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so there you go my number nine identity protection for my number eight I'm going

to talk about authentication methods so I've come in here into enter ID and as you
can see there is a whole different set of different authentication methods that you
can use so when we talk about multiun Factor authentication it doesn't have to be
this daunting for users so this means I can simply go into one of these policies so
for example I want to enable let's say a pho key or smart key I'm going to go in
here I'm going to say hey I want to configure this for all my users um I'm going to
say yeah I want my users to be able to use this allow them self-service sign up and
so on now when you configure this it can take I kind noticed it can take up to
about an hour to go through but again things like the multiactor authenticator
these are definitely things that you should have enabled folks okay because if you
don't it can be an absolute nightmare also for good security definitely click into
the configure option here allow the use of onetime passcodes yes but also show
application name and push passwordless Authentication and you can either choose
this whether it's Microsoft managed or you can configure it yourself I really like
the third option this is the geographic location so the idea is if you get a popup
that says hey my I've got a user here or you're logging in from let's say Hong Kong
and you're trying to access teams um and it will show up that you're in Hong Kong
then you know that if you're in Oslo that's not right okay and also we can also set
up this as an authenticator on a companion application as well so if you want to
use this for other applications that's also really useful so definitely take a look
at the Microsoft authenticator if you want to know more on the different
authentication methods learn. has got some great documentation folks
so definitely go in and have a look at that and then of course from the user
perspective the user can simply go up here up to their profile here and I'm
currently logged on as Megan of course and I can go into her account and in here
you've got this tab here that says security information so in the account here you
can see that at the moment I'm just using something that you should never use which
is just a password so this is kind of a serious security FLW so you really want to
either enforce a policy or you want to get the user to select another form of
authentication now a security key or um a authentication app using biometric these
are clusters well certainly the security key anyway is what we call fishing
resistant so it's definitely worth uh setting those up okay so there you go that's
my number eight uh ladies and and gentlemen that's the authentication method
policies for my number seven is probably one of the most important things you can
do as an administrator believe me if you have an admin account and you get locked
out you're in real trouble so Microsoft strongly recommend that you create what we
call a recovery account and you can do this either from within Microsoft 365 or you
can do this from entra ID

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