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Republic of the Philipnes

Department of Education


Division of South Cotabato


San Felipe, Tantangan South Cotabato

A Partial Requirement


Statistic and Probability

First Semester

school year 2023-2024

Data Gathering Result Interpretation

I. Introduction

Data collection is the process of gathering and measuring information on variables of interest, in
an established systematic fashion that enables one to answer stated research questions, test
hypotheses, and evaluate outcomes. This data gathering was conducted by group 1 of GRADE 11 TVL to 9
Molave of Tantangan National Trade High School, San Felipe Tantangan South Cotabato

The result of which are summarized, treated and interpreted as per instruction of
our Teacher in Statistic and Probability, by which, it give us background to perform some statistical data
treatment analysis

This is part of our partial requirements in our Grade 11, subject in statistic and probability

II. Data Gathering Techique and Methodology

This data gathering was conducted by Group 1 as a partial requirements in our subject Statistic and
probability. The group was assigned to gather data from Grade 9 Molave of Tantangan National Trade
High School located at Barangay San Felipe, Tantangan, South Cotabato.

To gather data that we needed, we start by letting Grade 9 molave to counts off from
right to left to determine the corresponding student number. Then, we distributed and gave each
student the student information sheet as each member of the group assists each student in.
answering the needed data in information sheet. The student information sheet in our data gathering
tool every we are needed will be provided accordingly by each students of Grade 9-molave

III. Presentation and interpretation of data

Table 1. Sex of Grade 9-molave

Number of student Probability P(x)

Sex (x) %

Male 18 0.6 60%

Female 12 0.4 40%

Table 1 presents the Sex of Grade 9-Molave. It shows that the class is comprise of 18 male and 12
female or 60% male and 40% female.
Number of Siblings Number of students
f(x) %
(x) (f)

1 1 1 3.7%

2 2 4 7.1%

3 7 21 25%

4 9 36 32.1%

5 6 30 21.4%

6 2 12 7.1%

8 1 8 3.7%


Table 2. Number of Siblings

Table 2. present the number of siblings of Grade 9-Molave. It shows 8 students or 25% we
have a 3 siblings and 3.7% of students have a 4 siblings. Then, the 2 students or 7.1% have a 3
siblings. Next, 32.1% of students are on the siblings of 5 and 6 . While, 21.4% have a siblings of 7 and of
3.7% students have a sibling of Grade 9 molave is

Table 3. Body Mass Index (BMX)

Nutritional Status Number of students Probability %
(x) P(x)

Overweight 2 0.09 9%

Normal 16 0.72 72.7%

underweight 4 0.18 18.1%


Table 3. present the Body Mass Index (BMI) of Grade 9-molave. It shows the 2 or 9%
of students is overweight. 4 Or 18.1% of students were underweight. It furthers shows
that 30 or 72.7% of students have normal nutrional status.

Table 4. Age of Mother

Age of Mother (x) Number of student f(x) %

31 1 31 3.7%

32 1 32 3.7%

34 1 34 3.7%

35 1 35 3.7%

37 2 74 7.4%

38 4 152 14.8%

39 5 195 18.5%

40 3 120 11.1%

41 1 41 3.7%

42 2 82 7.4%

43 1 43 3.7%

44 1 44 3.7%

45 1 45 3.7%

49 2 98 7.4%

57 1 57 3.7%


Table 4. Present the Age of Mother of Grade 9-Molave. It shows that 3.7% of students mother
are on the age of 43, 45, 49, and 57 . The, 7.4% of mother have a 40 and 31 age,
while 11.1% of those mothers have ages of , 42, 44, 40, 38, 37, 35, 34, and 32 . The average age of
mother of Grade 9-Molave is
Table 5. Usual Daily Allowance

Usual Daily Number of f(x) %

Allowance Students
(x) (f)

20 1 20 3.3%

25 3 75 10%

30 4 120 13.3%

40 1 40 3.3%

50 13 650 43.3%

70 2 140 6.6%

100 6 600 20%


Table 5 present the Usual Daily Allowance of Grade 9-Molave. 13 Students or 43.3% have a
Usual Daily Allowance of ₱50 then, 4 or 133% , students have a Usual Daily Allowance of ₱30.
Next, 1 or 3.3% of students have a Usual Daily Allowance of and ₱20 and then ₱25 or
of students have a ₱70 and ₱100 . While, 10% and 3.3% Usual Daily Allowance. Hence, the average
usal daily allowance of Grade 9-Molave is .
Table 6. Usual Daily Food Expendeture

Usual Daily Number

Food of f(x) %
Expenditure Students
(x) (f)

10 4 40 13.3%

15 1 15 3.3%

20 11 220 36.6%

30 8 240 26.6%

50 5 250 16.6%

80 1 80 3.2%


Table 6 present the Usual Daily Food Expenditure of grade 9-Molava. 20 Students or
36.6% have a usual daily food expenditure of ₱20 . Then. 4 Or 13.3%of students have a usual
daily food expenditure of ₱10 , and 1 students or 3.3% of the class have a daily food expenditure of
₱15 and ₱30 , while 26.6% and 16.6% of students have a usual daily foos expenditure of ₱50

and ₱80 . The average daily food expenditure of Grade 9-Molave is

Table 7. Usual Number of Text Message Sent in a Day

Number of
Sent in a Number of f(x) %
Day Student

1 6 6 20%

2 6 12 20%

3 11 33 36.6%

4 1 4 3.3%

15 1 15 3.3%

20 1 20 3.3%

25 1 25 3.3%

30 3 90 10%

Table 7 present the Usual Number of Text Message Sent In a Day by Grade 9-Molave.
6 students or 20% of the class sent 1 messages in a day and 20% or 6 students
have a 2 message sent in a day. While, 3.3% of students have a 3, 4, 20, 25,and 30 message sent
in a day. The average number of text message sent in a day of Grade 9-Molave is
Table 8. Most Preferred Color

Most Preferred Number of Student

Color (f) f(x) %

2 0.06 6.6%
10 0.33 33.3%
2 0.06 6.6%
4 0.13 13.3%
1 0.03 3.3%
1 0.03 3.3%
1 0.03 3.3%
1 0.03 3.3%
5 0.16 16.6%
3 0.1 10 %


Table 8 present the most preferred color of Grade 9-Molave. It shows 1 students or 3.3%
of the class choose the color Orange, Green, and Peach. Next, 6.6% and 13.3% of students of the class
choose the color Pink, Red, Purple, Yellow and Black. While the blue and white are only preferred
by 3 and 1 students of the class.
Table 9. Usual Sleeping Time

Usual Sleeping Time Number of Students Probability

(pm) (x) P(x) %

6:00 1 0.03 3.3%

7:00 1 0.03 3.3%

8:00 3 0.1 10%

8:30 3 0.1 10%

9:00 6 0.2 20%

9:30 2 0.06 6.6%

10:00 9 0.3 30%

11:00 1 0.03 3.3%

12:00 3 0.1 10%

1:00 1 0.03 3.3%


Table 9 present the Usual Sleeping Time of Grade 9-Molave. It shows 1 students or 3.3% of
the class usually sleep at 6:00pm, 7:00pm, 11:00pm,8:30pm, 9:00pm, 9:30pm, and 10: pm.
Then 20% usually sleep at 9:00pm, and 8:30pm . while, there are 2 and 3 students sleep
around at 12:00am and 1:00am
Table 10. Happines Index for the Day

Happines Number
Index for of f(x) %
the Gay Student
(x) (f)

1 3 3 10%

3 1 3 3.3%

5 6 30 20%

6 4 24 13.3%

7 1 7 3.3%

8 6 48 20%

10 9 90 30%

Table 10 present the Happines Index for the Day of Grade 9-Molave. On January 30, 2024 ,
the day when these date were gathered 9 students or 30% of the class have
a happines index of 9 and 3 or 10% have a happines index of 1 . while, 1 students or 3.3%
have a happiness index of 7 . in particular date, the average happines index for Grade 9-Molave is

IV. Acknowledgement

Immeasurable appreciation and deepest gratitude for help and support are extended to the following
persons who in one way or another have contributed in making this study possible.

Mrs. Precious Alibugha Dequilla our research adviser and subject specialist for his support, advicer,
guidance, valuable, comments, suggestion, and provions that benefited her much in the completion and
success of this study, who gave has love, care, shelter in doing this research. Sharing his knowledge and
helped in the analysis of data abd its statically computations. And last by giving and endless helped to
finish this manuscript.

Mrs. Jeany Osano Tutor, subject teacher, for allowing and for giving enough time to conduct this data
Grade 9-Molave, students, for their time and effort in answering the students information sheet.

To our family, for their untiring support and words of encouragement

Lastly and most of all we would like to thanks our Almighty God, for giving us strength, knowledge and
wisdom to finish this study.

A. List of Student

Student Name Class Student Number

May 1

Belotindos Thrase Ann Joy B. 2

Mary joy Lagos 3

Art 4

Richard Reyes 5

Nathan Jhon P. Castro 6

Miya 7

Karl Acxel B. Tuarita 8

Jhon Rey A. Vergara 9

Elfrey Jhon Layos 10

Zyrus Jay Ahunin 11

Layla 12

Jamer C. Labangin 13

Michael F. uilla 14

Guliana Audrey Mari G. Penwela 15

Zabyno Romero 16

Menard D. Arevalo 17

Remar G. Bello 18

B. List of Student

Student Name Class Student Number

Rolan Aferez 19

Mica M. Pauya 20

Roger M. Salvador 21

Jhalenz P. Balislaong 22

Cesar Ho III 23

Rodrigo 24

Sarama A. Tiago 25

Trisha A. Consumo 26

keina G. Osio 27

Charice Mae Cataluna 28

Miranda Jeff 29

Ashley 30

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