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Placement Test Speaking

Name: Date of Birth:

1: unable to achieve the 2: achieves the function 3: achieves the function

function incompletely completely

Function (Can-do Statements) Score Page Example Speech

Warmer Introductions and rapport building with the student.

Can answer simple questions. 1 2 3 1
Shows limited control of a few simple grammatical structures and
1 2 3 1
sentence patterns.
2 – 3 points: Place student in Book 1.
4 – 5 points: Place student in Book
2. 6 points: Continue test.
Can communicate with memorized phrases and short sentences
1 2 3 2
about him/herself and other people.
Can use simple structures correctly, with some basic mistakes, but
1 2 3 2
A2 it is usually clear what he/she is trying to say.
2 – 3 points: Place student in Book 3.
4 – 5 points: Place student in Book
4. 6 points: Continue test.
Can briefly give reasons for opinions, plans and actions. 1 2 3 3
Can maintain a conversation but may be difficult to follow when
1 2 3 3
B1.1 trying to expand on exactly what he/she would like to explain.
2 – 3 points: Place student in Book 5.
4 – 5 points: Place student in Book
6. 6 points: Continue test.
Can give his/her opinion, then summarize and answer follow-up 1 2 3 _
questions about a topic.
Can express him/herself with relative ease. Despite some pauses, 1 2 3 _
B1.2 he/she is able to keep speaking effectively without help.
2 – 3 points: Place student in Book 7.
4 – 5 points: Place student in Book
8. 6 points: Continue test.

Can give clear, detailed descriptions on subjects related to his/her 1 2 3 _
interests, supporting ideas with relevant examples.
Can express him/herself clearly and without much sign of having to 1 2 3 _
restrict what he/she wants to say.
2 – 3 points: Place student in Book 9.
4 – 5 points: Place student in Book
10. 6 points: Continue test.
Can engage actively in extended conversation about technology 1 2 3 _
and other topics related to his/her life.
Can express ideas and opinions with precision, and present 1 2 3 _
B2.2 complex lines of argument convincingly.
2 – 3 points: Place student in Book 11.
4 – 5 points: Place student in Book
12. 6 points: Continue test.
Can easily participate in complex discussions about humanitarian 1 2 3 _
efforts in the world.
Can express him/herself fluently and spontaneously on complex 1 2 3 _
C1.1 topics.
2 – 3 points: Place student in Book 13.
4 – 5 points: Place student in Book
14. 6 points: Continue test.
Can argue a position convincingly, answering complex 1 2 3 _
questions and counter argument fluently.
Can argue a position convincingly, responding to complex 1 2 3 _
C1.2 questions fluently, spontaneously and appropriately.
2 – 4 points: Place student in Book 15. 1 2 3 _
5 – 6 points: Place student in Book 16.

Strengths Recommendations

Now add up the points from each test section to determine recommended course placement.

A1 A2.1 A2.2 B1.1 B1.2 B2.1 B2.2 C1.1 C1.2
Speaking 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 8 10 12

Enter points per section here:

Speaking: __________
G & V: __________

Writing: __________

Listening: __________

Reading: _____________
Total points: __________

CEFR A1 A2 B1.1 B1.2 B2.1 B2.2 C1.1 C1.2

Points 0 –2 3 – 4 5 –7 8– 9 10–11 12–13 14–15 16–17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25

Book 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16

Interviewer: _____________________________ Date: / /

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