the best
d. To show the difference between or among objects or option.
e. To show the boundaries between or among objects or option.
27. Which sentence is incorrect?
a. Yesterday was colder than today
b. I’m the youngest in the class
c. This exercise is the most difficult in the
book d. My homework is the worst in the class
e. I eat a lot of vegetable because it is more healthy

27. Read the data about the size of 3 cities: Jakarta is 661.52 km2. Jogjakarta is 32.5 km2.
Padang is 694.96 km2. We can say that
a. Padang is not larger than Jogjakarta.
b. Jogjakarta is the smallest area.
c. Jakarta is as large as
Padang. d. Jakarta is the
e. Padang is as small as Jogjakarta.

28. Read the data about minimum wage in 3 cities: Jakarta is up to 3.5 million Rupiah,
Jogjakarta is about 1.5 million Rupiah, Padang is Around 2.2 million
Rupiah.The WRONG fact about the minimum wage is
a. Padang is the higest
b. Jakarta is the same as Padang
c. Jogjakarta is the lowest
d. Jakarta is as low as Jogjakarta
e. Jakarta and Padang has the same minimum wages

29. The weather in Solo than my town. I am getting sweaty all day, here in Solo!
a. Hot
b. Hotter
c. More hot
d. Hottest
e. As hot as

30. Food in Jakarta cost than in Solo. I have to spend 50.000 rupiahs to get rice
and vegetable, uh!
a. More
b. More expensive
c. Most
d. Less
e. Same as

31. This is a very easy exercise. Yes, it is the exercise in the book.
a. Easy
b. More easy
c. Easiest
d. Most easy
e. Less easy

32. Which sentence is correct?

a. Last week was busyer than this week.
b. Monas is the higher monument in Jakarta.
c. Karanganyar is largest than Solo.
d. She is as clever as her father.
e. My aunt is the same taller as my uncle.

For number 33-36, write sinple sentence (SS) or Compound sentence (CS)

33. I am a pharmacy student. = (SS)

34. I am a student in Setia budi University. = (SS)
35. Now I live and study at Solo. =(SS)
36. Food in Solo is very cheap, and the rent is very affordable. =(CS)
37. Solo is located between Sukoharjo and Karanganyar. =(SS)
38. It has a lot of tourist attraction, so you will not regret to visit this place. =(CS)
39. I study pharmacy, so I can be a pharmacist in a hospital, or I can own my
private pharmacy.= (CS)
40. It is hard to study pharmacy, but I will always try my best, so I can reach my dream.


41. For number 41-44, follow the instruction below!

42. Make a sentence using coordinating conjunction and.

43. Make a sentence using coordinating conjunction or.
44. Make a sentence using coordinating conjunction but
45. Make a sentence using coordinating conjunction so.

ANSWER 41-44
41. I went to the supermarket and bought some groceries.
42. Should I have a salad or a sandwich for lunch?
43. I was tired but I still managed to finish my work.
44. It was raining heavily, so I decided to stay indoors.

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